POSTED: 26 JULY 2007 - 9:00pm HST
Opposition to Superferry on Kauai
image above: the Hawaiian Superferry arrives on Oahu
HUI-R Public Meeting August 18th
We'd like to invite EVERYONE to join us at our upcoming meeting:
Hui-R Public Meeting
Saturday, 18 August from 1-5pmWHERE:
Peace & Freedom Hall
4191 Hardy Street, Lihue
Come hear the truth about the real impacts to Kaua'i from the Hawaii Superferry.
Panelists will include:
Dayne Aipoalani
Ali'i Nui, The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi
Rich Hoeppner
People for the Preservation of Kaua'i
Gordon LaBedz
Surfrider Foundation
Dr. Lee Tepley
creator of the DVD "Will the Hawaii Superferry Kill Humpback Whales?"
Immediately following the Panel, there will be a Public Meeting in which we will together determine our course of action.
Come bring your ideas and input!
ABOUT US: (in progress)
Hui-R represent various facets of the Kaua'i island community. We are a coalition of individuals, Environmental Organisations, Native Hawaiian, and Public Interest groups working together to stop the Hawaii Superferry. We wish to engage, educate and inspire the public to join our efforts to resist the Hawaii Superferry.
We also wish to serve notice to our state government and the operators of the Hawaii Superferry that because a whole raft of social and environmental impacts and concerns remain unaddressed, we have no confidence in the environmental safety, impact and costs of the Superferry. Accordingly, we are opposed to it's operation, and We plan to stop it.
It is the express intent intent of Hui-R to build community and utilize peaceful civic engagement to prohibit the unloading of the Hawaii Superferry on our beloved island of Kaua'i.
Citizens of Kaua'i and other Neighbor Islands were never asked if we wanted a 'super' ferry. It has been wholey imposed. Concerned, we looked at other places where high-speed inter-island ferries operate, such as Tahiti and the Canary Islands. The resulting impacts on and to those communities, native marine wildlife, were so widespread and negative we said we need more information. It has not been forthcoming.
Our requests for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) have been resolutely refused. Potential negative impacts have been glossed-over rather than looked-into.
If only the Hawai'ian Superferry Corporation was as active in working with and meeting the concerns of the public as they have been in resisting and subverting common sense safety measures and impact investigation!
Few - if any - effective steps have been taken to address numerous concerns, let alone mitigate them. Drug smuggling, increased crime, increased pressure on Neighbor Island infrastructure, traffic snarls, harbor impacts and increased costs to Kaua'i have not been adequately addressed. The potential for the transfer of invasive species, the inevitable mortal harm to endangered marine mammals and other aquatic wildlife are some of the obvious environmental impacts that have been steadfastly avoided by the Super Ferry Corporation of Hawai'i.
Concerns voiced by citizens and government officials of Kaua'i and other Neighbor Islands have been suppressed, ignored and actively avoided. If only marine mammals will be so neatly avoided!
The County Councils of Maui, Kaua'i and the Big Island have all passed resolutions requesting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) before allowing the Hawaii Superferry service to their shores. The Hawai'i State Senate passed a bill (SB1276) that required the State Department of Transportation to conduct an EIS for the Hawai'i Superferry.
However, after being lobbied by Hawai'i Superferry, Inc., one member of the State House of Representatives, Transportation Committee Chair Joe Souki, refused to hear SB 1276 in his committee. The bill died in his committee and was never voted on in the floor of the House.
Currently there are several lawsuits pending against the Hawai'i Superferry. More are expected. Due to growing traffic problems and poor land use planning, our islands need funding for local public transportation to improve the quality of life for people who live and work here. We don't need multi-million transportation and environmental boondoggles shoved down our throats. And then there is the cost to ride.
Three Tings to Remembah Bout One Superferry:
Ride Superferry = Lose Money!
No Ride Superferry = Save Money!
Superferry = Not So Super!
Please take a look at our website:
And please pass on the word to your mailing and membership lists.
The People for The Preservation of Kauai
will be hosting a gala
FUNDRAISER, WINE TASTING, SILENT AUCTIONWith celebrity hosts and musicians
great entertainment, gourmet tapas and pupusMonday, 30 July 2007 from 5:00 to 8:00pm
At The Bar Acuda Restaurant in Hanalei
The silent auction alone will be an art collectors dream.
It is not to be missed!We inivte you all to 'DRESS TO THE NINES"!
(You can even keep your shoes on)It will be a wonderful elegant evening, but you all know the real reason, we ask you to support our efforts to require legal accountability in order to protect our beautiful island from environmental harm.
It's the Superferry Swansong!
$100 per person
$150 per couple SPACE IS LIMITED
Send check to:
People for the Preservation of Kaua'i
4865 G Nonou Rd.
Kapaa, HI 96746
For further information, call Judie 639-0212
see also:
Island Breath: Not So Super Ferry 7/24/07
Island Breath: Suoerferry Delayed 5/25/07
Island Breath: Still No Superferry EIS 3/31/2007
Island Breath: Superferry EIS Effort 3/25/2007
Island Breath: Superferry EIS Bill hearings 2/26/2007
Island Breath: Superferry Promotion 2/24/2007
Island Breath: Superferry Launched 1/28/2007
Island Breath: Superferry in Trouble 12/12/2006
Island Breath: Superferry Reference 11/6/2006
Island Breath: Superferry Resistance 11/1/2006
Island Breath: Superferry & Military 10/13/2006
Island Breath: Superferry History 10/3/2006
Island Breath: Stop the Superferry 8/29/2006
Island Breath: Superferry Meetings 8/13/2006
Island Breath: Superferry Redux 6/23/2006
Island Breath: Superferry Problems 11/14/2004Pau