INDEX - ID# 0714-12
POSTED: 7 DECEMBER 2007 - 8:30am HST
Kingdom of Atooi Press Release
image above: John Webber sketched "A Morai, in Atooi" in Waimea Kauai in 1778. Click for more.
by Kelly Ball on 4 December 2007 for the Kingdom of Atooi
In what continues to be example of the conflict of culturally perceived truths and sense of rights, the police of Kauai County have refused to return Kingdom symbols of authority to their proper bearers: the customary chiefs and marshals of The Kingdom of Atooi. The KPD citing the arrest of Chief Dayne Aipoalani and Robert Pa on charges of interfering with a government operation and impersonating a police officer as the need for retention of Kingdom badges for court evidence.
In the ongoing dialogue between Kingdom and State this comes as a delight to the people of Atooi that once again we may join the state in cordial harmony, as we know these badges are critical evidence, as well. Evidence of something older, deeper and more authentic that a genuine system of justice naturally recognizes. Therefore to make assurances to all involved parties that these essential items not be lost to further examination we declare our intention to wear them at all future parleys between state and kingdom; and further state that it was never not our intention to wear them. It is curious to the Kingdom however, despite the best efforts of the Chief of Atooi at his last meeting at Police Headquarters, where he graciously pointed out - one more time - the historic design of kingdom badges, the representation of Ali'i figures of which he is counted; and that the KPD badges are actually knock offs of antique authority, the cultural property of the Hawaiian nation, as to why this has made no impression. Tangent to this curiosity is the incumbent perplexity, that the Kauai Police having been rigorously trained in the science of criminality, can still not trace who has been stealing from whom after all these years.
It is also confusing to the Kingdom to hear the police insist that they evenly enforce all county, state and federal laws. We would feel much more comfortable with statements such as these if the police force had immediately arrested the Captain of the Alakai upon its first arrival in Nawiliwili harbor in defiance of a State Supreme Court ruling that abrogated its licence from the Department of Transportation, thus endangering sea life and the environmental integrity of this island, that this ruling required. We find the hypocrisy of those that insisted this court order only applied narrowly to Maui and yet at the same time still insisted on the statewide right of travel to be particularly odious. It goes without saying that if the various police and military apparatus of the United States actually did enforce American law there would have been no takeover of the Hawaiian nation in the first place, no need for the Chief and Kingdom Marshals to be in Nawiliwili that night to enforce both kingdom and state laws. No need to be arrested for being Hawaiian.
Furthermore, it is our unfortunate duty to remark on the dangerous and shoddy removal of public environmental laws crafted to ensure among other things: that a non-threatening ferry service might someday ply these Hawaiian waters. We cannot fail to compare the cheap ease with which time tested legal precedent is dissolved and the sudden dissolution of our own precious sovereign state. Like the whales as a species, we are still here as a nation, despite the legalese and historical spin control. And we wonder greatly with what integrity those of you that wear the uniforms and titles of justice continue to act.
We hope that in further conversations with the representatives of the state as we demonstrate significant inconsistencies in our historic relations, and before this painful process is over, there will be compassionate recognition to the disarray our culture and people have been unnecessarily subjected. That the large numbers of Hawaiian houseless in a land as wealthy as ours; in a country as rich as the United States will be seen for the travesty that it most clearly is. That the abiding anger and frustration of so many kanaka required to appear in handcuffs before a foreign judiciary wearing cultural blinders is recognized. A judiciary that apparently cannot effect its own laws and is routinely shaken by the tail of the dog it purports to regulate.
We reaffirm our natural rights to exercise our experience and wisdom as First Nation to regulate and manage our environment, to ensure the demilitarization of our land to comply with the international neutrality and the harmony among nations and peoples to which we are committed and the freedom to pursue self-perceived political goals. We the peoples of the Hawaiian nation and its various kingdoms according to the Hawaiian - American Friendship Treaty of 1850 promise to all concerned... to keep up our side of the story. Won't you join us in a new and just future.
