INDEX - PUBLIC ID#05-01-15
SOURCE: JUDY DALTON dalton@aloha.netPOSTED: 30 November 2005 - 8:00am HST
Sierrra Club recommends policies on environment
Haleakela crater on Maui looks like Kauai without life or any vegetation. Let's hope it's our past and not our future
Want to have you voice heard? The County and State are listening.They both want to hear from you now
- by December 1st at 4:30pm.
The County's Public Access, Open Space and Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission (PAOSNRPFC) is seeking suggestions of places or access ways for public acquisition or suggestions for projects to expand or improve outdoor recreation, natural, cultural and historic resource preservation. Click onto the web site, print form to fill out and send or fax to the Open Space Commission. (Address & fax number are on the web site.)
Download Community Input Questionnaire here (the questionnaire will print best on 8.5“ x 14“ legal-sized paper or reduce in size to fit 8.5" x 11")www,
The state would like to have your input in prioritizing issues included in the survey below. We suggest you consider our recommendations and then click on to the web site below and select your top ten choices.
The Sierra Club recommends that you select all four of the "Energy" proposals (#24 encouraging time of use rates, #25 energy-efficient buildings, #26 biofuels, and #27 extending clean energy tax credits) and all three "Environment" proposals (#29 watershed management, #30 invasive species funding, and #31 marine managed areas).
Then select three other proposals (you must choose 10 total), but we recommend that you DO NOT select the Land Use Commission weakening proposal (#1), ag/residential development (#23), or tourism zoning and permits (#20).Help select the recommendations of the Governor's Economic Momentum Commission
Would you rather have a) increased funding for invasive species prevention or b) a loosening of land use regulations? How about a) extended tax credits for clean energy projects or b) allowing more residential development on farmlands?
You can easily help decide which of these proposals the Economic Momentum Commission recommends in their final report.
SOURCE: JUDY DALTON dalton@aloha.netPOSTED: 21 November 2005 - 8:00am HST
Sierrra Club submits letter to County Council
Sheraton Kauai on south shore with beach loungers in the sand
The following is a letter the Executive Committee of the local chapter of the Sierra Club has sent to the Kauai County Council as a means of improving the public's access to the ocean and mountains.
November 17, 2005
Respected County Council members:
The Hawai`i Chapter of the Sierra Club, with its 7,000 members, supports efforts to increase public access to our most valued natural asset - our beaches.
Amendment (Bill No. 2150) to Chapter 8, Article 4 of the Kaua`i County Code (1987) relating to development standards within the Resort District to include a provision to dedicate land for pubic access ways to land and waters, and lateral access ways to connect each access point is commendable and a bill we support.
Amendment (Bill No. 2151) to Chapter 9, Article 2 of the Kaua`i County Code (1987) relating to public access ways for any subdivision to include a provision for lateral public access ways along the shoreline in order to connect shoreline accesses within the subdivision is a bill that is on the right track. We would like to see it expanded to include mauka-makai access for any subdivision.
Bill 2151, as proposed, would apply to subdivisions where mauka-makai access is already provided. For properties where mauka-makai public access is not provided, the amendment leaves the public with no means of exercising its right to use access along certain shorelines. In some areas the public might be able to use the lateral access way within a large subdivision but only after traversing along the shoreline for long distances. In other areas, lateral access would not be possible despite the amendment’s intention to open access along our shorelines.
The ruling that requires public access for land divided into 6 lots or more, denies public access for land divided into less than 6 lots. Any subdivision, CPRs and agricultural lands should all be required to provide both mauka-makai and lateral access. All coastal lands should be required to adhere to the standard public access-way designated at intervals of not less than 300 feet and not more than 1,500 feet.
Amending Chapter 8, Article 4 and Chapter 9, Article 2 assures compliance with the Public Trust Doctrine of the Constitution of the State of Hawai`i, amended Jan. 1, 2000, which proclaims in Article XI, Section 1, “All public natural resources are held in trust by the State for the benefit of the people.”
We urge passage of these vitally important bills to provide full access rights entitled to the public.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Judy Dalton, Outings Chair
The Kauai Group of the Hawaii Chapter Sierra Club