POSTED: 23 NOVEMBER 2008 - 11:30pm HST
Review of the Book "Superferry Chronicles" (Part 1 of 3)
image above: Koohan Paik chats with Rich Hoeppner at Hanapepe book launch part. From TGI News
by Brad Parsons on 4 December 2008 in
The overall sense I get from the book is that all of Hawaii and specific islands like Kauai and Maui by their centuries of history and culture have world class potential that is dependent upon the aina and akamai decisions by the people and that residents and political leaders should not prematurely sell themselves short with fake, unsustainable decisions and projects.
The book is in three parts. I'm going to review each part. But, first, I should say why the review.
I just sat in on a radio interview that got way off topic in which I mostly just listened. In fact, I was cut off when I tried to make a good point about the book, one of only two brief comments I made during the entire interview. More importantly, though, I have not heard an interview yet that gets into the really good content of this book, much less some of the most useful points that the testimonial content of this book makes. I'm not going to mention publicly any of the minor misquotes and weaknesses in this book. Instead, I'm going to point out some of the great points made by testifiers and the authors of this book.
I'm going to mention these quotes in order as there are so many good ones.
From page 45 is the following quote, "The Superferry itself was not the most egregious example of commercial or military excess, but it came after decades of frustration and humiliation, as the people saw their island steadily diminish in character and mood..."
From page 51 is the following line of thought, "The Superferry fits perfectly into Oahu's economic paradigm of expanding markets and global connectivity, at the unfortunate expense of environmental health and indigenous culture...[Oahu] an economy dependent on growth, versus...sustainability."
From page 52-53, "Longing for Hanabata Days...Oahuans...want to have the option of stepping back to simpler days through a handy three-hour boat ride to charming outer islands, which still have the qualities they gave up....Karen Chun has this insightful explanation...Oahu's so changed now, so urban. People there have a real longing for hanabata days. They view the outer islands as a bit of their lost past...It is such an emotional thing, it's about their lost past."
From page 54, "...what happens in Hawaii [spiritually] affects the rest of the world...Liko Martin...elaborates...'If Hawaii stays oppressed,' he points out, 'that oppression emanates throughout the whole planet. If Hawaii is free, then aloha spreads out over the Earth. Because it's [Hawaii's] the piko.'" [The navel--the center of the Pacific]
The testimonies from Kauai to the Governor on Sept. 20, 2007, were all outstanding, but the following stood out to me upon reading them. Some of them did not show up in the video footage that I had seen.
From pages 65-66, Kauai's Lloyd Imuaikaika Pratt's testimony to the Governor was outstanding and should be read in it's entirety.
From pages 72-73, Kauai's Pua La'a Norwood's testimony to the Governor was outstanding and should be read in it's entirety. Pua La'a would like for her quote to have included her comments on solar and wind. Some believe those comments actually changed policy on Kauai beyond just the Superferry.
From pages 84-85, Kauai's Raymond Catania's testimony to the Governor was outstanding and should be read in it's entirety.
The diary entry about the events of August 27, 2007, from Michael Shooltz starting on page 92 is outstanding, I mean OUTSTANDING. His story about the friendly interaction with the police officer before the protest started is quite interesting.
Later, the following quote is particularly insightful:
" Being in the water was a beautiful experience. The full moon rising was magnificent. I gave chunks of the...bars to many of those who had already been in the water for a couple of hours. They were received with laughter, joy, and appreciation. It was fun, kind of a boogie board 'special delivery.' The next hours floating in the water were filled with quiet conversations as folks got to know one another and expressed appreciation. I learned from a farmer from Moloa'a about how the lettuce and broccoli are doing. Other bright young kids spoke of their concerns for the whales and dolphins...As we were spread out across the harbor, there was one beautiful young woman on a board whom I only know by her voice as she would periodically lead us all in Hawaiian chants. [Mehana?] The mana of the chants was strong, there on the water, under the full moon."
Michael Shooltz continued on page 96, "I wish I could do a search on this computer that would reveal the thoughts and feelings of each stalwart in the water as we watched the lights of the Superferry disappear over the horizon under the full moon." Yes, Michael, I have been looking for something like that too.
