INDEX - ID# 0817-23
POSTED: 3 JULY 2008 - 9:30am EST
Hawaii County Council anti DU Vote 8-1!
image above: US Army gathers Depleted Uranium information using GPS technology in Hawaii
by Shannon Rudolpf 3 July 2008
MAHALO to all of you who came to the meeting or sent testimony!!!!!!!!!!!! its been a long haul to get this far. democracy lives in hawaii county!
Chairman Pete Hoffman was the lone hold out. He was completely in favor of the resolution ....except for the provision of stopping all live fire and B2 bombing at Pohakuloa Training Range. His reasoning was that we must not stop troops from training. some council members concluded that it may be hazardous for the troops TO train at pohakuloa and wanted to err on the side of caution until we find out the total extent of what's going on up there.
Even though the reso means very little and doesn't have the force of law, it may be a start to begin to get the truth. It sounded like all on the council are finally getting on the same page as the residents and I think, they will keep on this.I think they finally realize the seriousness of this issue and i'm very proud of them all. Many are up for election, HELP them! ..and vote for SEPT. 20th! )
To the best of my knowledge, we are the first county in the US to have such a reso. I hope it will spread across the country like wildfire to other communities situated near training ranges, who may be similarly affected by the concern of depleted uranium radiation in or near their area, and hopefully, spread to the halls of congress to put a stop to the manufacture of this horror for good and also, to start taking real care of our veterans.
Hope lives.
Dr. Lorrin Pang came over from maui and was awesome, we all owe him a huge debt. this was his 12th trip to hawaii island on this issue, usually with his own funds, against the blessings of his bosses at the dept. of health. thank you lorrin, we are all so very grateful to you!
Very special thanks go out to for helping to get the word out quickly across the country! send your thank$! also to leuren, doug, doug, cory, lisa, shannon, gunter, megan, jasper, cathy, rosalee, jim, kyle, lindafaye, lance, marti, jay, mele, bob, marya, galen, barbara, josh, john, dick, vivianne, ace, liz, and many more, for helping to educate us and getting the word out!
max karma credits!
MOST OF our c ounty council for doing the right thing, this is the best council we've EVER had! you rock!!! this is hot off the presses, details on amendments, etc., to follow.
WHEREAS, in the early 1960's the United States Military used the Pohakuloa Training Area for firing a formerly classified weapon, the Davy Crockett recoilless gun, which has created the presence of depleted uranium (DU) in the impact area at the U.S. Army Garrison, Pohakuloa; and
WHEREAS, the World Health Organization has released several reports and scientific studies concerning the health risks from exposure to depleted uranium; and
WHEREAS, depleted uranium is a chemically toxic and radioactive heavy metal with a half-life of 4.6 billion years; and
WHEREAS, depleted uranium emits radioactive alpha particles that can cause cancer when inhaled or ingested and also cause kidney and lung damage; and
WHEREAS, there is a public health need to ensure the safe storage, disposal, and clean-up of munitions and other products or materials containing depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area to protect all residents of Hawai'i Island; and
WHEREAS, the United States Military is hereby requested, with urgency, to address the potential hazards of depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area with the following five-point plan:
1. Ordering a complete halt to B-2 bombing missions and to all live firing exercises and other activities at the Pohakuloa Training Area that create dust until there is an assessment and clean up of the depleted uranium already present;2. Establishing a permanent, high-tech monitoring system with procedures to ensure air quality control;
3. Establishing a citizen monitoring system to work closely with Military experts to assure transparency and community confidence;
4. Hosting quarterly meetings to update and inform the public; and 5. Ensuring permanent funds are available for the monitoring program; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF HAWAI'I that the U.S. Military will incorporate the five-point plan to address the potential hazards of depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the County Clerk shall forward a copy of this resolution to Colonel Howard Killian, Deputy Region Director, Army Installation Management Command-Pacific; all members of the Hawai'i State Legislature; Senator Daniel K. Inouye; Senator Daniel K. Akaka; Congressman Neil Abercrombie, and Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono.
see also:
Island Breath: More trrops at Pohakuloa Range 5/18/08
Island Breath: DU detected on Big Island 5/1/08
Island Breath: Depleted Uranium confirmed 8/21/07