INDEX - ID#0806-30
POSTED: 22 SEPTEMBER 2008 - 11:30am HST
Green Jobs Now! Forum
image above: Detail of masthead of
by Jimmy Torio on 22 September 2008
Community Support for Green Economic Development
Local Event to Build Awareness & Community & Support
for new and existing green market opportunities
Build Consensus and Capacity
for future plans to create and support local green economic opportunities
BIG TENT KukaKuka to host local "Green For All" event on
Saturday Sept 27 11:00am - 4:00pmWHERE:
Grove Farm Park in Puhi
SCHEDULE: (some events overlap)
Farmer's Market-Swap Meet 11am -1pm
Showcase for Green Products & Services 11- 4pm
Meet and Greet Candidates 12pm-1pm
2008 General Election Candidate Forum 1pm- 4pm
Food and Refreshment 11 am - 4pm
Activities for children 11 am - 4pm
Live MusicCONTACT:
Jonathan Jay - 634 3390
Jimmy Trujillo - 346 7725
Jimmy Torio - 651 4581 jktorio@hawaiilink.netOpen invitation for community members and business, labor, workforce development, and government leaders to help create a "green agenda" that positively impacts community health, enhances public infrastructure and increases opportunities for future generations.
This agenda will lead to green-collar jobs for residents, ensure financial stability for families and communities and increases Kauai's ability to become less dependant on imported products and services.
Local event is in support of www.GreenJobsNow National Day of Action on 9/27/08