INDEX - ID# 0801-04
POSTED: 24 JANUARY 2008 - 7:30am HST
School group seeks support for spray bill
image above: view from Waimea Canyon Middle school of Syngenta spraying Touchdown on field
by Maluia WCMS on 24 January 2008 in
Senator Hooser has introduced a Bill that establishes a pesticide free buffer zone around elementary schools. We are trying to ensure that a "full court press" translates to the political will necessary to pass this legislation. A similar effort failed in Oregon last year because industry opponents mounted concerted opposition.The importance of preparing written testimony EARLY cannot be overstressed. The Senator has requested concerned parties provide well-crafted testimony that focuses on concerns for the health of children is of paramount importance. Include any changes that may strengthen the effectiveness of the Bill (i.e. include all schools, increase the buffer zone distance) and any references that may support your position.
See the Maluia Waimea Canyon Middle School blogpage for downloadable resource articles and links.
Please send written testimony to for forwarding.
[Editor's Note: The following background emails, supplied by Katy Rose are related to the issue]
From: Maluia- WCMS
Subject: FW: Waimea Canyon School and Pesticide spraying
Sent: Jan 19, 2008 12:10 PM
Katy Rose,
Hi. I was hoping you could assist us with some of Senator Hooser's requests (see e-mail below)? Syngenta has waited until our three week break to replant the field adjacent our campus. Students returned this week and already we're seeing symptoms indicative of pesticide posioning. Senator Hooser's support couldn't have come at a more poignant time.
Subject: Waimea Canyon School and Pesticide spraying
Sent: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 16:25:08 -1000
Aloha All,
Just a quick FYI: I am working on a Bill to prohibit commercial spraying of pesticides/herbicides within XXX of feet of all public schools.
My key staff person working on this Bill is Mary Wilkowski 586-6030.
Who is the key person she should contact with your organization? We are seeking someone familiar with the issue who can review the proposed Bill (quickly), suggest possible changes (minimal if possible), and also someone who will be the key contact person to "rally support" and testimony if/when the Bill is scheduled for a public hearing. If possible we need to also locate persons willing to support the Bill who reside in Oahu and on the other islands. "Expert" testimony from anyone even outside the State is also helpful.
It is possible that this could all happen very quickly and as soon as next week or the following week, a hearing might be scheduled.
Please contact Mary and/or myself at your earliest convenience.
Gary L. Hooser
State Senator
for more see:
Island Breath: Maluia WCMS 5/4/08
Island Breath: Syngenta Poisoning II 2/23/07
Island Breath: Syngenta Poisoning I 1/12/06