INDEX - HAWAII ID# 07-09-04
POSTED: 2 FEBRUARY 2007 - 8:30am HST
Stop Superferry Website offers videos
Slideshow available on Lee Tepley Anti-Superferry website showing hull. Click on image for more.
by Lee Tepley on 1 February 2007
I have just added a new item to my web site. It is a follow-up to the Superferry video which many of you have seen and which seems to have gotten a lot of attention. My current effort has a lot more still pictures than video clips so I have been calling it a "video/slide show" (which may not be a very good name). Anyhow you can find it on my web site at Then go to the page called "Superferry video-slide show".
There is a some repetition of material from the Superferry Video to maintain continuity but there is a lot of new stuff. The main point is to show that there is now hard data that shows that fast ferries have been killing whales in different parts of the world. This is to counteract statements from HSF that the Superferry will not cause any problems.
The video slide show came out to be 12 minutes long. I think I can cut it down to less than 10 minutes and upload it to YouTube. I can also provide DVD's at no charge if anyone is interested.
The video slide show is not polished like the earlier video. I have beens short ot time and with legislative hearings coming up (I hope), there was no time to do a semi-professional job. I don't even know if assembling this material was worth the effort- but I think it may get more attention than just words in e-mails or on a website.
It may be fairly easy to make modifications and I would appreciate criticisms and comments.
PS. My web site still needs a lot of work and I would like to apologize for not yet modifying it to recognize the other web sites that have a lot of great anti-superferry material. The address link is below.
see also
Island Breath: EIS Bill in House
Island Breath: Superferry Launched
Island Breath: Superferry Reference
Island Breath: Superferry in Trouble
Island Breath: Superferry Resistance
Island Breath: Superferry & Military
Island Breath: Superferry History
Island Breath: Superferry Meetings
Island Breath: Superferry Redux
Island Breath: Superferry Problems
Island Breath: Stop the Superferry