INDEX - ID# 0707-03
POSTED: 19 MARCH 2007 - 6:30pm HSTCongatulations are in Hand!
by Jonahan Jay on 19 March 2007
Hurray for you, and Hurray for Kaua'i! Because of your efforts and others on the island to support a comprehensive sustainable solar policy for KIUC, it is my pleasure to announce to you two out of the three "Sunshine Candidates" endorsed have been voted into office. Good work all! And it wasn't really that hard was it? Filling in a couple of bubbles, popping a ballot in the mailbox, emailing a couple of friends to get them to also vote - none of this is super hard to do, but it was done! Hurray!
The hardest thing for folks to do on Kaua'i seems to be to act in concert with each other in spite of how busy and distracted we all are. Bucking against this trend, there were 1,500 votes more this year over last, an increase of over 27%! If you voted, Hurray for you - you helped set a record!
Now that we have three new Directors on the board of KIUC - David Iha, Carol Bains, and Allen Smith - I have one more request to make of you - Next time you pop a check in the mail to pay your KIUC electric bill, please promise me this:
Please include a short note congratulating the new Board members, and stress to them your support for a vigorous and comprehensive sustainable solar program for KIUC. This small step will mean a great deal, because so few people ever say anything! Your few words will have great weight. Ainoyukea!
POSTED: 13 MARCH 2007 - 4:30pm HSTShine on! Give 'em Sunshine!
Help KIUC find more pa ana a ka la (sunshine)
As a pono citizen of the island, YOU may have voted for aggressive, creative and comprehensive solar-based sustainable energy policy for KIUC. Hurray! But what about your friends? Dey Vote Yet? Track them down. You know where they live.
In KIUC Elections, 20,000 ballots are sent out, only 6,000 votes are cast. With as little as 2,000 votes, the 3 below can become Directors. You and I have voted, but 14,000 ballots remain unused! There is strength in numbers.
CAROL BAINS: for her commitment to the 'Sunshine Law' for Coop
openness and member participation.
PETER THIELEN: for his commitment to solar power by seeking Solar Hot Water panels for all at bulk discount.
ALAN SMITH: for his recognition of the urgency to address needless
Demand Side consumption.
Find 3 friends who have not yet voted. Ask them to join us & support these solar policy objectives. You see, KIUC needs help to shine. We need to ‘stuff’ the ballot box with so many beams of sunlight they have no choice. Otherwise, they’ll just burn more diesel.
Anyunoaikea – In small elections, a couple dozen votes can make a world of difference - exactly the difference we need to make. No need for a stamp - the postage is FREE! All ballots must be received at KIUC by NOON, March 17th to be valid.
mahalo & maika
jonathan jay, member of Apollo Kaua'I a grassroots group dedicated to sustainable energy on Kaua'i.
To learn more about Apollo Kaua'i, visit:
Kauia Island Utility Cooperative:
4463 Pahe`e Street, Suite 1
Lihue, Kaua`i 96766-2000
phone: (808) 246-4300
*1 Negawatt = 1 Megawatt of existing electricity 'liberated' from a former task and available for the grid.
POSTED: 6 MARCH 2007 - 7:30am HSTGet the Sunshine!
Help KIUC find more Pa'ana a ka la (sunshine)
by Jonathan Jay on 5 March 2007KIUC Board of Directors Election, You Can have an Impact
Only 5 0r 6,000 vote, only 2,000 votes needed to win
Vote Early! Vote Akamai!! Vote Often!
Polls close: NOON, March 17th.HEARYEE, HEARYEE!
As a citizen of the island, I, jonathan jay, Apollo Kaua'i member speaking only for myself, do now urge aggressive, creative and complete adoption of solar-based sustainable energy policy for the Kaua'i. Our Sun already has a sustainable solar energy policy in place - it's nuclear furnace will blaze for billions more years.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, humans have not yet figured the trick of fusion power. However, since the Sun is already burning for FREE, and it's not going away anytime soon, doesn't it make more sense to invest in 'solar' power? Up till now, we have hitched our wagon to a highly polluting fossil fuel, that starts wars, has an unknown but climbing price, and may or not be running out sometime soon. How smart is that? Isn't more akamai it make more to hook our wagons to a star, one that is conveniently located only 93 million miles away?
