INDEX - ID# 0603-19
POSTED: 3 October 2006 - 10:00pm HST
Superferry Hidden Agenda
H-4 catamaran clone used for high-speed transport for U.S. Marines based in Japan“Is she the governor of Hawai‘i
by Juan Wilson on 3 October 2006
I was rebuffed when I reiterated suggestions that the US military, specifically the Stryker Brigade, might be one of the clients of the Hawaiian Superferry.
The criticism of comments that the Superferry could be connected to military operations is, I believe, merely an attempt to divert attention from a hidden agenda on the program of uses of the Superferry. A real threat to the environment of Kauai might well the transport of military equipment, that would include the possible inclusion of Depleted Uranium (DU) in munitions that might be carried to Kauai by the military by units like the Stryker Brigade.
For anyone not familiar with DU, it is one of the sources for the Gulf War Syndrome that has disabled or killed untold numbers of Iraqis and many thousands in US military who served in the the Gulf War. DU is uranium 238, which is a "low" level radiation hazard that is used as the business end of anti-tank and armor piercing munitions. Depleted Uranium vaporizes on impact and leaves a radioactive dust with a half life of 4.5 billion years. Several hundred of tons of DU have been used munitions exploded in Iraq since 1991. The Styker Brigade, based in Hawaii, uses such munitions.
The board of the corporation that will operate the Hawaiian Superferry is a Who's Who list of Nixon and Reagan era military/industrial warhorses that will be chaired by conservative John F. Lehman, founder of JF Lehman and Company.
Lehman is an ex Kissinger wunderkind who was Secretary of the Navy under Reagan, from 1981-87, (see article below). Lehman's resume includes participation in the neocon Heritage Foundation and Project for the New American Century.
Four of the other board members are hacks that have worked with Lehman & Company for decades. Thrown into this mix are a few local businessmen, like the CEO of Grove Farms, Warren H. Haruki and David C. Cole, president, chairman and chief executive officer of Maui Land & Pineapple Co. The really weird board addition is John W. Shirley. Shirley is the former program manager of the U.S. Department of Energy, Naval Reactors Division, Seawolf and Virginia Class Submarines. He has 34 years of experience in senior positions at the Navy Division of Naval Nuclear Reactors and has been a special consultant to JF Lehman and Company. Why would his expertise be needed on the board of an inter-island passenger ferry service?
The Honolulu Weekly (see full article below) reported that;
Pacific Business News reported on March 26, 2005, that “With Lehman’s expertise, the Superferry plans to operate a Westpac Express, essentially to carry military equipment and ferry vehicles from O‘ahu to the Big Island on a daily basis.” Lehman told PBN that “This logistical plan will make it easier for soldiers to train when the Stryker Brigade comes to Hawai‘i. The brigade will be stationed on O‘ahu and conduct training exercises on the Big Island.” He pointed out that the Superferry is able to transport Stryker vehicles. HSF states on Page 9 of its PUC application that, “In Hawai‘i, it is anticipated that an entire battalion will be able to be transported from O‘ahu to the Big Island on four trips at lower cost.”
The primary armament on Stryker vehicles is the Stryker Mobile Gun System. The primary ammunition for this gun system is fancifully called kinetic energy penetrators, and is made of depleted uranium (DU), a toxic and possibly cancer-causing substance. HSF has been eerily silent about whether or not DU munitions for the Stryker vehicles will be transported on the Superferry.
The builder of the H-4 Hawaiian Superferry is Austal USA. Another builder of similar ships is Hornblower Marine. They both manufacture ships that are interoperable for civilian or military use. The military side of the program is WestPac Express. Westpac Express is used for high-speed transport for U.S. Marines based in Okinawa, Japan. The Hawaiian Superferry is built to Westpac Express specifications, with a cargo carrying capacity on its passenger deck. All are101 meter catamarans that carries 970 passengers and 236 vehicles at a speed of 40 knots.
The vessel pictured above is a roll-on-roll-off all aluminum construction with 40,000 horsepower and KaMeWa jet drives. It is chartered by the United States military to provide services to the United States Marines based in Okinawa, Japan to transport military personnel and their equipment over a 1,200 mile range (note: the range can extended to at least 2,500 miles as one sailed from the mainland to Honolulu for a demo). Check out these website for some PR from the boat builders. all this means to me is that the state and federal government have obscured the military strategies behind what has been sold as a civilian ferry for weekend party animals.
