Support Bill to notify public of GMO experiments
14 February 2006 - 9:30am
logo of Pioneer (a DuPont Company): They are doing GMO experiments on Kauai
by Lydi Morgan Committee Clerk for Hermina Morita on 13 February 2006
This bill, HB3218, is the bill we testified on at the Capitol. It is the bill to demand the DOH (Department of Health) look at test fields and require a certificate. We need to phone these 2 Representatives from the next two committees to hold a hearing on this bill, or it will die. Please take a moment and call them right away. Mahalo, GMO Free Kaua`i.
Calling all people who are concerned about genetically modified organisms and the fact that Hawaii has more test sites for GMOs than any other state in the US....
HB 3218, Relating to GMOs, was passed by the House EEP Committee on Feb. 9. It has been referred to EDB/AGR. Unfortunately it looks like the Chairs for these committees may not be planning to schedule a hearing for this bill, so
PLEASE CALL THEIR OFFICES to urge that this bill be heard. In order to meet certain deadlines, it must be heard by this Thursday morning, Feb. 16, and the notice for this hearing must be filed by Tuesday morning, Feb. 14.
EDB Chair, Rep. Karamatsu's office: 586-8490
AGR Chair, Rep. Abinsay's office: 586-6010
They need to know that this is an important issue that deserves discussion! Please forward this to any and all interested parties that you know of.
If you have any questions please call Lydi Morgan at 586-8435.
Aloha GMO Free Hawaii supporters
11 February 2006 - 2:30pm
logo of Monsanto Corporation: They are doing GMO experiments on Kauai
Great news from the Capitol yesterday!
by Jeri Di Pietro on 10 February 2006 for GMO Free Kauai
One of our bills, HB 3218, passed the first committee yesterday. We received 75 letters of testimony, about half were from our side in support of the bill. Seven members from GMO Free Hawai`i flew in to Honolulu to testify in person. About seven people from the pro biotech side testified in person also. It was amazing to hear all the names of the folks who sent in testimony as they are read allowed, followed by 'in support'! Big Mahalo for everyone who sent in testimony, it certainly helped tip the scale in our favor. You all are great! We worked with Rep. Mele Carroll, the author of the bill, after the hearing to fine tune the language and make the bill more likely to pass the next committee.
We will keep you posted on the next hearing, your same testimony can be sent again or you can change it slightly.
Our next big hearing is on the Senate bill by Gary Hooser, seeking to ban genetic modification of Kalo (taro). This bill will be heard on February 25 (a Saturday).
Senator Hooser scheduled it for a Saturday in hopes that many folks will be able to testify in person. GMO Free Hawai`i members plan to be present for this hearing. Please be thinking of your testimony for this bill, SB 2749. We will keep you posted as the time gets closer. Please remember the folks at the Public Access Room are on site at the capitol to help all of us in any way possible. They make sure that testimony sent in from the outer islands, is printed and delivered to the committee. They are available to answer any of you questions, at any time. They are our advocates in Honolulu! The toll free number from Kaua`i is 274 3141.
I want to express our deepest and most sincere mahalo to all of you. Your written support, no matter how brief in length, helped to get this over the hump! Well done Hawai`i, mahalo for standing up and participating in this process and your kokua is helping to malama `aina.
HB 3218 Requires persons proposing to engage in testing, propagating, cultivating, and growing GMOs to notify Dept of Health and obtain a certification from State Department of Health.Introducer(s): CARROLL, MORITA, SAIKI, WATERS, Arakaki, Berg, Chong, Kahikina, Schatz, Tanaka, Tsuji, Yamashita. Current Referral: EEP, EDB/AGR, CPC
Report Title:
Genetically Modified Organisms; DOH Notification and Certification
Requires persons proposing to engage in testing, propagating, cultivating, and growing GMOs to notify DOH and obtain a certification from DOH
Relating to Genetically Modified Organisms
Section 321-11.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§321-11.6[]] Genetically modified organisms[.]; notification and certification.(a) Any person who proposes to research, test, propagate, cultivate, grow, or produce any genetically modified organisms shall:
(1) Notify the department of the person's intent to conduct these activities; and
(2) Obtain certification from the department prior to conducting these activities.
(b) The department shall examine and evaluate each proposed genetically modified organism research project; testing, propagating, cultivating, or growing technique; or product for its risk to public health and to the environment. The department shall issue certification of approval after determining that the proposed genetically modified organism research, testing, propagating, cultivating, growing, or production does not pose a risk to public health or the environment. The certification shall include information on:
(1) What organism will be researched, tested, cultivated, propagated, grown, or produced;
(2) The person or company proposing to conduct the genetically modified organism-related activities;
(3) How many organisms will be researched, tested, cultivated, propagated, grown, or produced;
(4) The purpose of the genetically modified organism-related activities;
(5) The location of the genetically modified organism-related activities; and
(6) Any other information the department may deem necessary.
