INDEX - ID#0804-22
POSTED: 8 DECEMBER 2008 - 6:45am HST
Morgan-Stanley to privatize Makena Beach
image above: Makena Beach at rear, Little "Nude" Beach in foreground - looking south.
[Editor's Note: Having lived on Maui in South Kihei, I can tell you that Makena Beach is the last area of natural beauty before the lava fields of south Maui that a developer can appropriate without the equivalent effort of building a golf course on Mars. Even so, this proposal will drain the natural environment on other parts of the island to feed the chemlawns needed to make millionaires happy on a dry tropical island.]
by Angie Hofmann on 8 December 2008 for
County Council Special Meeting:
Council will discuss rezoning conditions for Makena Resort after hearing public testimony.WHEN:
Tuesday, Dec. 9th, Testimony (sign in starts at 8:00 am)
Citizens can sign in to speak while testimony continues.WHERE:
County Building in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii.
Free new reggae logo save Makena t-shirts to early sign-ins and free food available.
Angie Hofmann
Save Makena Community and Youth Organizer
phone: 808 357-3134
blog :
Stand up for Our Future!
The lands around Makena State Park are in danger of development. The Makena investors cannot build on the beach at the state park. This will remain state land and park, but the lands surrounding the park are proposed for a high-security ultra-luxury development marketing to mainland millionaires. Thousands of new luxury units and thousands of new off island people will create a very different atmosphere in Makena for all the local users of this area. Will we be welcome to use the shoreline in this "members only" community?
*Don't let this issue divide our community. Please remain respectful of other testifiers and all the people in the room at all times!
*We have not heard any response to earlier requests for a night hearing in Kihei. This is another opportunity to request that an evening hearing be held in Kihei where everyday, working people can be heard on this matter that affects south Maui.
What Are the Issues?
Makena investors, Dowling & Morgan Stanley expect $7 Billion in sales.
The Council isn't even asking for strong conditions to protect our people and our resources!
Jobs: No condition guarantees jobs for hotel and construction workers.
Water: No condition prioritizes available water for affordable housing first.
Affordable Housing: No condition requires "One affordable unit for one luxury unit" All current affordable housing requirements could be wiped out by a pending courtcase.
What do Maui Families lose if 1800 acres of Makena becomes Maui's first high-security "membership community?" Share your manao.
Key issues:
• 1,000 luxury units is only Makena Resort's first phase. 800 more acres to develop.
• 150 acres of makena Resort lands already have zoning and will have NO conditions placed on them by the Council. The council needs to make those lands subject to conditions to protect our resources.
• Who gets scarce water- millionaire investors or local families?
• Where's the benefit? $7 billion in projected sales. only 33% of units contribute to affordable housing
• Prince Hotel will be torn down. A Private Beach Club will be built for "members only." Whose beaches will the thousands of members use?
• Will private Beach Club give commercial tours of Makena, where local activities are banned?
• Dowling Co. will fund master plan for Makena Park. Will plan benefit public or his Beach Club members?
• Cultural sites at risk- outdated and incomplete studies
• Ancient trails and historic roads are mentioned in deeds, but not protected by conditions
• Hawaiian families who are descended from Royal Patent holders may still have claims to some lands.
Greed or Need?
You Decide. More info at
see also:
Island Breath: Disney on Oahu 10/17/08
Island Breath: Kauai Lagoons at Airport 3/18/08
Island Breath: TGI #21 Koloa Monkeypods 1/11/08
Island Breath: Annuls of False Advertising - Kevin Showe 7/15/07
Island Breath: Koloa Landing 6/28/2007
Island Breath: Coconut Coast & Ko Olina Coast 6/1/2007