There are many reasons to oppose the present plan for an inter-island ferry. I ask that the state and federal government assure the people of Hawaii that the Superferry not be used to transport depleted uranium rounds between islands.
or the governor of O‘ahu?”
Superferry petition delivery thwarted
by J.M. Buck on 3 October 2006 in the Garden Island News
Gov. Linda Lingle and officials of Hawaii Superferry would probably breathe a sigh of relief if Neighbor Island residents who have been demanding Environmental Impact Statements would just go away.
That’s not going to happen any time soon.
A week ago today, a public meeting arranged by state Sen. Gary Hooser and Superferry watchdog group People for the Preservation of Kaua‘i was held at the Capitol building in Honolulu. Presentations were made by nine representatives from islands to be impacted by the Superferry.
Among the presenters were Hooser, former Kaua‘i police chief and County Council candidate K.C. Lum, Maui orchid farmer Jeff Parker, and Dick Mayer, a retired economics professor, also from Maui.
“There is an up-side to having a ferry service and a down-side,” said Ted Kawahinehelelani Blake, who has first-hand familiarity with the impacts of a roll-on, roll-off ferry service. The Kauai-born Blake resides on Mo‘orea in French Polynesia, where four “fast ferries” transport passengers and vehicles between Tahiti and Mo‘orea.
Blake said that weekends bring an influx of Tahiti residents to Mo‘orea. Though the economic importance of the ferries is obvious, Blake says that Mo‘orea residents have paid a high price.
“Criminals rob homes and businesses then catch the last ferry out,” said Blake. “Invasive species are reported weeks after they have shown up. Surf spots and roadways are jammed. Campgrounds are trashed. No more spur of the moment with Dad coming home and saying ‘Let’s go camping tomorrow.’ Camping permits will need to be applied for a year in advance.”
Hooser feels that DOT’s and the Lingle administration’s refusal to acknowledge the need for an EIS is unacceptable.
“Many believe that this will change the way of life on the Neighbor Islands, and it may very well do that,” Hooser said. “I think it outrageous and irresponsible that the governor and the transportation board came to this conclusion. I think the governor and DOT need to step up to the plate and do what is right.”
Though Lingle was invited to attend the meeting, she declined due to a previously scheduled appearance in Kona.
Kaua‘i residents Rich Hoeppner and his wife, Judie Hilke-Lundborg, have collected over 6,000 signatures urging Lingle to postpone HSF’s operations until EISs are conducted. The majority of signatures were obtained on Kaua‘i and reflect approximately 20 percent of the island’s adult population.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Randy Iwase has also jumped aboard the EIS bandwagon, and has signed the petition.
The morning following the meeting at the capitol, six representatives from Maui and Kaua‘i — including Hoeppner and Hilke-Lundborg — went to the governor’s office to present the 3-inch-thick stack of signed petitions directly to Lingle. Though the governor was there, the group was denied.
“There is a procedure on how to meet with the governor,” Kau‘i Alapa, the receptionist in the governor’s office, informed Hoeppner.
Hoeppner had met Lingle at a Kaua‘i farm rally in July. At Lingle’s request, Hoeppner and Hilke-Lundborg sent a letter on Aug. 1 to the governor stating their concerns about the Superferry.
After receiving no response, the couple twice formally requested an audience with Lingle through the governor’s Web site. Both requests were made with an obligatory 45-day advance notice. Both requests were denied.
“I don’t make those decisions, the governor does,” Alapa said to Hoeppner. “She reviews it and decides what she wants to do. It’s her schedule.”
When the group requested five minutes of time with a senior staffer, Alapa informed them that the senior staffers were unavailable.
“If you came into my house unexpected, would you expect me to give you the time of day?” Alapa said.
“(Some) 6,000 people have concerns and she can’t meet with us for five minutes,” Hoeppner said. “To me, that’s one of two things — irresponsible or untruthful.”
Shortly after being turned away from the governor’s office, the couple sought help at Iwase’s office. According to Hoeppner, Iwase was appalled and immediately issued a press release.
