POSTED: 28 MAY 2007 - 11:30am HST
Judge Orders Moratorium on Development
the Two Star Courtyard by Marriot Kauai is another example of bad planning on Waipouli coastline
by David Dinner on 28 May 2007
1000 Friends of Kauai and Puanani Rogers, through their attorneys, Hempey Norelli & Meyers LLP and Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation took legal action against the County of Kauai after the Planning Commission approved permits in January for two large coastal resorts in Waipouli, the Coconut Beach
Resort and Coconut Plantation Village.
On Monday, May 14, the Honorable Judge Kathleen Watanabe ordered a complete moratorium at the project site until the preliminary injunction hearing on June 8. Until that time, no building or ground-altering activities will be allowed.
The request for preliminary injunction asks the Court to find that the county should have prepared an environmental assessment prior to approving the $280,000,000 timeshare developments which will add 547 timeshare units to the already burdened Waipouli coastal environment.
In their complaint for declaratory action, the plaintiffs have asserted that the proposed development will have substantial adverse environmental and social impacts.
The heavily populated Kawaihau District already faces significant infrastructure constraints. Any additional resort development projects along the heavily used Kapaa-Wailua corridor would result in cumulative impacts that are detrimental to public interests.
These impacts include traffic congestion, an increased burden on water, sewer and drainage capacity and 400,000 additional tourist days per year.
If you wish to find out how you can help, please contact:
David Dinner
phone: (808) 828-0323
For more about this coastline see also:
Island Breath: 1000 Friends to Sue County 2/19/2007
Island Breath: Overdeveloped Coconut Coast 11/12/2005
Island Breath: Bad Planning in Waipoli 8/12/2005