POSTED: 29 AUGUST 2006 - 12:30pm HST
Hawaii Superferry?
by Rich Hoeppner on 28 August 2006
Imagine a high-speed ferry the size of a football field arriving at your island seven days a week bringing up to 282 vehicles, 866 people plus livestock and pets.
The Superferry is to be launched in June 2007 without environmental and cultural impact studies, despite requests from the County Councils of Kaua’i, Mau’i, and the Island of Hawai’i.
The period to the end of September is crucial. Please take action with signatures, letters and funds. We have a small window of opportunity and the more we say and do now will count in the end. This is your island and the least we can require is an impact study on how it will affect our lives, our environment, our economy and the future of our island.
How could this affect the future generations of the uniquely beautiful Islands of Hawaii?
• Death and injury to legally endangered Humpback Whales, dolphins and all other marine life? The loss of even one Monk Seal or Leatherback Turtle would be very serious for these highly endangered populations.
• Congestion of the harbors, beaches, surfing areas, roads and parking?
• A conduit for drugs and invasive species, virtually impossible to detect during the planned one hour unloading and reloading? A mongoose population would spread rapidly, destroying Kaua`i's population of Albatross, Nene and other island seabirds.
• Increased movement of stolen cars, surfboards and household contents off the island?
• Rising numbers of homeless from O'ahu?
• Over fishing and over harvesting of scarce resources such as opihi and maile?
• Superferry construction is well advanced, but we the people have not been consulted about the impact on our way of life. It is time to express our views. To find out how, please read on.People for the Preservation of Kaua’i Statement of Intention
Púpúkáhi I Holomua (United in order to progress)
The Hawaiian Superferry Project has received approval and funding from the Hawaii State Government to build and operate high-speed ferries to serve the four Hawaiian islands without the usual requirements of environmental or cultural impact studies. Additionally, the residents of Kaua’i have not been adequately consulted.
We the people of Kaua’i believe that the Superferry project may have a negative impact on the lives of the members of the host culture and of the current residents, as well as posing a threat to the fragile ecosystem of the land and the sea. Because of the serious nature of these concerns, we believe that it is essential to find the means of carrying out environmental and cultural impact assessment studies before the ferries are permitted to dock at the Island of Kaua’i.
In the long term, we are committed to affirming the values of the host culture and to supporting and protecting the well being of family and community, the natural beauty of the island and the delicate balance of the environment.
People for the Preservation of Kaua’i: Action Report
In late June 2006, Hawaii Superferry, made a series of presentations on Kaua’i and other islands. A number of Kaua’i residents were shocked to discover that plans for launching the ferry were proceeding at a rapid pace, without consultation with residents and without environmental or cultural impact studies. Rich Hoeppner and his wife Judie Lundborg immediately organised a meeting of concerned residents; this group has been meeting regularly ever since and is called the People for the Preservation of Kaua’i.
The group has two primary aims
Firstly, it is gathering as many signatures for a petition aimed as seeking the support of Governor Lingle and other elected officials to authorise the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) before the Superferry is allowed to visit Kaua’i or other islands.
Secondly, it is raising awareness of the significant impact that the Superferry could have on the lives of residents (including increase in theft, drugs and traffic) and on the environment, particularly in terms of the importation of invasive species, the high risks for seabirds if mongoose are to arrive on the island, and the danger for whales and other endangered sea mammals (particularly Monk Seals and sea turtles) through collision with the high speed ferry.
The group has taken a number of actions toward these objectives. It has:
1. Set up petition points around the island. See a list of petition sites [here].
2. Participated in radio and television talk shows.
3. Distributed postcards outlining key issues across the island.
4. Initiated an advertizing campaign.
5. Formed links with concerned residents on the other islands.
6. Applied for a meeting with the Governor in Honolulu at the end of September to present the petition. A citizens’ meeting is also to be held.
Concerned citizens can help in a number of ways
1. Encourage as many people as possible to sign the petition: sign the petition personally, encourage others to do so, collect signatures by canvassing friends, shops, etc.
2. Write to elected representatives asking them to support an EIS. Every email or contact will help. It is very important to let our representatives know how we feel. Citizens’ action made a difference at Koke’e.
3. Send as many letters as possible to the newspapers raising issues about what the Superferry could entail. The elected officials do monitor these letters. We need people to start talking to each other about this subject so that it becomes a high priority topic of interest.
4. Make a donation to the advertising campaign. Contact Rich Hoeppner to find out how to do this (822-0930 or 639-1954)
5. Set up talks with any organisation that you think would be interested. Rich will be able to address these groups. He has in-depth knowledge of the subject and encourages people to form their own view. Again, contact Rich.
6. Volunteer to help monitor petition sites or assist with planning for the meetings in Honolulu and the advertising campaign. Again, contact Rich.
Your Actions
The period to the end of September is crucial. Please take action with signatures, letters and funds. We have a small window of opportunity and the more we say and do now will count in the end. This is your island and the least we can require is an impact study on how it will affect our lives, our environment, our economy and the future of our island,
Sign a petition to the Governor seeking independent environmental and cultural impact assessment studies.
Call Rich Hoeppner
(808) 822-0930 or (808) 639-1954
Telephone or email Governor Lingle:
(808) 586-0034
Telephone or email your elected representatives
Mayor Brian Baptiste:
(808) 241-6300
cc: County Council of Kaua’i:
Senator Daniel Akaka:
(808) 522-8970
Senator Daniel Inouye:
(808) 242-9702
Representative Ed Case:
(808) 541-1968
Write a Letter to the Editor
Garden Island Newspaper:
Honolulu Advertiser:
Star Bulletin:
Petition Sites
• Waimea – Aloha Paradise
• Waimea – Da Booze Shop
• Hanapepe – Aloha Spirits
• Kalaheo –Steve's Mini Mart
• Koloa – Pohaku T's
• Hanamaulu – Cafe Aina
• Lihue – Flooring Innovations
• Lihue – Kauai Bakery & Cinnamon, Kukui Grove
• Lihue – City Liquors
• Kapaa – Kapaa Liquors
• Kapaa – Unity Book Store (Dragon Building, 2nd floor)
• Kapaa – Lotus Root
• Kapaa - Papayas
• Kapaa – Small Town Coffee
• Kilauea – The Healthy Hut
• Kilauea – North Shore Pharmacy
• Kilauea – O'Connor Realty
• Kilauea – Farmers Market (the store)
• Princeville – Princeville Salon
• Princeville – Ace Hardware
• Princeville – Princeville Real Estate (G bldg. left of Ace)
• Hanalei – Papaya's
• Hanalei – Hanalei Liquors
• Hanalei – Hanalei Surf Shop
• Hanalei – Hanalei Video
• Hanalei – Backdoor
• Hanalei – Kai Kane
• Hanalei – Sheer Elegance
• Hanalei – Ola's
• Wainiha – Wainiha General Store
• Haena – Hanalei Colony Resort
Check websites for information:
The Superferry video
The threat to whales
Articles on the Superferry
Check the story on Maui
Check the official story
see also:
Island Breath: Superferry Review 8/06
Island Breath: Superferry Failure 7/06
Island Breath: The Superferry is Back 6/06
Island Breath: Hawaii Superferry 11/04