The Maui testimonies before the PUC on Nov. 17, 2004, are all good, but the one that really got my attention is the realistic optimistic vision of Iokepa Naeole of the powerhouse Hawaiian Canoe Club:
" I just want to share with you my plans. I don't think you've taken time to listen to what we have planned for Kahului Harbor. In 2020, we will have tripled our fleet of canoes between Na Kai 'Ewalu and Hawaiian Canoe Club. We will have gone from 300 members to 1,000 members in 2020. In 2020, any given day of the week, Monday through Friday, you will see Kahului Harbor filled with canoes--one-man, two-man, three-man, and six-man--because people decided to go paddle instead of eat their Happy Meal.In 2020, Kahului Harbor will look like Papeete, full of healthy people practicing their culture on the ocean and staying healthy. In 2020, the ice problem will have been eliminated, because all of those kids that we do have now paddling will spread the word on to their friends so they will all become part of our paddling, surfing, fishing community, recreational users, cultural users of the harbor, and ice will be a thing of the past...And I'm not talking dakine Feast at Lele, you know, hula show, I'm talking living, breathing culture...that in the future it will be something that you will never see anywhere else on the planet. In 2020, the typical visitor will go home knowing that Hawaii is the number one place to visit not because of the infrastructure provided for the visitor industry, but because of the people that are here and the way we feel about how to live on this planet [sustainably]. With aloha."
The author's did not make use of the Kauai testimonies to the Senators who visited Kauai and the other outer islands in October 2007. Some of that video should go up on the Internet. The author's also did not use testimonies at the Capitol from October 2007. Some of those were especially good and show what the Legislature did not consider for inclusion in Act 2. In particular, the testimony by Kawika Winter, Director of Limahuli Garden and Preserve, delivered impromptu at the Capitol completely in the Hawaiian language was particularly impressive.
From the book, I especially liked Keone Kealoha's, Rick White's, and David Dinner's transcribed testimonies to Belt Collins on Kauai on March 19, 2008.
The local testimonies on March 11, 2008, given by Molokai residents to Belt Collins stand out as particularly poignant:
On page 123, Judy Caparida asks and states, [on Molokai] "...does it really matter to our life? [The Superferry] is something that people want to make for us so that we live by the way they want us to live. We're so free because we're contented.
We love what we have. We don't need to have all the stuff over there...What God has given us is free!...You work...For what? Taxes here, taxes there...We don't want the Superferry here, because we don't need 'em...[to Belt Collins] Make sure you guys get down to life--not fantasy, not make-believe...[We] want to live the simple and free Life."
On page 124, Laurie Buchanan states, "...We've seen all the beautiful commercials with Molokai as a backdrop. We try to keep it that way for a reason. It's not to be exploited by commercials or by the Superferry."
Part 2 of this review will be on the second third of the book, the timeline of events on the issue.
My overall sense from these testimonies, esp. from that of people like Iokepa Naeole is that all of Hawaii and specific islands like Kauai and Maui by their centuries of history and culture have world class potential that is dependent upon the aina and akamai decisions by the people and that residents and political leaders should not prematurely sell themselves short with fake, unsustainable decisions and projects. Hawaii has limitless potential in this world and this is the positive lesson that should be learned from this issue.
These are the things that need to be said on the radio.
Gathering ignites a dialog
by Nathan Eagle on 5 December 2008 in The Garden Island
Protesters meet protesters at ‘Superferry Chronicles’ book launch in Hanapepe. After playing a veiled game of cat and mouse, a pro-Hawaii Superferry rally on Wednesday greeted residents critical of the inter-island catamaran as they entered the Storybook Theatre in Hanapepe for the launch of a book on the beleaguered company.
The latter group arrived to hear co-authors Koohan Paik and Jerry Mander talk about “The Superferry Chronicles: Hawaii’s Uprising Against Militarism, Commercialism, and the Desecration of the Earth” (Koa Books).
The evening discussion — which included remarks from local fishermen, a state biologist and political activists — marked the pair’s first of three such events this week on Kaua‘i. But it was the sidewalk dialog prior to the book launch party that told the story of where this island may stand on an issue that has divided it since last year.
The two sides did not clash when they met outside the mostly closed stores along Hanapepe Road. Voices at times grew on edge as the sun set behind the historic town, but it remained a respectful exchange of viewpoints.
That there was a dialog, as opposed to the reported stone-throwing or hurling of insults at previous rallies, may reflect the healing power of time.
