INDEX - ID# 0814-02
POSTED: 29 JANUARY 2008 - 3:00pm HST
"When you wish upon a star..."
image above: US flag with with one star missing.
by Craig Davies on 28 January 2008
Flag of Freedom...Sovereign Nation of Hawaii, Polynesia
The Ark of MU has been inspired to document just how much support there actually is for Hawaiian Independence from our Non-Hawaiian community. If you support this Proclamation and wish to place your name, click “YES”.
This will open an email field for your name and additional, optional information. For this to be a very useful petition, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill in as much as you feel comfortable with. Please feel free to express your thoughts in the comments section. Data gathered will not be used for any purpose other than this petition effort.
When finished, remember to "SEND".
We would like to see this Proclamation on as many blogs and web sites as possible. Also, in coffee houses, health food stores, ticket outlets, etc., on all Islands. If you are interested in hosting the Proclamation on your web site or
in your workplace (Hard copies available), please indicate this in your response.
Mahalo Nui
Clicking on "Yes" below will send me an email with the following content. Please fill out info requested and hit 'Send". Mahalo.
As a Hawaiian citizen of non-Hawaiian decent, I place my name on the
Proclamation of Freedom and Neutrality.
Your Name:
Your Age:
No. of Keiki:
Contact info:
[Feel free to add your own comments.]
Non-Hawaiians for Hawaiian IndependenceAs Hawaiian Citizens of Non-Hawaiian decent, We Hereby Proclaim our desire to Live with Aloha in an Independent, Self-Sufficient, Sustainable and Peaceful Nation. Our responsibility, as a means and opportunity to achieve such a lifestyle, is to support the Native Hawaiian people (Kanaka Maoli) in the restoration of their Independent Nation of Hawai`i.
see also:
Island Breath: Atooi Press Release 11/18/07
Island Breath: Sustainability & Sovereignty 11/16/07
Island Breath: Kingdom of Atooi 9/6/07
Island Breath: Sovereignty for Kauai 5/17/07
Island Breath: Stop the Akaka Bill 9/3/05
Island Breath: Francis Boyle on Sovereighnty 12/28/04
Free Hawaii Blogspot: Akaka Bill Bad Idea 5/31/06