INDEX - ID#0801-21
POSTED: 25 JUNE 2008 - 12:30pm EST
The Organic Corn People Update
video above: "Trouble in Paradise (Kauai)" on
by Diana Labedz on 25 June 2008
Many of you have reported that your corn is ready.
If you can, will you take photo's of your harvest and pass them along to me. If you need a camera, let me know.
Also, I made this scare crow with my left over stuffing from the garden. Your sign can say anything you wish.
Feel free to make your own for the GMO FREE Corn festival, or we could call it
the Organic Corn Festival - we can decide all the details later.
If any of you feel like lending a hand planning the corn celebration we can use the
stuffed corn people. And if they are really cute and fun we can raffle them off. We
Will be giving away corn plants growing in little pots. Also give away more seeds.
I was thinking a celebration with everything you can think of using corn to eat.
• Fresh corn on the cob
• Corn bread
• Corn chowder
• Corn muffins
• Corn dogs using Veggie Dogs
• Corn Bread pudding
• Pop Corn Balls
• Pop Corn
Well, you get the idea. So if you have ideas please pass them along.
I am looking at a date in September so if you have suggested dates let me know.
• We should give out materials and show a film.
• We need a location - Out doors would be good
• We need music and speakers ideas.
The ideal would be Attorney Mililani Trask and Michael Crichton with a book signing. If you don't know, his latest book is "NEXT" about a future living with a GMO disaster. I have a copy but haven't read it, people say it's great and will scare the stuffing out of you. I need other ideas and speakers, so be thinking.
We need a meeting of the minds. if you want to attend I will look at the convenience for those who wish to attend with a time place and date. I hope you are all enjoying your summer.
for more see:
Island Breath: Organic Corn Outbreak Begins 3/28/08
Island Breath: Protect the Halao (Kalo, Taro) 3/6/08
Island Breath: Kalo - The staple Food 10/21/07
Island Breath: Taro reseach protested 8/15/07
Island Breath: The Kalo Crisis on Kauai 8/3/05
Island Breath: Backyard Taro Growing 5/24/05