INDEX - ID# 0709-12
POSTED: 23 JUNE 2007 - 10:30am HST
Nawiliwili-Civic Center-Ahukini Path Alignment
Family strolls on the completed section of Kauai Bike & Pedestrian Path at Lydgate State Park
by Thomas Noyes on 12 June 2007
Public Information Meeting #1
The southernmost phase of the 16-mile Nawiliwili to Anahola Bike and Pedestrian Path is unique in that it will be more triangular than linear. In addition to connecting Nawiliwili Park with Ahukini Landing, the path will provide alternative transportation to and from the heart of Lihue by including the County of Kauai Civic Center as a primary destination. This approach will enhance non-motorized access to the governmental and business hub of Lihue, as well as provide safe access to the path system for Lihue residents.
The first public information meeting regarding the preparation of an Environmental Assessment for the Nawiliwili-Civic Center- Ahukini phase will be held:
Tuesday, June 26th, 7:00pm – 9:00pmWHERE:
The Peace & Freedom Convention Hall.
Included on the agenda are the following:
• a review of the scope of work for the Nawiliwili-Civic Center- Ahukini phase
of the overall Nawiliwili-Anahola path project
• a visual tour of the potential routes for the Nawiliwili-Civic Center-Ahukini bike and pedestrian path
• an exercise where meeting participants will work together identifying
potential routes for evaluation and desired path amenities
• an opportunity to address questions and receive comments from
community members
R. M. Towill Corporation, based in Honolulu, has been contracted by the Department of Public Works to evaluate alternative alignments and prepare the environmental assessment. Leaders and members of the project team will be presenting at this meeting. Kaua`i community members are encouraged to attend, as the early planning stages are the best time to become informed, provide input and influence decision-making.
For more information, please contact Public Communication Project Consultant Roxanne MacDougall at 822-5798.
Thank you for your attention to the above. Please make an effort to attend this meeting, and kindly spread the word to our fellow Path supporters.Mahalo,
Thomas A. Noyes Chair
Kauai Path Committee
PO Box 81
Lihue, HI 96766A project of Garden Island Resource Conservation & Development, Inc.
Kauai residents working together to preserve, protect, and extend access island-wide through the design, implementation, and stewardship of multi-use paths.
phone: cell: 808.639.1018
home & fax: 808.822.5075
see also:
Island Breath: Kauai Bike Path 3 7/25/2006
Island Breath: Kauai Bike Path 2 5/26/2006
Island Breath: Kauai Bike Path 1 11/16/2005