This is not a 'new idea'. This stuff has been talked about for decades so it is not new to think about, but to figure out what needs to happen to actually DOING, that would be new. And valuable. Wouldn't it be prudent thing to do to rapidly switch over to a stable, non-polluting, reliable energy source that is freely delivered to our doorsteps and perfectly tuned to meet our needs. In order to leave fossil fuel behind, back in the 2nd Millennium where it belongs, and achieve sustainable energy independence for Kaua'i, we must stop 'talking about it and DO IT. The time is now. One great place to finally start is to GET MORE SUNSHINE INTO KIUC:
* LITERAL SUNSHINE: by harnessing the power of the Sun directly via wind, wave hydro and PV, and live within the energy budget of our local environment
* METAPHORIC SUNSHINE: increased transparency and a bigger 'welcome mat' for Citizen-Members of the CO-OP who wish to participate in strategic deliberation with KIUC
* INDIRECT SUNSHINE: by massive investments in efficiency to liberate Negawatts* the greenest way to 'generate' electricity known to humanity
Toward the end of February, Apollo Kaua'i and TGI held a candidate forum for the 3 open seats on the KIUC Board of Directors. All the candidates that participated in that evening of Q&A from the audience were highly qualified, capable people. All of them no matter who gets elected could probably do a great job on the Board of Directors of our island Coop. However, by demonstrating an awareness and commitment to the VALUE OF SUNSHINE outlined above, these three candidates most clearly 'shone':
CAROL BAINS: for her commitment to the 'Sunshine Law' for Coop openness and member participation.
PETER THIELEN: for his commitment to solar power by seeking Solar Hot Water panels at bulk discount.
ALAN SMITH: for his recognition of the urgency to address needless Demand Side consumption.
Speaking on behalf of myself, I jonathan jay, invite all:
a) to become more involved helping KIUC evolve into a true COOP
b) dump diesel and generate our own sustainable 'Local Power'
c) work to help build a lean, green Island Grid with distributed generation and two-way power flows
If you agree with the above: please Encourage all candidates, all present & continuing KIUC Board Directors, all the KIUC Management, Staff & Workforce, all the COOP member/owners, which means Everyone on the whole island including you: GET MORE SUNSHINE INTO KIUC! Support the adoption of these solar policy goals, and help KIUC's to make these solar realities, here on Kaua'i.
Because I know you do care, one way to show it is to Vote Early! Vote Wisely!! Vote Often! Tell yer friends to do so too!. You don't even need a stamp - the postage is FREE! All ballots must be received at KIUC headquarters by NOON, March 17th to be valid, so get your in the mail as soon as you can. In fact, before you forget, go grab your ballot and do it now!)mahalo & po–maika‘i,
jonathan jay, member of Apollo Kaua'i
a grassroots group dedicated to sustainable energy on Kaua'i.
To learn more about Apollo Kaua'i, visit:
Kauia Island Utility Cooperative:
4463 Pahe`e Street, Suite 1
Lihue, Kaua`i 96766-2000
phone: (808) 246-4300
* Negawatts: electricy 'discovered' or 'created' by doing a formerly electrical task by other means, or with greater efficiency. If there were solar hot-water panels on EVERY roof on the island, we would free-up 20 megawatts or more of electricity now being used heat water. Heating water is 1/4-1/3 of your electric bill An LED lightbulb is 20 times more efficient than an incandescent, and 4 times more than a CF bulb. I Kaua'i were to swap out all our bulbs, bulbs we could 'generate' another at least another 5 megawatts. For more information on Negawatts, see:
POSTED: 15 February 2007 - 6:00pm HST
KIUC Candidates’ Forum
Thursday, February 22 at 6:30pmWHERE:
KauaiWar Memorial ConventionPeace & Freedom Civic Center
A forum of the candidates running for the board of the KIUC. Make an informed decision Before you vote in the March Kaua`i Island Utilities Co-op Elections Electing Board Members that share our concerns is the most direct way to exercise ownership of the grid-based portion of our energy future.
Apollo Kauai
Whose Mission is to promote energy efficiency and conservation, the development of appropriate renewable energy resources, and the use of energy efficient and non-polluting transportation systems at individual, local and state levels through education, advocacy, demonstration, and legislation to improve sustainability, livability and prosperity on Kauai.CONTACT:
Ben Sullivan
see also:
Island Breath: Makini Uwila "GridBuster" 12/18/2006
Island Breath: Wind Power in Limbo 6/2/2006
Island Breath: KIUC = ENRON 12/11/2005
Island Breath: KIUC sunshine policy 11/27/2005
Island Breath: KIUC spending expose 10/31/2005
Island Breath: KIUC should pay us for power 8/26/2004
Island Breath:They call this cooperative? 7/21/2004