Fifteen months have passed since some 1,500 protesters lined the jetty road and clogged the harbor, forcing the 850-foot “Alakai” to return to Honolulu without unloading its passengers and vehicles on its second voyage to the Garden Isle. Paik and Mander refer to it in their book as “The Incident at Nawiliwili.”
A pro-Superferry crowd of some 15 residents rallied an hour before the book launch party was set to start. They waved signs saying “Save Superferry” and “Yes to Choice” and encouraged drivers passing by to honk their horns in support. Several did. Others shouted out the window, “Go to Maui.”
Kapa‘a resident Kimo Rosen has led the pro-Superferry cry. This was his most successful rally to date.
“ The first time I did it I was alone,” he said.
A growing number of community members have joined his cause for different reasons. Some said they want the Superferry because an alternative form of transportation is needed. Others said they support the company because they were turned off by the actions of some of the protesters last year. Some said the ship would help local businesses and unite families and friends.
A few of the nearly three dozen residents who turned out for the book launch party engaged their opposition before heading inside the cozy theatre. They seemed to mystify the pro-Superferry crowd with an onslaught of questions to stimulate critical thinking.
Uncomfortable smiles accompanied literal backpedaling when a broad swath of common ground was revealed.
Some of the residents who protested at Nawiliwili underscored that they are against this company’s practices, such as its operating speeds, and the blow Gov. Linda Lingle’s administration dealt the democratic process when environmental laws were trumped to help a Mainland business come to Hawai‘i.
As Paik said in reference to a section in her book, “We love ferries.”
She called it a “false vision” to say “we’re not for alternative transportation or the economy.”
“ We’re for an economy of sustainability,” Paik said, noting the state’s dependence on its natural resources to support tourism.
Eastside resident Jonathan Jay, who has been active in the Superferry debacle for more than a year, took a seeker-of-information approach. He asked the rally participants why they wanted the Superferry to resume service to Kaua‘i, which has been on hold since the Nawiliwili incident.
At times, he had difficulty getting a word in edgewise. At other times, he was cast into a “them” pile of “disrespectful protesters” despite never stating his position on the issue.
Jay was curtly denied when he asked an electrical engineer if he could give him his e-mail address to exchange information about more fuel-efficient ferries, such as sail-supported vessels.
If someone changed their position, it was not articulated then. Nonetheless, a dialog ensued.
Puhi resident Rachel Forer was on the Alakai with her husband when it made its inaugural trip to Kaua‘i. She said they were more against the Superferry at that point than for it and took advantage of the deeply discounted $5 fares to check it out.
When the boat pulled into Nawiliwili Harbor the evening of Aug. 26, 2007, Forer said they were greeted with profanity amid the chants and drums.
“ I switched over that day,” she said. “We’re from like the ‘60s, dude, so I’m all for people protesting but you’ve got to respect different opinions. There are people who are afraid to say they’re for the Superferry for fear of messing up their contacts. That’s so un-American.”
Jennifer and Dave Houle of Kalaheo agreed.
“ I don’t like to be dictated to by intimidation,” he said.
For others, it was more about the economic benefit and the unfairness of singling out a business.
“ It’s a joke being an island community and not having a ferry,” Rosen said. “If it’s going to be successful, it’ll prove itself in a matter of time.”
He said while rocks have been hurled at him, it was not by the anti-Superferry folks gathered Wednesday evening. Rosen said Jay and community organizers such as Wailua resident Rich Hoeppner welcomed him at their recent celebration of the Nawiliwili protests.
Still, Jennifer Houle said the opposition has not been straightforward. For example, she said there have been no incidents of the catamaran hitting whales.
The Superferry has been running its daily O‘ahu-Maui route, with some weather- and mechanical-related stops, since the state untethered it last October. The company has not set a timetable to resume service to Kaua‘i.
Legal barriers were removed after the Legislature passed a law in a special session effectively overturning a state Supreme Court decision saying an environmental impact statement should have been required before the company began service.
An environmental assessment is underway as mandated by Act 2, but this has been criticized as an insufficient study that fails to follow the environmental law laid out in Chapter 343.
“ What is this really about?” Houle said.
Paik and Mander’s book expounds on an alleged military link to the Superferry.
He pointed at Superferry board member John Lehman, a military financier and former Navy secretary.
“ This is not a local business that cares about local people,” Mander said, noting the company is based in New York.
The book’s Web site links to a Nov. 13 Press-Register article about Alabama-based Austal winning a $1.6 billion Navy contract to build up to 10 high-speed transports like the two the shipyard built for the Superferry.
