INDEX - ID#0717-20
POSTED: 21 AUGUST 2007 - 7:30am HST
The Army Confirms Depleted Uranium at Pohakuloa
image above: The Davy Crockett Atomic Battle Group Delivery System fired on the Big Island
I just had a phone call from Hawaii Tribune Herald reporter Jason Armstrong who read from an Army press Release confirming DU presence at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) on Hawaii Island. It appears this was confirmed through aerial observation of the impact area at PTA. There will be a news story by Armstrong in tomorrow's Hawaii Tribune Herald (and Associated Press.)
Jim Albertini
Malu `Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action
`Ola`a , Hawaii 96760
phone: 808-966-7622
website: www.malu-aina.orgA two page "Media Release", dated 20 August 2007, from the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Army Garrison. Hawaii confirms DU at Pohakuloa. Click here for copy of PDF. it says in part:
"Experts from the government contractor Cabrera Services confirmed today, the use of the formerly classified weapon, the Davy Crockett recoilless gun, and the presence of depleted uranium (DU) in the impact area at the U.S. Army Garrison, Pokakuloa. This is the same type of material previously found at Schofield Barracks..."
[Editor's Note: the Davy Crockett was designed to fire nuclear weapons. As such it was part of what the Army called its "Atomic Battle Group Delivery System". What is the Army doing firing a nuclear weapons system on the Big Island. Below is some history of the weapon from the website]
M28 120mm Atomic Battle Group Delivery System
M151A1D 4x4 Tactical Transporter / Launcher
'Davy Crockett'US 7th Army, Eastern Europe, 1963
The Davy Crockett Atomic Battle Group Delivery System was born of a time where the US Army felt it needed some 151,000 nuclear weapons for deployment in a protracted conflict with the Soviet Union. Of this total, 106,000 would be for tactical battlefield use, 25,000 for air defense of US Army units and installations, and 20,000 to support our Allies. All of this was predicated on the thought at the US Army would use an estimated 423 atomic warheads in a single day of intense atomic combat - not to include surface-to-air missiles. This is mind-boggling when you sit back and ponder this.
This vision was never realized, but the US Army would field some 11,500 nuclear weapons from 1954 until denuclearization in 1992 - around 16% of the entire US nuclear arsenal.
Where did I become interested in finding out about this little tidbit (no pun intended) of ordnance history? The Davy Crockett made a surprise appearance in the otherwise grossly unmemorable King Kong vs. Godzilla movie back in the early 1960's. I grew up watching these B-Sci Fi movies as the wonderful model miniatures displayed in them ignited a passion for scale modeling that burns as bright today. An agonizing halfway, or so, through the movie the Davy Crockett makes a few appearances - in both a conventional role used to lob a payload of Berry Juice intended to sedate and knockout an amazingly uncooperative King Kong, and as the last-ditch weapon with its atomic warheads fitted to stop both King Kong and Godzilla from crunching Tokyo underneath their feet - threatened but not eventually used throughout the rest of the movie.
At the time, the Davy Crockett was a secret weapon - and not yet fully deployed in Europe. Naturally, the US was extremely concerned with how accurate the modelers in the Japanese movie had come to this weapon's operational parameters and employment. After some tense 'interviewing' the movie modelers were exonerated. The movie went on the release, the real Davy Crockett was deployed in Europe, and the guys in the rubber suits kept on stomping model buildings and trees. And over 30 years later I'm still amazed.
Secondly, the Davy Crockett is the foundation for the concept of nuclear bazooka rounds as featured in Robert Heinlen's Starship Troopers novel and the modern spin in movie form. I read this interesting novel growing up too - and recognized the similarity to the Davy Crockett quickly.
For all its destructive potential the comical stubby shape and squat fins just don't belay its true abilities. This is probably why neither Godzilla or King Kong were impressed enough to give the weapon a second look.
POSTED: 22 JULY 2007 - 6:30pm HST
Geiger Counter Shootout At the OK Corral
image above: soldiers take the M777 through first Army fielding during a live-fire exercise at Pohakuloa
by Bob Nicholson 15 July 2007 for Project Censored Award Winner
"I told General Lee on March 19 to stop lying to the [Hawaiian] Legislature. And, I told him I would get him and I did on April 21 in south Kona with those high radiation monitor readings from Pohakaloa. And it wasn't just me, the citizens who have supported and followed through are the real strength of all of this. The media has to deal with these global voices now because they are the 'shot heard round the world.'"
