Eco-Roundtable Merges with Kaua'i Sustainability Conference
Tuesday, November 13th, 2007 from 6-8:30pm at
The Peace & Freedom Convention Hall
4191 Hardy Street, Lihu’e
The next Eco-Roundtable, taking place Tuesday, November 13 th , 6:00 pm at the Memorial Convention Hall in Lihu'e, marks an evolution from the last three events in that the scope is growing from purely an environmental one to sustainability as a whole. With the success of the recent Kaua'i based L.E.G.S. Conference, or Locally Engaging Global Solutions, the idea existed to merge the efforts and take more of an action
oriented approach to the issues rather than just sharing information once per quarter.
Ben Sullivan, Chair of Apollo Kaua'i and the primary sponsor organization of the conference acknowledged,
"The problem we face is not in finding the solutions, it's in implementing them. Therefore our effort becomes one of establishing a sense of urgency within the broader community that enables vigorous change."
The new format will include break out groups in the areas of sustainability, such as energy, food security, waste and so on, that can facilitate concrete action steps in these areas that move us towards a sustainable future on Kaua'i. Some groups may already be taking these steps so it will be a great opportunity to highlight their direction, progress, challenges and successes with others that may be doing similar work and those that are simply interested and may be attending
for the first time.
"It is going to take each of us participating to create the sustainable future we envision. Whether you are just curious about sustainability or are completely committed to taking action this is the meeting to be at", says Keone Kealoha from the group Malama Kaua'i.
After the break out groups have distilled the current landscape in their respective areas of concern, each committee will provide a snapshot to the group as a whole as to what is being done, and in some cases what needs to be done, to move towards a more sustainable Kaua'i. The hope is performing this kind of assessment each quarter should yield a much more realistic and complete picture on how we are progressing the effort of sustainability at the island level.
Additionally, Juan Wilson's districting project will be utilized to assist in organizing participants by the areas they live in. We know that the ahupua'a, or community level watersheds, were the basis for land and resource management among traditional Hawaiians and ideally we should be able to address our needs at the community level, it's what sustainability is all about. Wilson says, "As we pass through the Peak Oil tsunami, managing Kauai by districts will be
the natural order of things. It will be easier, more practical and effective than trying to maintain centralized governmental, commercial and utilities hierarchies. The Eco-Roundtable could do a service to the greater island community by providing a working example of district management in its own affairs." The hope is that interim meetings at the district level will take hold and will be the foundation to establishing localized sustainability centers.
About Kaua'i Eco-Roundtable:
The Kaua'i Eco-Roundtable is a network open to all those interested in the sustainable future of Kaua'i. The network hosts a quarterly meeting, which serves as a public forum where individuals and organizations have an opportunity to focus on actions steps to make Kaua'i more sustainable. The meeting also serves as a clearinghouse on volunteer opportunities, upcoming events and a place to update each other on sustainable activities we are undertaking. The public is invited
to participate by listening, learning and ultimately to participate where they feel inspired to do so.
The Eco-Roundtable meets at the second Tuesday each quarter at the Peace & FreedomConvention Hall in Lihu'e:
6:00 – 6:30pm – Networking
6:30 – 7:00pm – Introduction and setting the stage
7:00 – 8:00pm – Committee break-out and discussion
8:00 – 8:30pm – Committee reports
This event is being coordinated by
Malama Kauai Sustainable Agriculture and Energy Center
contact: Keone Kealoha
phone: (800) 828-1642
About Malama Kauai:
Malama Kauai is a Kilauea based non-profit working to raise awareness on the importance of sustainability, to assist in implementing sustainable practices and support sustainable projects beneficial to the community.
Current Invitees include:
Partial listing of invited groups include:
1000 Friends of Kaua'i/ PPK
Apollo Kaua'i
Apollo Kaua'i/ Bike Committee
Ark of Mu
Bamboo Guild
Buy Green Build Green Be Green
Coconut Wireless Magazine
Earth Corps (O'ahu)
East Kaua'i Water User's Cooperative
Friends of Kamalani & Lydgate Park
Ginger Films
GMO-free Kaua'i
Green Party
Hanalei Roads Committee
Hanalei Watershed Hui
Hawaii Invasive Species Council
Hawai'i Organic Farmer's Association
HMS Conservation Hui
Ho'okipa Network
Hui Maka'ainana o Makana
Hui o Laka (Koke'e)
Kaua'i County Farm Bureau
Kaua'i Monk Seal Watch Program
Kaua'i Outdoor Circle
Kaua'i Path
Kaua'i Peace Group
Kaua'i Peace 'Ohana
Kaua'i Planning & Action Alliance
Kaua'i Public Land Trust
Kaua'i Taro Growers Association
Kauaian Institute
Kokee Resource Conservation Program
Lakshmi Interiors
Limahuli Gardens
Limu Coalition
Malama Kalihiwai
Malama Kaua'i
Malama Maha'ulepu
Moloa'a Watershed Council
Na Kalai Waa O Kaua'i
Napali Coast Ohana
National Tropical Botanical Garden
Nature Conservancy
Nawiliwili Bay Watershed Council
Outdoor Circle
Papa Laua'e o Makana
People for the Preservation of Kaua'i
Regenerations Botanical Garden
Rotary Club of Kapa'a
Save Koke'e
Save Our Seas
Save Our Shearwaters
Sierra Club
Surfrider Kaua'i
Sustain Kaua'i
Sustainable Kaua'i Coalition
Wahine Fest 2007
Waipa Foundation
West Side Watershed Council
Zero Waste Kaua'i
Missing groups? Please contact: |