Mander said the Alakai may be a prototype and this is really about a military build-up for war against China. The author is director of the International Forum on Globalization, a San Francisco “think tank” focused since 1994 on exposing the negative impacts of economic globalization.
But for all the criticism of Lehman, the authors heaped more blame on Lingle.
“ The Superferry was used as a stepping stone in her career at the expense of her constituency,” Mander said.
He called the protesters his heroes and said as a Mainlander he is trying to spread the word of their victories.
“ The Superferry may not be the worst thing ... but it’s the latest and maybe the most arrogant and self-serving,” Mander said.
Paik is a journalist, media-literacy educator and award-winning filmmaker based on Kaua‘i. Her work focuses on preservation of culture and language.
“ We’re simply defending our land ... our right to local sovereignty,” she said.
George Inouye, a Waimea kama‘aina and fisherman, said the community has to stick together.
“ We have to keep our resources for our family,” he said. “They can come over here and visit but go back empty cooler.”
State Department of Land and Natural Resources aquatic biologist Don Heacok said it is about a top-down government versus a community-based government.
Paik and Mander take on the Superferry subject very broadly in their book, setting the context and incorporating testimonies from several key public hearings. They also detail the history of the project as “the evolution of a boondoggle.”
The book discusses the need to limit development and fight the “long arm of absentee landowners” who remove citizens’ rights, Mander said.
A ferry in Hawai‘i sounds great, he said. But it should be run at a slower pace by a “local operator with local values.”
The authors held a similar book launch event at Borders Books and Music last night in Lihu‘e and another is set for 6 p.m., today, at Malama Kaua‘i in Kilauea.
The Hanapepe book launch party and pro-Superferry rally were originally scheduled to be at Hanapepe United Church of Christ. Paik announced the change in venue last week; Rosen quickly followed suit.
When car horns briefly interrupted Paik’s reading at Storybook Theatre, she simply said, “See you at Borders.”
As a Hanapepe resident leaving the event said, the two sides are talking.
• For more information, visit or
POSTED: 23 NOVEMBER 2008 - 11:30pm HST
The Superferry Chronicles Launch
image above: Detail of book launch poster. To download, click here.
Book Launch Parties
Come learn little-known facts about the Hawaii SuperferryWHERE & WHEN:
Wednesday, December 3
6:00 p.m. at the The Storybook Theatre, HanapepeThursday, December 4
7:00 p.m. at Borders Bookstore at Kukui Grove Mall
Friday, December 5
6:00 p.m. at Malama Kauai, KilaueaWHO:
Speakers will include:
Co-authors Koohan "Camera" Paik and Jerry Mander
Biologist Don Heacock
Fisherman Raymond Catania and others!
Speaking of "The Superferry Chronicles"
by Katy Rose on 20 November 2008
Since the release of Koohan Paik's book "The Superferry Chronicles," I've observed some of our own critical takes on the book enter into some uncomfortable territory. I'd like to share my thoughts about it with you, and hopefuly open a dialogue.
I think it's important to challenge this idea that Koohan Paik is "cashing in" on the Superferry protests and presenting inaccurate accounts of the protests or other Superferry-related information.
Anyone familiar with the dismal economics of publishing can see that she and the publisher will be lucky to recoup expenses through book sales.
I don't for a second believe that Koohan was motivated by money any more than any professional journalist covering the Superferry story for the Advertiser or Star-Bulletin. In fact, in her case, I think money was even less of a motivation than it would be for De Pledge or others who are hired hands. Working for money is not a horrible sin, and if the book sales cover whatever expenses she took on and maybe a modest amount of income for the hours worked, which is the best case scenario for a book like this, then I don't see the problem.
I agree with Brad Parsons that the book itself does a great service by compiling some of the voices of the everyday citizens who took on the challenge of fighting for what they believe in. This part of the story has been willfully neglected by the corporate media, as it usually is. The need for "people's histories" is always urgent, as so many grassroots struggles have been sidelined and erased by the dominant, mainstream textbook histories.
There is a difference between "in-fighting" and crucial internal critiques on the Left. I am not suggesting that anyone mute their criticisms of the book, but I do advocate centering those criticisms in the understanding that documenting social movements from the perspective of the participants themselves is tough, honorable work which should be supported in principle.