"This has sure been a "Geiger Counter" shootout at the OK Corral and it will continue to be. Citizens armed with radiation monitors in Hawaii are creating a global citizen air monitoring movement" declared world famous radiation expert Leuren Moret. [1]
"I am going to Canada next week to meet with cattle ranchers and First Nation People who are tired of being poisoned... by uranium... by mining... by oil and gas burnoffs... by the "Big Boys" on Wall Street, Buckingham Palace, and the City of London."
"And I now have an air monitoring group working around the world to air monitor their poisoned environments and a black community at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in south San Francisco tired of having their children die of cancer and suffer from asthma."
"I told General Lee on March 19 to stop lying to the [Hawaiian] Legislature. And, I told him I would get him and I did on April 21 in south Kona with those high radiation monitor readings from Pohakaloa. And it wasn't just me, the citizens who have supported and followed through are the real strength of all of this. The media has to deal with these global voices now because they are the 'shot heard round the world.'"
Moret continued, "The media can blab and cover up and call me names and denigrate the citizens and Takata [State of Hawaii Radiological Health officer] can say I was "measuring radiation in bananas" [Standard Health Physics Society response. They are supposed to be protecting citizens, instead they are poisoning them.] But, guess what? It's the citizens' air monitoring data that is taking all of the lies and liars down in the end."
"The strategic mistake the military made was shifting the testing in the DU bills from the soldiers to the environment. And now they have to live with the consequences. They will die impaled on their own pitard, because the Army is in violation of their own environmental regulations [AR 700-48 and TB 9-1300-13278 and TC5-400] and now I am bringing in the lawyers."
Doug Fox of Honaunau, Hawaii, reported in an email to well known Hawaiian military affiliated reporter, William Cole, " It really is too bad you would not report on the citizen air monitoring outside Pohakuloa on 5/29 that found elevated radiation." [Pohakuloa is the Army Base where the live fire with Uranium rounds occurred. The Army was caught with their pants down, lying.]
"You were told the data was emailable as a printout. I specifically told you about it prior to submission and you showed no interest. Maybe in the future you can report all the readings being done, especially since the only continuous air monitoring is by citizens."
Doug Fox continued "The protocol by the State with a one day monitoring [on "safe" days] is not going to find sporadic releases such as we have witnessed from Pohakuloa [live Uranium firing range.] In the future, please let the people know that elevated radiation is coming from Pohakuloa, as recorded by continuous air monitoring. "
Moret concluded, "Watch out. The shootout is not over. It's time for science at the Bar. Get ready to watch them run."
Moret was in Hawaii on a simple stopover returning to San Francisco from a successful "Radiation Wrecking Ball Asian Tour." Moret spoke to thousands of professionals and everyday people in Japan, Okinawa, Kuala Lampur and India.
Contact Leuren Moret at the San Francisco Bay View newspaper at LeurenMoret [at] yahoo com or leurenmoret [at] for interview and speaking engagement information. Moret has spoken in 46 countries about the Genocidal dangers of the United States continued promiscuous use of radioactive uranium weapons, especially in Central Asia, including Iraq.
Bob Nichols is a SFBV Correspondent, award winning writer and author. Nichols first Book "There are No Words" is being completed now. Nichols is a former Ammunition Depot employee and Bomb Maker. He encourages your questions and comments.You can reach Bob Nichols at
[1] Army's Uranium Weapons Contaminate Hawaii. Leuren Moret in Hawaii on KITV Hawaii surprised by high readings. See this YouTube of news show in Hawaii, notice the distinctive dress.Editor's Note: To see KITV News coverage click below
see also
Island Breath: Stryker Brigade News 2/6/07
Island Breath: Superferry may leave HI
Island Breath: Superferry Resistance
Island Breath: Superferry & Military
Island Breath: Superferry History
Island Breath: Superferry Meetings
Island Breath: Superferry Redux
Island Breath: Superferry Problems
Island Breath: Stop the Superferry
Island Breath: Stryker Base 11/26/04
Island Breath: Stryker on Kauai? 4/29/04