Kaua’i Eco-Roundtable Quarterly Meeting
website: www.ecoroundtable.org
The Eco-Roundtable is a network of Kaua'i's environmental groups that meet once
per quarter to update each other and the public. The meetings have taken the new approach of being issue oriented. Please see the press release below for details on the meeting agenda.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 from 6:00-8:30pm
Peace & Freedom Hall
4191 Hardy Street, Lihu’e
This event is being coordinated by
Malama Kauai Sustainable Agriculture and Energy Center
contact: Keone Kealoha
phone: (800) 828-1642
email: keone@malamakauai.org
website: www.malamakauai.org
KAUA’I – The Kaua’i Eco-Roundtable, a network open to all locally based environmental groups, announces the next quarterly meeting will be held in Lihu'e on Tuesday, August 14, 2007, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The general public is highly encouraged to attend this free event. The meeting will take place at the Peace & Freedom Hall (aka War Memorial Convention Center) at 4191 Hardy Street.
The goal of the quarterly meetings are to bring together all of Kaua’i’s environmental groups, allowing them to discuss issues and, challenges to island living. The previous meeting, held in early 2007, drew over 110 people representing over 35 environmental organizations and various island residents.
The format of the meetings has changed. Previous meetings allowed each group to name themselves and share what they were working on taking several minutes each, and two hours in total, to complete. Starting with this meeting, these quarterly “group updates” will be provided as printed handouts so that the meeting time can be used to focus on the top environmental issues of the day, some of which include:
• The Kaua’i Sustainability Conference being held on October 13th
• The Super Ferry - Irene Bowie Executive Director of Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc. Irene will give us an update about the SuperFerry legal actions that face The Superferry by Kaua’i and Maui. James from Hui-R (Who We Are), a coalition of
environmental organizations, will speak about a planned August 18th Super Ferry
meeting, a community gathering to discuss the Super Ferry and its negative impacts for Kaua’i
• Proposed Ethanol Plant & Waste-To-Energy Incinerator - Ben Sullivan from Apollo Kaua’i will discuss the proposed coal burning ethanol plant and the waste to energy incinerator plant with questions and answers from the community
• Sonar - Dr. Marcia Green from the International Ocean Noise Coalition will be on
island to discuss the Navy's use of Sonar in November when the humpback whales return and The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) released their proposed rule for use of the Navy's Low Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar system for the next 5 years
• Solid Waste - There will be a Zero Waste update
• Water Districts - A presentation about island wide water districts by Juan Wilson
• Open Event Announcements - Each environmental organization will be allowed to give announcements for up coming events.
This is an opportunity for people to come to participate in the issues discussed and get updated on projects. The networking done at these meetings is useful for all groups and people just learning about our current environmental challenges. There is a place for everyone here; people have an opportunity to be apart of growing a healthy island. WE ALL continue to support a Garden Island, growing healthy food as well as our children.
Current Invitees include:
Partial listing of invited groups include:
1000 Friends of Kaua'i/ PPK
Apollo Kaua'i
Apollo Kaua'i/ Bike Committee
Ark of Mu
Bamboo Guild
Buy Green Build Green Be Green
Coconut Wireless Magazine
Earth Corps (O'ahu)
East Kaua'i Water User's Cooperative
Friends of Kamalani & Lydgate Park
Ginger Films
GMO-free Kaua'i
Green Party
Hanalei Roads Committee
Hanalei Watershed Hui
Hawaii Invasive Species Council
Hawai'i Organic Farmer's Association
HMS Conservation Hui
Ho'okipa Network
Hui Maka'ainana o Makana
Hui o Laka (Koke'e)
Kaua'i County Farm Bureau
Kaua'i Monk Seal Watch Program
Kaua'i Outdoor Circle
Kaua'i Path
Kaua'i Peace Group
Kaua'i Peace 'Ohana
Kaua'i Planning & Action Alliance
Kaua'i Public Land Trust
Kaua'i Taro Growers Association
Kauaian Institute
Kokee Resource Conservation Program
Lakshmi Interiors
Limahuli Gardens
Limu Coalition
Malama Kalihiwai
Malama Kaua'i
Malama Maha'ulepu
Moloa'a Watershed Council
Na Kalai Waa O Kaua'i
Napali Coast Ohana
National Tropical Botanical Garden
Nature Conservancy
Nawiliwili Bay Watershed Council
Outdoor Circle
Papa Laua'e o Makana
People for the Preservation of Kaua'i
Regenerations Botanical Garden
Rotary Club of Kapa'a
Save Koke'e
Save Our Seas
Save Our Shearwaters
Sierra Club
Surfrider Kaua'i
Sustain Kaua'i
Sustainable Kaua'i Coalition
Wahine Fest 2007
Waipa Foundation
West Side Watershed Council
Zero Waste Kaua'i
Missing groups? Please contact: keone@malamakauai.org |