POSTED: 20 NOVEMBER 2007- 9:00pm HST
An Invitation!
image above: a sunset candlelight peace gathering on the mainland
by Sandy Herndon on 20 November 2007
We are calling all concerned beings, spiritual leaders, musicians and chanters to participate in a full moon, candlelight prayer vigil and water blessing, for the protection of Kaua’i, her people, and the Hawaiian waters, and in solidarity with our Neighbor Islands.WHAT:
We will offer chants, prayers and music to bless our Island homes. Please feel free to bring drums and instruments, candles and your strong voice.WHERE:
Event will be held at Nawiliwili HarborWHEN:
Gathering will be around sunset,
about 5:30, with Prayers to begin at 7:00
on Friday, 23 November 2007.
Please contact Sandy Herndon at 808-821-2101
for more information and/or add your name to the Prayer schedule.
We see this gathering as a “kick-off” for those who will continue to hold this consciousness of Peace and Harmony through Dec. 1, when the Hawaii Superferry resumes it’s schedule to Maui.
Mahalo Nui
to the entire Ohana- Kama’aina, Newcomers and Visitors -
for bringing your Aloha energy to this very special event!
See You There!
POSTED: 6 NOVEMBER 2007 - 9:15am HST
Statewide ferry protest draws 250 here
image above :Surfers about to enter the harbor to simulate blocking channel. Photo by Juan Wilson
by Rachel Gehrlein on 4 November 2007 in The Garden Island News
For the 250 demonstrators at Nawiliwili Park yesterday, it wasn’t just about the Superferry coming back to Kaua‘i, it was how the “Superferry bill” came to be.
“The most upsetting thing to me is the process,” said demonstrator Andrea Brower of Aliomanu. “It was so undemocratic, so illegal and is undermining the most important environmental law.”And so begins the next phase in the Superferry saga.
On Wednesday the state House of Representatives voted 39-11 on a bill to allow the Superferry to resume service.
The state Senate voted 20-5 on its bill Oct. 26 and Gov. Linda Lingle is soon expected to sign the bill into law.
If the bill is signed, one more hurdle will be cleared to allow the ferry to operate while an Environmental Impact Statement is carried out.
image above: Ben Kali, of Hanapepe, drums as surfers enter the water. Photo by Juan Wilson
At yesterday’s event — dubbed the “Nawiliwili Ti Party” — demonstrators acknowledged the high-speed ferry will be present in Kaua‘i waters.
“It’s not about whether I want the Superferry or not,” said demonstrator Jill Friedman of Kapa‘a. “It’s about the way the judgment was done. The judge’s decision was based on environmental laws that we have. Every time the Legislature doesn’t like the judge’s decision, it will be challenged as unconstitutional.”
Although Friedman is concerned about the traffic, the possible introduction of invasive species and whale strikes, she feels that if passengers only were allowed on the ferry, it could be good for the local economy.
“There could be taxi, bike and car rental stands,” Friedman said. “People could come as our guests and we could provide transportation options. It would create more money and more jobs.”
John Jacobs of Kalaheo was wondering where the county of Kaua‘i fit in the entire equation.
“What does the county of Kaua‘i really want?” Jacobs said. “Can’t we vent this out?”
Jacobs was also worried about the surf break in Nawiliwili Harbor. He has seen some large turtles on the rocks of the jetty and has wondered how the Superferry would affect them.
“Everyone talks about the whales,” Jacobs said. “What about the turtles?”
Some believe Kaua‘i isn’t ready for more people, plain and simple.
Tim Swanson of Kapa‘a feels people, including the local government, haven’t been taking care of what we have and aren’t ready for more people to come to the party.
“Our highways, our beaches and our roads, they’re not taking care of it, not putting money into it,” Swanson said. “The people of Kaua‘i haven’t been taking care of Kaua‘i like they should be. We don’t need people here until we can take care of Kaua‘i.”
image above: Crowd listens to a blessing and prayer for the future. Photo by Juan Wilson
Timoteo Rysdale of Wailua likes the way things are on Kaua‘i. He doesn’t want what he watches on the nightly news from O‘ahu to come here, mainly crime, he says.
“The reason people live here is specifically to not be connected,” Rysdale said.
Rysdale feels the situation at hand is a giant civics lesson for the people of Kaua‘i.
“What they’re doing is political favoritism of the worst kind,” Rysdale said. “They are trying to go around the law.”
Before supporters could take to the sea to participate in a water protest, demonstrator Auntie Louise gathered the crowd closer so she could give pule.
“We’re here to stand against the injustice of the legal process that has happened,” Auntie Louise said. “We’re here to protect the ‘aina.”
Demonstrators then navigated their surfboards, canoes and kayaks down the jetty rocks to the water to gather in the middle of Nawiliwili Harbor in solidarity with demonstrations happening at the same time on Maui, O‘ahu and the Big Island.
According to its Web site, Hawaii Superferry service is expected to resume within the next two weeks.
POSTED: 6 NOVEMBER 2007 - 9:15am HST
Ferry too close, fast for comfort – whale expert
image above: Maui demonstration at Circuit Court building in Wailuku
by Brad Parsons on 4 November 2007
I attended. About 45 committed people were there. The gathering was led by Maui Tomorrow reps. It was positive and intended to show support for the Hawaii Judiciary to stand firm in support of the existing law HRS 343 and not be swayed by the new unconstitutional bill recently passed.Most of the people there spoke and had something good to say. I was impressed by an MCC student named Suzanne who rode her bike to the Wailuku courthouse from Pukalani in the rain to attend this meeting. That's like 14 miles in the rain. This things not over. I'm thinkin' the Superferry manipulators have no idea of the kind of commitment they're up against. A few phrases came out of some things people were saying there: Superferry Kapu!, Aloha Aina, and Malama Maui or Malama Kauai.
BTW, a couple of speakers there mentioned the military aspects and DU issues associated with the Superferry. One of the people there, Karen Chun, has constructed a good web page on Depleted Uranium in Hawaii at:
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see also:
Island Breath: Ti Party to be held 11/3/07
Island Breath: Banana Republic 11/2/07
Island Breath: One more HSF Hurdle 11/1/07
Island Breath: Legislature OKs Superferry 10/31/07
Island Breath: Special Session on HSF 10/25/07
Island Breath: Conditions for Special Session 10/18/07
Island Breath: News of September 25-26 9/25/07
Island Breath: News of September 23-24 9/24/07
Island Breath: News of September 21-22 9/22/07
Island Breath: News of September 20th 9/20/07
Island Breath: News of September 19th 9/19/07
Island Breath: News of September 18th 9/18/07
Island Breath: News of September 16th-17th 9/17/07
Island Breath: News of September 14th-15th 9/15/07
Island Breath: News of September 13th 9/13/07
Island Breath: News of September 12th 9/12/07
Island Breath: News of September 11th 9/11/07
Island Breath: News of September 10th 9/10/07
Island Breath: Superferry Concerns 9/10/07-