POSTED: 18 NOVEMBER 2007 - 7:00pm HST
KPD and Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi
image above:Roy Asher (KPD Anti-insurgency officer) L. & Dayne Aipoalani (Alii Nui of Atooi) R.
discuss inspection of Superferry vessel. Photo dated 8/19/0. Photo by Jonathan Jay
by Kelly Ball on 14 November 2007 for the Kingdom of Atooi
In what turned out to be a cordial meeting of minds Ali'i Nui Dayne Aipoalani, High Chief of the Kingdom of Atooi met with police representatives at their office building in Lihue on Thursday November 8, concerning his and Customary Chief Robert Pa's arrest last week. The two were arrested at the historic County courthouse where they had gone to address issues of the disinterment of iwi at various building sites around the islands and charged with obstructing government operations and impersonating police officers at the August 27 Superferry protests at Nawiliwili Harbor.
While Police Chief Darryl Perry, Lt. Mark Begley, officer Gordan Isoda and arresting officer Roy Asher were intent on discussing the events of that day the conversation quickly shifted to the legitimacy of the Kingdom in its First Nation capacity as recognized by the United Nations in 1947 when its State Seal was issued. The Kingdoms delegation having just returned from Washington DC, went to the offices of Daniel Akaka, Mazie Hirono and Neil Abercrombie to present papers serving Notice of Declaration of Ownership of various lands in Hawaii.
Dayne pointed out that those who went had at first been detained by the Department of Homeland Security and then given entry to Congressional offices upon the examination of their national papers and the seal from the UN. He forgave Officer Asher who had arrested him and Pa causing them discomfort, as he told him that their were some things he needed to realize. Besides the recognition from the UN there is the well documented overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, his personal lineage along with others, descending from the last king of Kauai and Kamehamea, the first king of united Hawaii. He presented documents recording lands granted to his family in the grand Mehele which incidentally include Nawiliwili harbor among many other holdings throughout greater Hawaii. He finished up noting The Apology Bill for the overthrow signed by Bill Clinton in 1993, U.S. Public Law 103 - 150, and asked the officers which part of his claims they wished to discuss first.
Needless to say there is a difference in perception between state and kingdom of who owns what and who is breaking whose laws.
The police for their part were willing to discuss these matters. Officer Asher stated that there would now be no reason to arrest "kingdom guys." They were willing to work the current situation out if stopping short of absolute recognition on their part. The High Chief said it was not in his interest to shut down county, state or federal governments, only to exercise oversight authority as the representative of the "first people" and the preservation of their endangered culture, to ensure the well being of future generations of their keiki. He also pointed out that on the badges the police wear is a representative figure of a Hawaiian Ali'i which in fact is representation of himself. He further asked the Police Department to issue an apology for his arrest to be published in the Garden Island to clear his name. They agreed to this.
The police will now examine the documents presented to them and go through their protocol "so as to protect the Kingdoms foundation so no one else gets arrested." Chief Dayne also received an E-Mail from Governor Lingle's liaison Loke Kin stating the same thing and calling for further discussion. Among those documents which included the Declaration of Ownership of Kingdom properties as mentioned; are the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Charter, chapter 11, article 73 under which the Nation of Hawaii was placed in 1947, and recognized as First Nation.
Copies of letters sent to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Senator Daniel Akaka further delineating those charter principles and how they relate to the current situation were also presented. Among those principles listed are the rights of native peoples to self determination including the right to autonomy: political, economic and cultural determination according to their self perceived needs. The outlawing among other things, of forced assimilation, such as the event of the Hawaiian takeover, which eventually lead to statehood over the strenuous complaints of the Hawaiian leadership and people, as well as the legitimacy of claims to dispossessed lands and resources that have been lost to colonization. These letters also remind their recipients that Hawaiians are not native Americans by the obvious fact these islands are in no way part of the American continents. And that the Akaka Bill is legislation that essentially interferes with the internal affairs of what has always been an external nation and culture; and if passed will be subject to the review of international tribunals.