Factual corrections are important, but issues such as estimates of crowd size seem unnecessarily picky. Crowd-size estimates have been such an issue of contention for so long between the corporate media, the police and the social movements that most activists now generally accept that the numbers will vary wildly depending on the interests of those reporting them. It's hardly a worthy argument, and it ends up consuming time and energy best spent on other endeavors, so most organizers and grassroots activists don't even bother with it these days. The more important analysis revolves around the question of a protest's effectiveness in shifting consciousness and upsetting the apple-cart of business-as-usual.
To Koohan's credit, she reached out to many people to get their input, attended and documented many public meetings and did the work of tracking people down and asking for their participation. Naturally, not all people were included and some may feel slighted. That's understandable, but I think we should keep it in some perspective. Koohan is not the only one allowed to present this story, which I imagine she would be the first to assert, and any one of us has the freedom to tell our perspective, as many of us do.
It makes more sense to me to view "The Superferry Chronicles" as one effort among many past and potential efforts to frame and explore the history of an important ongoing event in Hawai'i social movement history.
image above: Detail of "Superferry Chronicles" cover from
What others think of "Chronicles"
by Richard Diamond on 11 November 2008 in The Kaua'i MuseLetter
Fifteen hundred protestors line Kauai's pier. Dozens more leap onto surfboards, boogie boards, and canoes, risking their lives to stop the oncoming colossus: the high-speed Hawaii Superferry riding in on a wave of deception and collusion. The protesters block the ship, and force it back to Honolulu. But why such outrage?... Over a ferryboat?
The Superferry Chronicles is a riveting tale of intrigue and corruption—and an inspiring popular uprising against rampant commercialization. Impeccably researched, The Chronicles exposes hidden connections to defense industries preparing for Pacific conflicts, and an ambitious governor pandering to powerful military investors.
Her administration gives the mammoth catamaran—bigger than a football field—a free pass to blaze its way at forty miles per hour through protected whale breeding grounds and transport dangerous invasive species to fragile ecosystems—despite stringent environmental laws and a unanimous Supreme Court stop-order! Central
to the story, we hear directly from Hawai'i's citizens fighting to protect their lands, and saying loud and clear, "Enough is enough."
Award-winning filmmaker Koohan Paik of Kaua'i and Jerry Mander, "the patriarch of the antiglobalization movement" (New York Times), are joined by military observers, legal experts, and environmental professionals, to tell this compelling David-and-Goliath saga of local heroism versus global powers, exposing universal crises playing out in a Pacific archipelago.
The book details the ongoing struggle of many Hawaii residents against forces which have tried to bypass well established laws that protect Hawaii"s fragile ocean and land environment.The struggle has taken place at county council meetings, in our courts, on the docks, in the legislature, at public meetings, in the governor's office, on newspaper pages, and most famously, in the harovrs of Kauai and Maui.
" Open this book and dive into a story of almost allegoric proportions. Let it embolden you to stand up for our Earth, its beauty and its creatures, including ourselves." Frances Moore Lappé, author Diet for a Small Planet and Hope's Edge
" The idea of boats to connect the Hawaiian Islands is so natural and lovely that it makes one doubly mad to read how in this case it's been perverted into yet one more sad scheme for our paranoid future. Good for you—people of Hawai'i—who've raised the alarm, and to these authors for pulling back the curtain." Bill McKibben, author Deep Economy
"Koohan Paik and Jerry Mander offer the world a wide interpretation of indigenous sensibility. We in Hawai'i are grateful and stand ready for more effective collaboration. It's time to save this planet! I mua ka lahui o Hawaii-nui-akua. ('Let us all move forward, all people of the world.')" Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer, Hawaiian practitioner and educator
Trade Paperback Original • 328 pps • $20 • ISBN 9780977333899 • Photos & Index Published by Koa Books, Kihei, Hawai'i • • 808-875-7995
You can order this just published 328 page book from Amazon
Click here for: Superferry Chronicles
POSTED: 9 NOVEMBER 2008 - 8:30am HST
[Editor's Note: Excerpt from review of "The Superferry Chronicles: Hawaii's Uprising Against Militarism, Commercialism, and the Desecration of the Earth":
THE SUPERFERRY CHRONICLES is a story of personal and political empowerment— thousands of Hawaii’s people from all parts of the community taking part in an unprecedented showdown against the latest expression of a centuries-old corporate-tourist-military intrusion into the Hawaiian way of life, landscape, and local sovereignty. This is a grim tale worthy of any colonized banana republic, with just as much double-dealing and intrigue. It is also a story of hope, and love for the land, the sea, and righteousness. Koohan Paik is a media-literacy educator on Kauai, an activist, and an award-winning filmmaker. San Francisco-based Jerry Mander is founder of the International Forum on Globalization and author of the bestselling Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television and In the Absence of the Sacred.]by Brad Parsons on 9 November 2008
The book comes out on Monday, but I am reading a copy of this finished, bound book. This is a very well written and organized book. It has the look and thoroughness of an academic textbook. Oh, this is gonna be good.