“A governor is a governor of all the people,” Iwase states in his release. “Whether you agree with a person’s position or not, it is unacceptable to refuse to allow citizens with a grievance to be shunned at the door and sent packing. To not even allow them to hand the petition to a staff member is the epitome of governmental arrogance.”
“Despite the media image of a governor welcoming the citizens with open arms, she is in fact not open to those who share views which differ from hers. It is time for those who will not tolerate such actions to stand up and themselves take action. I could not stand by and let the voices of these individuals go unheard,” Iwase’s statement continued.
“We have done everything we know of to talk with her,” said Hilke-Lundborg. “Is she the governor of Hawai‘i or the governor of O‘ahu?”
SOURCE: KEN TAYLOR taylork021@hawaii.rr.comShip of fools
3 October 2006 - 10:00pm HST
illustration for Honolulu Weekly article
Some Hawai‘i residents tell Superferry
officials to shape up or ship out
by J.M. Buck on 26 July 2006 in the Honolulu Weekly
July 2001: Timothy Dick, an electrical engineer, founds Hawaii Superferry after seeing large, high-speed roll-on/roll-off catamaran ferries operating between Barcelona, Spain and the island of Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea.
June 2003: A new ferry terminal opens at Honolulu’s Pier 19. Built with federal funds, the facility is anticipated to serve as the Superferry’s operational hub.
June 2004: Hawaii Superferry, Inc. (HSF) submits its application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to the Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to operate as a “roll-on/roll-off fast passenger ferry” that can carry 866 passenger and 282 cars between the Hawaiian Islands. Two double-hulled, multi-level catamarans the size of football fields will travel from O‘ahu to Maui, Kaua‘i and the Big Island at speeds of up to 35 knots.
March 2005: John F. Lehman, former secretary of the Navy and member of the 9/11 Commission, announces his intention to invest an initial $58 million equity capital in HSF through his private equity firm J.F. Lehman & Co. The firm primarily invests in marine and aerospace defense projects.
December 2005: Lehman is named as chairman of the Superferry’s board of directors. To date, Lehman has sunk $71 million into the HSF project, making him HSF’s largest private investor. Five of the 11 directors on the board have ties with JF Lehman and Co.
Another director, chief executive officer of Maui Land & Pineapple Co. David Cole, is also a Superferry investor through Grove Farm, Inc., of which he is a director. Warren H. Haruki, another HSF board member, is president and CRO of Grove Farm and the affiliated Lihue Land Co.
In addition, the federal Maritime Administration (MarAd) has provided a guaranteed $139.7 million Title XI federal loan, and the state of Hawai‘i has also kicked in a $20 million loan for statewide harbor improvements, with an additional $20 million waiting in the wings.
A shroud of secrecy Attorney Isaac Hall illustrates the negative impacts the loss of 23 percent of Young Bros. dock space will have on Kahului Harbor and small businesses statewide. BELOW: HSF touts movement of the Stryker Brigade between Oahu and the Big Island as one of its selling points.
HSF’s silence—until recently, thanks to a legislative ultimatum—has sent a common chord of frustration resonating amongst many residents on the four islands to be affected by the Superferry. With Sen. Shan Tsutsui and Sen. Gary Hooser leading the charge, lawmakers required that HSF and the state Department of Transportation (DOT) conduct three community meetings on Kaua‘i, O‘ahu, Maui and the Big Island before the final $20 million is released. The meetings are to take place over the next nine months.
Superferry and DOT officials were exposed to a firestorm of hostility from Hawai‘i residents last month at a meeting in Maui, with heated accusations of deception and outright lying. One instance where the public feels they have been deceived is HSF’s touting of the Superferry as being a more economical way of traveling between the Islands. In HSF’s application to the Public Utilities Commission, they state that they “will offer a more affordable alternative for transportation between the islands for local families.”
According to Mayer, the price of traveling by Superferry would currently be more expensive than the prices quoted on the HSF website. For example, the base passenger price is $50 for an off-peak one-way ticket from Honolulu to Maui or Kaua‘i and $60 for an off-peak one-way ticket to the Big Island. Mayer, and the website, point out that the prices are listed without possible fuel surcharges. And those surcharges could be high.