Also poignantly cited is the Hawaiian Kingdom - United States of America Friendship Treaty, Commerce and Navigation, Article II of 1850 that has never been revoked. In this, as in any sovereign nation, is listed the inherent right of all nations to regulate commerce and the passage of ships in territorial waters. This of course includes the ferry Alakai and its permission to enter Nawiliwili Harbor without an EIS for which actions on the night of protest Dayne and Robert were arrested.
Concerning all these complaints of historical genocide and theft against the indigenous people of Hawaii, the High Chief of Atooi declared that it is high time for the Redress of Grievances promised in the American Constitution as well as various UN charters.
The promise of the Kauai Police and the Office of the Governor to sincerely review these issues perhaps denotes someone is finally listening after all.
POSTED: 25 OCTOBER 2007 - 7:30am HST
Retroactive HSF Arrests
image above:Roy Asher (KPD Anti-insurgency officer) L. & Dayne Aipoalani (Alii Nui of Atooi) R.
discuss access to Pier One before Superferry arrival. Photo dated 8/26/07 credted to Jonathan Jay
by Hope Kallai on 24 October 2007
I was at Spinners Coffee shop this am. Steve, who I think was arrested along with his kids (or he was later identified from photo, then arrested..) said Rob Pa was re-arrested yesterday afternoon, and charged with felonies not misdemeanors.Call them.
Rob sez all will be re-arrested, so be ready with bail, child care, rides, phone calls, be clean....
Thet're gettinng rid of the varsity team before the next game. Have you read the proposed bill?
Still no wildlife agency input (BLNR chair is one of her SupaSession nominees), mostly poliltical appointees. Gov's own DLNR has never responded to HSF.
Amazing. Where are da Feds?A hui hou.
POSTED: 23 OCTOBER 2007 - 6:30am HST
Two Atooi activists arrested
by Amanda Gregg on 25 October 2007 in The Garden Island News
Two members of the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Atooi posted bail yesterday after being arrested on charges stemming from the Aug. 26 arrival of the Hawaii Superferry.
Dayne Gonsalves, also known as Dayne Aipoalani, and Robert Pa, both were arrested Tuesday during a Planning Commission meeting, police said.Both men claim Kaua‘i is actually a free and independent nation, the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, as a self-governing and sovereign entity.
Police had warrants for the arrests of the two men, which they executed Tuesday after being called to the Historic County Building regarding a disturbance, Assistant Chief Roy Asher said.
“We secured arrest warrants for several members of Atooi,” Asher said, two of which were served with the help of officer Shelly Rodrigues.
Pa and Gonsalves were each taken into custody and released on $2,000 bail on Superferry protest-related charges that included obstructing government operations, disorderly conduct and simple trespassing.
Both were additionally charged with impersonating a police officer after they allegedly tried to present credentials with governmental authority during the arrest.
“The impersonating a police officer charge is based on their verbal statements and documents depicting them as law enforcement,” Asher said.
Gonsalves, who claims to be the Ali‘i Nui, has said he retains governance of Kaua‘i.
Gonsalves wrote a letter to Gov. Linda Lingle in April requesting her acknowledgment of his claims.
In the letter, Gonsalves wrote that Atooi “shall be established for the good of all Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian people residing herein, in order to allow such inhabitants, of every ethnicity and culture, to enjoy their well deserved and divinely appointed freedoms, the ability to express their cultures, honor their ancestral lands and preserve their rights to life, autonomy and self-determination.”
Noting more arrests of Atooi members were underway, Asher said Gonsalves and Pa would have their day in court.
Neither Pa nor Gonsalves was available for comment.u may have to look through blog archive for dated articles
see also:
Island Breath: Officials Ponder Arrests 10/4/07
Island Breath: Superferry Eclipsed 8/28/07
Island Breath: Akaka Bill Passes House 10/25/07
Island Breath: Stop the Akaka Bill 9/3/05
Island Breath: Francis Boyle on Sovereighnty 12/28/04
Free Hawaii Blogspot: Akaka Bill Bad Idea 5/31/06