www.islandbreath.org ID#0702-12
SOURCE: JUAN WILSON juanwilson@mac.com
POSTED: 1 DECEMBER 2007 - 4:00pm HST
Kauai District Meetings
image above: Key Plan of Kauai Planning Districts. Click on plan for 10meg PDF file
by Juan Wilson on 1 December 2007 Revision 2.1 071204 The plan included the division of Kauai's traditional moku into seven districts that surrounded each major population center. District #1 Kona West: Waimea; District #2 Kona Central: Hanapepe; District #3 Kona East: Koloa; District #4 Puna South: Lihue; District #5 Puna North: Kapaa The districting proposal included the idea that the seven districts should be represented at the County Council and that each district should have its major population center include the preponderance of services needed to conduct county and state business. Moreover, the idea would be that each district would be, to the degree possible, a self supporting bio region capable of at least feeding itself. From what we know, that is how the Polynesians were able to sustain themselves on this island for centuries... perhaps a millennia. The districting proposal was carried over to the quarterly Eco-Roundtable Meeting on November 13th at the Peace & Freedom Convention Hall in Lihue. The agenda was to follow up on the LEGS meeting proposals. For the first part of the meeting people divided into groups by subject matter they were interested in: Water Management, Public Transportation, Energy, Housing etc. Towards end of the meeting people regrouped by which district they were in. A database of contact within each district was collected. Maps for each district were presented. Individual District issues were discussed. It was suggested that groups plan follow up meetings in their respective districts. The attending members of three Kona Districts decided to have a joint meeting on Wednesday November 28th at the Storybook Theatre. Issues discussed included 1) Hanapepe & Waimea Levee erosion due to County negligence Follow up meeting in separate districts are scheduled for December 12th at 6pm. Note: Click on District name for 4meg PDF file of that plan:
Stay tuned for updates on District meeting plans. |