Based on a Superferry tariff document, the “[f]uel surcharge shall be levied at the rate of [a] 2 percent increase in the price per ticket (passenger and vehicle) for each 10 percent increase in fuel costs [of marine diesel oil] above the benchmark price [of $300].” The same document says that with marine diesel at $331 per metric ton the price of a $50 ticket could increase by 2 percent to $51.
According to Bunker [], a website which keeps track of marine fuel prices, on July 25 marine diesel oil was $584 per metric ton in Houston, $691 in Los Angeles and $728.50 in New York City. Each figure is well above the $300 HSF mentions in the tariff document.
On Maui, where opposition to the Superferry has been the most vocal, not one person at the recent public meetings spoke up in favor of the Superferry. Pent-up hostility was unleashed on Terry O’Halloran, HSF’s public relations director, and his inability to provide answers to questions fired in machine-gun fashion fueled tempers even more. Catcalls and derogatory comments blasted state deputy transportation director Barry Fukunaga as well as Superferry executive vice president Robert E. “Terry” White. White sat quietly amongst the boisterous crowd with no comment.
Where’s The EIS?
Topping the list of public gripes is the lack of any environmental impact statement (EIS).
Over the past year and a half, several legislative bills and lawsuits demanding that HSF or the state provide an EIS for each harbor have been quashed or back-burnered.
Senate Bill 1785, introduced on Jan. 27, 2005, would require HSF to prepare an EIS if passed. Superferry CEO John Garibaldi argued that the time required to complete an EIS “would cause investors to pull their support.” The bill was quashed by the Senate Transportation and Government Operations Committee (TGO) in the 2006 session.
On March 15, 2005, MarAd issued HSF a categorical exclusion exempting the Superferry project from federal environmental laws.State Deputy Transportation Director Barry Fukunaga observing the proceedings at an informational meeting on Maui. Fukunaga did not answer any questions.
Hawai‘i Sierra Club, Maui Tomorrow and the Kahului Harbor Coalition filed a request for an injunction in the Maui Circuit Court on March 21, 2005, in an effort to force the state to prepare an EIS before using Kahului Harbor for the Superferry. In response to MarAd’s categorical exclusion, a lawsuit requesting a full environmental impact statement was filed in August 2005 in the U.S. District Court on behalf of the three environmental groups and the Friends of Haleakala National Park. The suit was dismissed on Sept. 29, 2005, by U.S. District Judge Helen Gillmore.
“What bothers me a lot is the secrecy, the outright deception of the public.”
Hawai‘i Sierra Club Vice Chair Lucienne deNaie feels that the state is turning a blind eye to Hawai‘i residents. “When the Sierra Club met with Garibaldi, we asked for an EIS and were told [HSF] didn’t need to do [one] because the governor gave them an exemption,” deNaie says.
DeNaie, who is also running for the East Maui County Council seat, says that there are not enough answers yet, and the way to get those answers is with an EIS. “Let’s get more information and then decide if we should have the Superferry.”
A “disaster” for small businesses
Small businesses and farmers statewide believe that the Superferry will have several negative impacts on commerce. These impacts include additional harbor congestion, higher intrastate shipping rates and the inability to ship partial container loads.
Currently, plans for the Superferry call for daily docking at Kahului’s Pier 2, the same dock used by Young Bros. freight service as well as several cruise ships. The plan will cause Young Bros. to lose about 25 percent of their harbor space and force the company to raise their shipping costs and stop accepting partial container loads—a decision that could negatively impact numerous small businesses throughout the island chain.
DeGray Vanderbilt, a 30-year Moloka‘i resident, called for a boycott of the Superferry. Referring to Young Broters, Vanderbilt accused the state of “compromising the lifeline of the Islands.”
“Here’s a successful operation that’s serving all of our island communities throughout the state,” said Vanderbilt. “We just don’t understand why you would compromise that operation with something that is a fly-by-night, untested situation.”
“You should be ashamed of yourselves,” Maui flower farmer Lloyd Fischel railed at DOT vice deputy director Barry Fukunaga in an impassioned testimony. “For small business and medium-size businesses, this is disaster. Every business is going to be affected.”
