INDEX - ID#0814-12
POSTED: 28 MAY 2008 - 9:00am HST
Henry Noa and Nation Building
image above: View of Kahoolawe from upcountry Maui from t
by Juan Wilson on 28 May 2008
A case that has received a lot of press has been the prosecution of Henry Noa, and others, on trespassing charges for a trip they took to Kahoolawe in an effort to express the sovereignty of the Hawaii nation.
The court case is wrapping up and I have recently gotten a copy of the defense's closing arguement. It is persuasive in demonstrating that you cannot trespass on your own land, and that the Reinstated Nation of Hawaii exists as a sovereign entity.
I strongly recommend reading the 177K PDF document.
see also:
Island Breath: Kahoolawe case continues 7/30/07
TGI #29: Hawaiian Nation History - Part Two 5/4/08
TGI #28: Hawaiian Nation History - Part One 4/25/08
Island Breath: Iolani Palace Occupation 5/1/08
Island Breath: State loses in "Ceded" land case 3/1/0
Island Breath: Independence Proclamation 1/29/08
Island Breath: Lakota Independence 12/22/07
Island Breath: TGI #17 Sovereighty 11/15/07
Island Breath: Atooi Press Release 11/18/07
Island Breath: Sustainability & Sovereignty 11/16/07
Island Breath: Kingdom of Atooi 9/6/07
Island Breath: Sovereignty for Kauai 5/17/07
Island Breath: Stop the Akaka Bill 9/3/05
Island Breath: Francis Boyle on Sovereignty 12/28/04
Free Hawaii Blogspot: Akaka Bill Bad Idea 5/31/06