INDEX - ID#0812-03
POSTED: 4 MAY 2008 - 9:30am HST
Kent State and Tom Fargo
image above: Still from the Coen brother's movie "Fargo". Tommy puts Aloha in chipper. By Juan Wilson
by Juan Wilson on 4 May 2008
Back in the spring of 1970, when I was studying architecture at the Cooper Union in New York City, a friend, Ralph Lerner, and I were assigned a project to analyze a work by the recently deceased French architect Le Corbusier (nee Charles Edouard Jeanneret). The only building of his that we knew of in the United States was the new architecture building at Harvard University.We decided, as part of our presentation, to do a short film that we could shoot in a day. The Cooper Building, built in 1854, was quite notable itself. As the theme of our analysis we decided to compare and contrast the two famous buildings in which architects were educated.
Our film would begin in the early morning in our 5th floor third-year architectural studio (where the film would be presented later). It would follow the two of us on a journey out of the school, to the subway out to Queens and to La Guardia Airport.
It would follow us getting on the Eastern Airlines jet to Boston; flying there; getting off at Logan Airport; taking the MTA out to Cambridge; walking to the Harvard architecture building and entering a corresponding studio. Then the film would follow us back-tracking to Cooper Union before the sun went down.
The film was shot on 16mm. Although it was difficult, we actually did get the task accomplished, ending up entering the Cooper Union building at dusk. Back in 1970 it was as easy to get to Boston by plane as it is to take a bus across town. There were no reservations on the Eastern Shuttles from New York to Washington or Boston. In fact no ID's were required and you did not need a boarding pass or even a ticket. There was no security other than a stewardess at the door. Cash was accepted for tickets. The charge was $19. And Eastern made a profit. Of course, gas was about 35 cents a gallon then.
Anyway, Ralph and I did have a few bumps along the road on our journey. They stemmed from two facts:
One - we were long-hair hippies, and were carrying professional film equipment (borrowed from the school).
Two - It was May 4th, 1970 and although we did not know it, the National Guard was shooting college students in Ohio that day.
The results of these two facts got us in trouble when we landed shortly after noon at Logan Airport. The captain of the aircraft stopped us in the aisle as we were exiting the plane and demanded to know what we were doing. They even wanted us to turn over the camera to him (presumably to confiscate the film).
image above: Nation Guard moving on student at Kent State University on 4 May 1970Just minutes before, at Kent State, four students had been shot to death by Ohio National Guard troops on the campus. Richard Nixon was getting serious about anti-war sentiment. Of course we didn't know any of this, but because we had a camera and we were "hippies", the captain was angry and suspicious. He was loud, demanding to know what else we were carrying. We were shocked at being yelled at this way in public. He eventually settled for throwing us off the plane (just what we were looking for anyway).
The preceding week had been tense. On April 30th, President Richard Nixon announced on national television that a massive American-South Vietnamese troop offensive into Cambodia was in progress. "We take these actions," Nixon said, "not for the purpose of expanding the war into Cambodia, but for the purpose of ending the war in Vietnam, and winning the just peace we all desire."
Campus demonstrations were running strong. The "Establishment" was a little nervous about young people with an attitude... especially blacks and hippies.
By the time we got to Cambridge, near Harvard, we had heard the news. As it turned out, one of the four students was Jeff Miller. Ralph had attended Plainview-Bethpage High School with him on Long Island in 1967. May 4th 1970 ended up being a very long day.
image above: Jeff Miller lies dead on campus of Kent State University on 4 May 1970So how does this relate to Tom Fargo? Ex PacCom commander Admiral Tommy Fargo is going to be a hard-ass about American military interests, the Hawaii Superferry and anything that smacks of defiance towards th American Empire. He'll be a Dick Nixon in aloha gear. Der Superferry Uber Alles!
POSTED: 3 MAY 2008 - 6:00pm HST
A partnership of military corporations...
image above: Admiral Tommy Fargo and his wife posing for high end Sub-Zero/Wolf equipment
advertisement. Satirical modifications by Juan Wilson
from ad spread for Hawaii's Sub-Zero/Wolf Showroom (click to see)
Since his retirement, Admiral Tom Fargo and his wife Sarah have set a new course - entertaining island style. That means their Wolf Outdoor Grill sees
plenty of action.
With exact temperature control, he grills steaks, fish and huli huli chicken like a seasoned veteran. Back in the galley, Sarah keeps all the ingredients for her creative salads market-fresh in her Sub-Zero. And the wines ready to serve in the built-in Sub-Zero Wine Storage Unit. With Sub- Zero and Wolf, the Fargos have found the perfect crew for their new lifestyle.FEED YOUR APPETITE FOR QUALITY WITH SUB-ZERO AND WOLF
Phone (808) 597-1647 •
Fargo named Trex president
16 November 2008 in Pacific Business News
Retired Adm. Thomas Fargo has been made president of Trex Enterprises Corp.
Fargo will work out of the Trex Honolulu office and remain as chairman of Sago Systems Inc. and Loea Corp., both Trex subsidiaries.
"Adm. Fargo is a strategic thinker and a visionary who has the depth to continue growing Trex Enterprises," said Kenneth Tang, chairman and CEO of Trex Enterprises.
Fargo was previously commander of the Pacific Command, but stepped down in February. He joined Loea and Sago in March.
Trex is a San Diego-based high-tech defense contractor with offices on Kauai, Maui and Oahu in Hawaii.
Sago builds camera systems to detect and locate objects on passengers at airports, on passersby, or individuals at a stand-off range. Loea builds high-speed, high-bandwidth radios.
Trex Corporate Overview
from Trex website
Trex Enterprises Corporation (Trex) is a diversified high-technology company specializing in cutting-edge technical solutions and products to improve performance across the electromagnetic spectrum. We have developed a strong base of proprietary technologies in microwave sensing, high resolution imaging, digital signal processing, applied optics and materials.Our fundamental business strategy is the development of dual-use technologies. We receive U.S. government support for programs relating to the defense, homeland security and force protection needs of our Nation and allies. We advance the creation of new business ventures and subsidiaries through our commercial incubation strategy to address market needs. To date, we have created six ventures backed with outside equity participation.
Admiral Thomas Fargo
portion from bio 6 August 2006 in
Retired Navy Admiral and Commandeer of the Pacific Command, President of Trex Enterprises Corp, Chairman Loea Corp, Chairman Sago Systems Inc, (Editor's Note: as of 2008 CEO Hawaii Superferry Corporation, member of JF Lehman Investment Corporation) .Retired commander, Admiral Thomas Fargo’s years of experience in the military has become a significant factor in his current seating as a corporate executive. Now the CEO of Trex Enterprises, a high-tech research and development company, Admiral Fargo is able to use his skills and knowledge to mold an easy transition and operate effectively in the business world.
As a top military officer, Admiral Thomas Fargo has traveled around the globe mostly in the Pacific region to help establish economic and security ties with the orient. Admiral Fargo’s decades of experience in the Navy brought him to understand different cultures and instill in him a sense of understanding and tolerance, prerequisites to peaceful coexistence. He says, “I think probably underpinning all that I’ve had the privilege to do is building relationship with these countries in the Pacific.
see also:
Island Breath: Fargo - Facsist at the Helm 4/26/08