Another point of contention is a planned change to the Superferry’s operating schedule. Due to overcrowded conditions at state harbors, harbor use by HSF is subject to availability and must be authorized by the state. Under the new schedule, the Superferry will arrive on Maui at 9:30am, depart for O‘ahu at 10:30am and return to Kahului the following morning, forcing merchants who hoped to “drive” their goods to O‘ahu to spend the night.
And if a voyage is cancelled, where do more than 800 people and 200 cars go? No one seems to be able to answer that.
Questionable harbor arrangements
The Harbors Operating Agreement between the state and HSF has raised some eyebrows and a blizzard of questions. At Kawaihae, a barge will be moored at Pier 1 and utilized as a transition vehicle for loading and unloading of vehicles, and an existing “shed” will be used as a passenger terminal. Honolulu will also utilize a barge for vehicle transfer at Pier 19.Kahului will have a nearly identical setup at Pier 2, except that the Superferry will need to berth at about a 75-degree angle to the barge. A “transfer span” will be utilized to bridge the gap, forcing vehicles to make two tight, right-hand turns to access the Superferry. Passenger facilities for both Kawaihae and Kahului will consist of large tents and “high-end Porta-Potty” restroom facilities.
DeNaie relayed that no one has quite figured out how the Superferry will be able to realistically dock at Kawaihae Harbor. “The area where they’re supposed to land is inaccessible for half the year due to high surf,” she claims.
If this is true, the safety of transitioning vehicles from the barges to the Superferry in high surf, wind or storm surge conditions is certainly questionable.
The state will be providing the ramps and barges. The barges are being constructed in China by the firm of Healy-Tibbetts. According to Project Manager Clay Hutchinson, bids from U.S. firms were too high, and the state is getting “the best bang for their buck” with the Chinese construction.
If the barges are not delivered by HSF’s launch date, the state will be obligated to pay HSF $18,000 per day in liquidated damages. Hutchinson says that the contractor actually pays the damages, not the state. He says that at this time Healy-Tibbets is on schedule with their contractual obligation.
There is a possibility that the Big Island may be the last of the four islands to see harbor improvements. In the Harbors Operational Agreement, HSF acknowledges that the state-provided equipment may not be available in time. There is a possibility that such a delay could incur more liquidated damages. The state will be seeking an appropriation from the Legislature to authorize such payments to HSF.
The invasive and the endangered
Billy Irvine, a Big Island hapu‘u tree fern merchant, says that he will no longer be able to bring hapu‘u to Maui. He explained that it takes three hours at the dock in Hilo to inspect the hapu‘u for fire ants and coqui frogs. “I have been supplying Maui with hapu‘u for the last 30 years. Now I cannot. The freight forwarders will no longer be doing ag inspections.”
Many fear that the Superferry, which also calls itself the H-4, will be an open freeway between islands for invasive species. Some species have been isolated to certain islands, such as the imported fire ant on the Big Island. The fireweed problem on Maui, O‘ahu and Kaua‘i is minimal, however this livestock-killing pest has proliferated across the Big Island. Kaua‘i does not have mongoose, thereby allowing it to boast a thriving population of nene and other endangered birds.
According to O’Halloran, HSF plans to train their own staff to inspect vehicles for invasive species. But with only a one-hour turnaround time to inspect more than 200 vehicles and carry-on baggage for more than 800 passengers, it could be quite difficult to do a thorough job, especially if the people inspecting are not professional botanists or biologists.
Agricultural products must be inspected and passed by either the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) plant quarantine office or through the Nursery Self-Certification Program and display an HDOA “passed” sticker before being allowed on the Superferry.
O’Halloran did not elaborate further on HSF’s plan to deal with invasive species. “As we work through our invasive species [policy], we are coming up with ways we do things and we will put it out there as we get it,” he says.
And then there are the whales
According to an Aug. 19, 2003, technical report by the Ocean Science Institute (OSI), 22 whale/vessel collisions were reported in the Hawaiian Islands between 1975 and 2003, with 67 percent of incidences occurring around Maui and 16 percent in O‘ahu waters. The lowest collision rate occurred in waters off Kaua‘i: 5 percent. The report states that, “The results presented indicate that whale/vessel collisions in Hawaiian waters are occurring with increased frequency and will likely continue to increase unless steps are taken to actively mitigate the problem.”
