INDEX - ID# 0701-01
POSTED: 2 JANUARY 2007 - 10:00pm HST
Organic Farming Workshop
by University of Hawaii on 21 December 2006
University of Hawaii
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR)
Organic farming became one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture during the 1990's. U.S. producers are turning to certified organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income.
Organic farming systems rely on ecologically based practices, such as cultural and biological pest management, and virtually exclude the use of synthetic chemicals in crop production and prohibit the use of antibiotics and hormones in livestock production.
Price premiums for organic products have contributed to growth in certified organic farmland and, ultimately, market expansion. Fresh produce has long been an important component of the organic food sector, and a significant contributor to the organic industry's growth over the last decade.
The University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, in coordination with Kauai Community College - Office of Continuing Education and Training, invites you to attend a two-day workshop on Organic Farming in Hawaii. Join us to receive professional science-based information that covers basic production concepts and techniques as well as information on certification and marketing of organic products.
Attend this two-day program to:
Learn basic concepts and techniques on building soil quality, pest management, cultural management, and marketing.
Network with colleagues and interact with experienced organic farmers
Learn first hand about organic farming during a field tour.
Gain 5.0 re-certification credits for Private and Commercial Category 1a pesticide-applicators (please remember to bring your HDOA pesticide license)
Who should attend?
New farmers interested in learning organic techniques
Conventional farmers wishing to transition to organic production
Organic farmers wishing to review basic production concepts
Public and private sector agricultural professionals working with organic farmers
Thursday and Friday, January 18th and 19th
Kauai Community College - Office of Continuing Education and Training (KCC-OCET).
Registration Fee:
$60, includes organic snacks and lunch. Workbook/manual additional $20.
Make checks payable to UH-OCET
3-1901 Kaumualii Hwy, Lihue, HI 96766.
Credit cards, cash also accepted.
phone: (808) 245-8318
fax: (808) 245-8271
Deadline for registration is January 17, 2007
Space is limited.
Visit the CTAHR
The Instructors:
Dr. Hector Valenzuela (Agroecology; Vegetable Production)
Dr. Ted Radovich (Vegetable Ecophysiology, Quality)
Dr. Jonathan Deenik (Soil Fertility)
Dr. Jeri Ooka (Plant Pathology)
Dr. Russell Messing (Biocontrol; Integrated Pest Management)
Dr. Linda Cox (Community Economic Development)
Mr. Al Santoro, Hawaii Cooperative of Organic Farmers (HICOF)
Mr. Ned Whitlock, Moloa`a Organica`a, Moloa`a, Kauai
To reserve your place, call or email:
phone: (808) 245-8318
fax: (808) 245-8271Kauai Community College
Office of Continuing Education and Training
3-1901 Kaumualii Hwy
Lihue, HI 96766
Visit the UH-CTAHR Organic Farming website listed below.
This program is funded by the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Small Farm Program, Hawaii Farm Bureau, the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, and in coordination with Kauai Community College-Office of Continuing Education and Training.
see also:
Island Breath: Palm Oil Biodiesel
Island Breath: Native Grass Fuel
Island Breath: Waimea School & GMO's
Island Breath: GMO News
Island Breath: GMO permit requests
Island Breath: GMO Papaya Contamination
Island Breath: Hawaii Taro Patents
Island Breath: GMO crops & superweeds
Island Breath: BioPharming Lawsuit
Island Breath: GMO Algae in Hawaii
Island Breath: China & Kraft GMO
Island Breath: GMO Free Kauai
Island Breath: GMO free Molokai
Island Breath: Mendocino GMO ban
Island Breath: GMO Experiments
Island Breath: GMO Rice
Island Breath: GMO in Hawaii
Island Breath: The Future of Food
Island Breath: Percey Schmeizer