INDEX - ID# 0708-02
POSTED 8 FEBRUARY 2007 - 9:30pm HST
New golf club uses Depleted Uranium
Ad in Scientific American appears to be selling Depleted Uranium in golf clubs. See ball turn to bullet!
[Editor's Note: I was thumbing through last July's Scientific American and fell across an ad that reminded me of why I quit my subscription to the old rag. It was not easy to let go of SciAm. I have issues going back to 1970, and have read the magazine back into the early 60's. I even have a copy of the CD index of all past issues beween 1950 ans 2000. The magazine has changed a lot over the decades.
In recent years SciAm has slid from being a magazine directed at scientists and engineers to one pandering to rich boomers who like think they are enlightened technologists while looking at slick ads for Kentucky bourbon, German sports cars and delpleted uranium loaded golf clubs.
If you don't believe the latter read on. Is there anything else but depleted uranium (DU) that could be used by the military for armor piercing shells and that is 70% harder than titanium? Why would some idiot think it proper to put DU in a golf club? This is just what every loopy handicapper needs...a load of radioactive waste in his golfbag to give him the confidence he needs on the fairway. Next we'll be seeing DU as an element in an Erectile Disfunction (ED) device. "Remember it's a load that's harder than steel!"
A portion of the ad is reproduced above and the full text follows below. Observe that this ad mimics being an editorial article. Spooky isn't it? Westinghouse, General Electric and the Department of Energy must be getting a laugh out of this use of Scientific American to get rid of stuff cluttering up our nuclear power plants and weapons development sites.]
New golf club's secret metal
may hit too far on some par-4's
Coating on surface derived from armor-piercing metal used by militry.
Largest head size Charlie Allen in July 2006 in Scientific American
Yalesville CT - A small company in Connecticut has taken the
largest head allowed under the Rules of Golf, and souped it up with a coating derived from a once-secret metal developed by the Department of Defense to pierce enemy armor.
The coating hits with a force twice as hard as steel, 70% harder than titanium.
With that much punch a good golfer could turn some par-4's into par-3's.
That's not what officials had in mind when they set a 460 cc size limit on
clubs. Golf officials were trying to restrict distance, and they still are. There is talk of new rules requiring manufacturers to tone down their balls.
Good luck. Manufacturers will always push the envelope, and the maker of this club is no exception. Look what it's done. First, it chooses a club head that goes right to size limit, then it slips in under the radar with a coating that comes
from the tips of torpedoes and armor-piercing shells. Nothing wrong here, unless the club pro invokes a new rule. And it might.
Here's how it performed when a pro and other golfers tested it. Balls went 20-40 yards farther. One golfer hit seven out of eight shots 20 yards farther with the new
club. "I wish I hadn't just spent $400.00 on mine," he said.
A ten-handicapper, who also plays a $400.00 driver, hit the new club 40 yards farther. He said, "I'm not doing anything. It seems to swing itself."
Another golfer who had just bought a 460 cc driver (they can cost $400.00 to $500.00) wanted to get his money back. A husky golfer who swings at about 120 MPH actually cracked a ball with it.Another golfer hit five of his seven drives from even to ten yards past shots he hit with his own driver, a $449.00 club.
Too powerful for some par-4's. A former PGA pro who played it in California said he had to club-down to a 3-wood on several par- 4's. A 21-time Connecticut long-ball champ said of the 500 drivers he's used used over twenty years, this one hit farther with less effort than any of them.One golfer begged the company to let him take it with him for a week in Palm Springs. A low-handicapper curved several shots around imaginary dog legs 220 yards out. The club's huge sweet spot gave him more room to work the ball
from toe to heel.
I asked a Director of the company that developed the club, called the Controller® 460, for comments. He lit up. "This is the driver of all time"Tell me how anything can beat this: A driver with a maxed out head and sweet spot, a coating derived from a metal used by the military to pierce enemy armor -- steel and titanium are to weak to do that -- a clubface twice as hard as steel, 70% harder than titanium, a 45 1/2 inch, 69-gram high-fiber, graphite shaft that cracks through the air like a bull whip. What's left! Look at those shots! That guy over there will shoot scratch golf.
"We're giving golfers 30 days to play it. If their scores don't drop big time they can send it back and we'll refund its price promptly."
Big drivers hit big shots. That's why there's a 460cc limit. A 460cc driver with a 70% kicker hits really big shots.
If you want to play the Controller® 460 for 30 days, call the company at
1-800-285-3900 or go to You can also send your name and a check (or cc number and exp. date) to NGC Golf (Dept. FD- 36), 60 Church Street, Yalesville CT 06492. It's not in stores.
The graphite shaft model costs only $99.00; the company's top-of-the-line TurboTip® graphite shaft costs $119.00. The TurboTip® shaft has a big-butt grip for firmer control and extra weight in its tip for more club head speed.
When you buy the driver, the matching 3 and 5-woods are available at a $10.00 discount off the driver's price. Specify shaft model, right or left-banded, regular or stiff flex.
Shippimg and Handling is $14.95 for one, two or three clubs. CT add 6% sales tax.
Oh, yes. If you swing at 120 MPH, bring some extra balls.
see also
Island Breath: Hawaii Depleted Uranium Bill 2/1/2007
Island Breath: Depleted Uranium & Superferry 10/13/2006