The majority of ship-whale collisions over the 28 years encompassed in the study have involved commercial whale-watching tour boats. These vessels range from 31–60 feet in length and travel anywhere between 10 and 30 knots.
Environmentalists maintain that a vessel the size of the Superferry traveling at 35 knots through whale-dense areas of its planned course is a recipe for disaster.
“It’s a pipe dream that no whales are going to get run over,” says deNaie.
Stryking out
The military currently utilizes four high-speed catamarans called the WestPac Express to move troops and vehicles between Okinawa, Japan and Thailand. In Exhibit 13 accompanying HSF’s application is a quote from Lt. General W.C. Gregson, Commander, U.C. Marine Forces Pacific: “WestPac Express has fulfilled the U.S. Marines’ expectations. The trial period was an overwhelming success. We are very pleased to continue working with the HSV (high speed vessel) and plan to take full advantage of the vessel’s capabilities in the coming years.” In the same exhibit, “Incoming Army Stryker units driving up demand for live-fire training exercises allowed only on Big Island” is touted in large print as a selling point.
Pacific Business News reported on March 26, 2005, that “With Lehman’s expertise, the Superferry plans to operate a Westpac Express, essentially to carry military equipment and ferry vehicles from O‘ahu to the Big Island on a daily basis.” Lehman told PBN that “This logistical plan will make it easier for soldiers to train when the Stryker Brigade comes to Hawai‘i. The brigade will be stationed on O‘ahu and conduct training exercises on the Big Island.” He pointed out that the Superferry is able to transport Stryker vehicles. HSF states on Page 9 of its PUC application that, “In Hawai‘i, it is anticipated that an entire battalion will be able to be transported from O‘ahu to the Big Island on four trips at lower cost.”
The primary armament on Stryker vehicles is the Stryker Mobile Gun System. The primary ammunition for this gun system is fancifully called kinetic energy penetrators, and is made of depleted uranium (DU), a toxic and possibly cancer-causing substance.
HSF has been eerily silent about whether or not DU munitions for the Stryker vehicles will be transported on the Superferry. On July 11, HSF vice president Terry White told this reporter that HSF has no contract negotiations with the military, and if the military wants to transport vehicles and troops, they will have to make reservations and pay the fares like everyone else. When asked if munitions for those vehicles would be transported, he said he didn’t think so, but he wasn’t sure.
What is going on here?
The Superferry’s PR man O’Halloran says that at future public meetings, he will have answers to the questions the people have asked.
Sen. Tsutsui has confirmed that the three meetings that have taken place on each affected island will be considered as one meeting, and DOT and HSF must conduct two more series of meetings. The next set of meetings is scheduled to take place in September.
One wonders if the Hawaii Superferry will come back with the right answers.
[Editor's Note: Make up your own mind about this scurvey crew]
On 15 December 2006, Hawaii Superferry, Inc. announced the members of its board of directors prior to the board holding its first formal meeting.
The 11-member board is composed of five local business leaders, including Hawaii Superferry executives John Garibaldi and Timothy Dick, and six members from the JF Lehman and Company investment group.
Hawaii Superferry board members are as follows:
John F. Lehman is a founding partner of JF Lehman and Company and chairman of Hawaii Superferry and HSF Holding, Inc. From 1981 to 1987, Lehman served as secretary of the United States Navy. Lehman holds a bachelor’s degree from St. Joseph's University, bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Cambridge University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He is also chairman of the Princess Grace Foundation and an Overseer of the School of Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a member of the 9-11 Commission.
John F. Lehman Profile
Quote: "Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat."
Born: 14 September 1942
Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Politician
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: 9-11 Commission member
Military service: USAF Reserves; US Naval Reserves
Selected as member of the 9-11 Commission. Served under Henry Kissinger at the National Security Council (1969-74). As Secretary of the Navy for Ronald Reagan, Lehman advocated the buildup of a 600-ship Navy. He deried his many critics as "systems analysts", "armchair strategists", and "detentists".
