INDEX - ID#0802-01
POSTED: 7 JANUARY 2008 - 9:00am HST
To a better 2008
image above: illustration from production of Jurassic park IV. Click to enlarge
Kauai in review 2007
Michael Wells on 7 January 2008 in The Garden Island News
• County pulls a mini-Florida and Mayor Bryan Baptiste is re-elected in primary by one vote. Two ballots are disqualified to enable the victory. Who is watching the fox in the henhouse?
• Charter Commission tries valiantly to effect meaningful change in County Charter but is thwarted by Baptiste appointees. Question of changing to county manager system never makes it to ballot.
• State Supreme Court rules the word county means the government not the body politic as stated in charter and rules the people have no right to question or change their own taxation. Government of, by and for the people becomes of, by and for the government.
• Police and U.S. military are called out against the people who pay their salaries to protect an illegal business operation. Homeland security laws are invoked to protect corporation against these would be terrorists. State rushes new legislation to override court rulings. Undercover police ride ferry to protect public against horrible lawbreakers expressing their opinion. Anybody know how much this is costing the taxpayers? Oh, sorry, I forgot they have no right to question or know.
• County green lights rampant development claiming inability to stop previously zoned entitlements. County officials can’t muster will to use moratorium or eminent domain powers. Planning uses stall tactics, failing to act within time limits, thereby ensuring developers get what they want and ensuring planning is accused only of inefficiency rather than outright collusion.
• An asleep electorate continues to re-elect guys they grew up with in plantation camps, thereby giving permission for business as usual.
As dear old dad used to say, “We get the government we deserve.”
The inmates are running the asylum.
Jurassic Park 4 to Feature Dinosaurs with Guns?
by Peter Sciretta 13 August 2007 on
BloodyDisgusting reports that Universal Pictures has begun casting for Jurassic Park IV. Apparently the new film involves dinosaurs which have been outfitted with weapons by the US government (presumably for battle purposes). If this is true, than Universal should shut down production right now. It’s one thing to expect such stupidity from the recent batch of direct-to-dvd sequels, but a big budget Spielberg produced sequel? Steven, please say it ain’t so!
Why is it that most good movie franchises are ruined by ridiculous plot concepts? The studios seem to believe that the higher the number next to the movie title, the more ridiculous the story must become. I would think that Hollywood would look at the successful franchises and study them. There are reasons why the JAWS, Batman and Superman sequels were less successful (people want real, not slapstick). Sequels like Toy Story 2 and Aliens raise the bar.[Editor's Note: let's just hope they don't film this turkey on Kauai.]