Also, there was an OTF meeting on Nov. 6th. I was sent some testimony on that which is here:
Lastly, something for Austal, and HSV producers and users. The biggest single problem that HSV's have is the inefficient diesel engines they use and the fuel cost of their operation. For commercial operators it is prohibitively expensive and inefficient. Military HSV's are also inefficient except when compared to military cargo jets, and then it looks like a savings, but not really. The following research document just came out, and it looks like something that could actually be useful to the Navy, Army, Austal, Incat, and commercial operators in the not too distant future:
Full report .pdf:
POSTED: 9 NOVEMBER 2008 - 8:30am HST
More Problems with the HSF Barge
image above: Maui Superferry barge in Kahului Harbor in November 2007. Source - the Maui News
by Brad Parsons on 8 November 2008 in
The following is almost a million dollars for the tug services and repairs to the barge resulting from the tug services. Plus the newly proposed Mooring Modification to Pier 2C (and what might the cost of that be?) will put the additional costs of the barge well over a million dollars since it was delivered for operation.
The following is an excellent article today on the barge and a review of recent events:
Ferry fund is going dry with cost to repair docking barge
The Maui News - By Edwin Tanji on 8 November 2008
Harbors official looks at options; some blame issue on lack of EIS.
"A request for $414,284 in repairs to the docking barge for the Hawaii Superferry to land at Kahului Harbor will exhaust the state harbors appropriation for ferry-related improvements, Deputy Transportation Director Mike Formby said Friday.
Funds for additional projects required to modify state harbors to accommodate the Superferry "will come from somebody other than the state," said Formby, who heads the Harbors Division..."Information on the request for the procurement exemption on the barge repairs can be found online at: to the request must be filed by next Tuesday." ...
Further comments on how this could have been foreseen and planned for are added directly to the following article from yesterday:
Superferry barge repairs to cost state $414284
Honolulu Advertiser - By Christie Wilson
"The state Department of Transportation plans to spend $414284 for immediate repairs to the Hawaii Superferry barge at Kahului Harbor to...The damage occurred over the past nine months from rough contact between the barge and the end of Pier 2C at the Maui port and from the force of a tugboat pushing from the seaward side of the barge to keep it against the pier while the 350-foot, high-speed ferry is unloading and loading...Not included in the $40 million was $503,000 the state spent from December through September to hire a tugboat to keep the barge snug against the pier during ferry operations. Hawaii Superferry is responsible for tugboats costs effective Oct. 1, Formby said. ..."
Also, it turns out what was heard on Maui last week was accurate:
Superferry ‘realignments’ cost two top executives their jobs
Pacific Business News
"Hawaii Superferry has dismissed Terry O’Halloran, its director of business development, and Duane Kim, manager of Maui operations." ...
Business Briefs
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"Hawaii Superferry has laid off "less than 10 of about 200 people" it employs on Oahu and Maui, according to spokeswoman Lori Abe." ...
I might add that knowledgeable people outside of the company on Maui had good things to say about Duane Kim.
see also:
Island Breath: HSF EIS delayed 11/2/08
Island Breath: Second Ferry & HSF failure 10/30/08
Island Breath: HSF Rapid Risk Assessment 9/13/08
Island Breath: State & HSF task force failure 9/9/08
Island Breath: HSF after the fact EIS 3/20/08
Island Breath: HSF dry docked 2/9/08
Island Breath: HSF Rudder Mess 2/5/08
Island Breath: January HSF News 1/24/08
Island Breath: HSF night trips 1/11/08
Island Breath: HSF military trips 1/8/08
Island Breath: HSF EIS Smoking Gun 1/6/08
Island Breath: HSF two trips 1/5/08