Wife: Barbara Weiland
High School: La Salle College HS, Wyndmoor, PA (1960)
University: BS, St. Joseph's University (1964)
University: MA, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University
University: PhD, University of Pennsylvania (1974)
9-11 Commission
U.S. Secretary of the Navy 1981-87 (under Reagan)
U.S. National Security Council 1969-74 (under Nixon)
Paine Webber Investment Banker
Center for Security Policy
Committee on the Present Danger
Foreign Policy Research Institute
The Heritage Foundation
Project for the New American Century
Official Website:
David C. Cole is president, chairman and chief executive officer of Maui Land & Pineapple Co. Cole earned a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies from the University of Hawaii. Cole is also currently president of Aquaterra, Inc., an investment management firm. He was chief executive officer at the software company Ashton-Tate, president of the computer magazine publisher Ziff Communications and the Ziff-Davis Publishing Group, and chairman,
president and chief executive officer of the Internet-based software company NaviSoft Inc. He was also an officer at America Online after it acquired NaviSoft in 1994. Cole is currently chairman of the 425-acre Sunnyside Farms, a specialty consumer products retailer and supplier of premium organic meats and produce in Virginia. He is also a director of Twin Farms Collection, a luxury resort company with properties in Vermont and California, Grove Farm Co., Inc., Island Press, Sesame Workshop and PBS. Other affiliations include Chancellor's Advisory Council of Maui Community College, Maui Economic Development Board, Maui Chamber of Commerce, and Kamehameha Schools Board of Advisors. Cole is a former director of The Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund and presently serves as chairman of The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii.
John C. Dean is managing director of Tuputele Ventures Fund, a small private equity fund investing in fund-offunds, venture capital funds and start-up technology firms with investments primarily focused in Silicon Valley and Hawaii. Dean serves on the advisory board of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and is a committee member of Wharton’s five-year capital campaign. He is also a director of the Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship and E-Business (PACE) at the University of Hawaii’s College of Business Administration, and a director of Makapuu-based Oceanic Institute, an affiliate of Hawaii Pacific University.
Alex Harman has been with J.F. Lehman since 1999. Prior to joining the firm, Harman was a member of the Global Energy Group at J.P. Morgan & Company where he focused on natural resources and electric and gas utilityrelated mergers and acquisitions as well as debt and equity financings. Harman graduated cum laude from Williams College where he earned a bachelor’s degree in history with a concentration in premedical studies.
Warren H. Haruki is president and chief executive officer of Grove Farm and the affiliated Lihue Land Co. Haruki holds a master’s degree from the University of Hawaii. He is the former president of GTE Hawaiian Tel and its successor, Verizon Hawaii. Haruki currently serves on several corporate boards and is a director of First Hawaiian Bank, Pacific Guardian Life Insurance Co., Blood Bank of Hawaii, and the Parker Ranch Foundation Trust.
Tig H. Krekel is vice chairman of J.F. Lehman and has been with the firm since 2001. Previously, Krekel served as president and chief executive officer of Hughes Space and Communications and as president of Boeing Satellite Systems. Krekel spent five years as a naval officer holding various assignments, including nuclear engineering duty on the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, and as an aide in the office of the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon. Krekel graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, and from the U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School as a licensed nuclear engineer. He also earned an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is currently a national trustee of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
Louis N. Mintz has been with J.F. Lehman since 1997. Prior to joining the firm, Mintz was a member of the Private Equity Investment Group at Odyssey Partners L.P. and served as a vice president at Rosecliff Inc., where he was involved in all aspects of the acquisition and management of several portfolio companies. He began his career in the corporate finance department at Drexel Burnham Lambert. Mintz graduated magna cum laude from Duke University where he received his bachelor’s degree in economics and public policy studies and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
George A. Sawyer is a founding partner of J.F. Lehman and former assistant secretary of the U.S. Navy, Shipbuilding & Logistics. He was also a submarine engineer officer in the U.S. Navy. Sawyer is a graduate of Yale
University and studied nuclear engineering at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratories in Schenectady, N.Y. He is also a member of the American Society of Naval Engineers and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.John W.Shirley is the former program manager of the U.S. Department of Energy, Naval Reactors Division, Seawolf and Virginia Class Submarines. He has 34 years of experience in senior positions at the Navy Division of Naval Reactors. Shirley now works as a private consultant, giving preference to JF Lehman Partners. He earned a chemical engineering degree from the University of South Carolina and graduated magna cum laude on a Naval ROTC scholarship. He completed post graduate work at the Bettis Reactor Engineering School in Virginia.