All certifications shall be available to the public at the department's office or on the department's website.
(c) Any applicant to any federal agency for any permit for or approval of any bioproduct, field testing of genetically modified organisms, or environmental impact assessment of genetically modified organisms shall submit one copy of that application to the department, at the same time that the application is submitted to the federal agency.
(d) The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to implement this section.
(e) As used in this section:
"Genetically modified organism" means a life form or its living progeny that has been altered at the nucleic acid level, using the techniques collectively referred to as recombinant DNA technology.
"Recombinant DNA technology" means the transfer of genes, regulatory sequences, or nucleic acid between hosts by the use of vectors or laboratory manipulations and include the insertion, excision, duplication, inactivation, or relocation of specific genes, regulatory sequences, or sections of nucleic acid. This term does not apply to material or an organism developed exclusively through traditional methods of breeding, hybridization, or nondirected mutagenesis."
Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Passed House Committee on
Energy and Environmental ProtectionVOTES:
Yes (7): Chair Mina Morita, Vice Chair Cindy Evans, Lyla Berg, Mele Carroll, Tommy Waters, Brian Schatz. Yes, With Reservations: Kymberly Pine
No (2): Ezra Kanoho, Cynthia Thielen
Excused (1): Bev Harbin
Rep Cynthia Thielen (my paraphrasing): Voted no because location of GE crops must be made public in order to establish buffer zone around organic fields. Hugh bureaucracy not needed at DOH to carry out monitoring.
Anti (12): CTAHR, Maui County Farm Bureau, Hawaii Farm Bureau, Hawaii Agricultural Research Center, Hawaii Crop Improvement Association, Hawaii Science & Technology Council, Bruce McBrantley (Monsanto), HARTS, Department of Health, Board of Agriculture, Kevin Kelly, Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) (Oppose because DOH, DLNR and OHA should be part of the permitting process).
Pro (56): Conservation Council of Hawaii, EarthJustice, Kahea, Noreen Parks, Una Greenaway, Greg Jones, Kristine Kubat, Maris Abelson, Margery Freeman, William Duffy, Kristian Hunt, Adriana E. Duerr, David Caccia, Nadine Newlight, Mark Query, Jennifer Snyder, Amala Codling Duignam, Donna Mitts, Dee Anne Domnick, Sarah Sullivan, Janice Palma-Glennie, Ambika Kosada, Josephine Keliipio, Joe Conti, HOFA, Heather Nobriga, Russell Ruderman, Catherine Carter & Philip M. Dwyer, Caren Diamond, Eloise Engman, Richard Mealey, Bodhitara Diane Searles, James G Trujillo & Maria Walker (Manule`a Farms), Marta Greenleaf, Tony Kilbert, Lorrin Pang MD MPH, Valerie Herrmann, Sunny Erickson, Aimee Moorhead, Elizabeth Kilpatrick, Steve Mann, Nancy Redfeather, Esta Marshall, Jeri De Pietro, Mary C. Egbert, Grady Keystone, Michaela Boudreaux, Ingrid Tillman, Melissa Stibbard, Malia Holmes, Will Fulton & Diane Sanders, Steve Sparks, John Parziale, Tracey Schavone, Sierra Club, Life of the Land.
GMO Free Hawaii supports seven bills
1 February 2006 - 8:30pm
logo of Syngenta Corporation: They are doing GMO experiments on Kauai
It is now the beginning of the legislative session in Honolulu. We have seven bills that we will be supporting this year.
The bills that we will be watching closely are
SB 2750 (coffee only moratorium ), to be heard by Energy, Environment and International Affairs (EIA) and Water, Land & Agric ( WLA)
SB 2749 ( Taro only moratorium) To be heard by EIA/WLA
SB 2752 and HB 3218 ( matching health department certification bills) To be heard by HLT/EEPHealth, Energy & Environment, EDB/AGR Economic Dev & Agriculture, CPC Consumer Protection
HB 2827 that requires the labeling of GMO fish in Hawaii , To be heard by WLO/AGR, Water, land ocean & Agriculture, EDB Economic Dev.
HB 3046 and SB 2942 the matching bioprospecting bills See below.
Please read them if you have the time you can go to and look up the bills. The testimony for these bills will be needed in the next week or two. we know that most will be heard before Feb. 21st as that is the date where they switch houses ( go from house committee to senate committee) Please write your testimony ahead of time and have it ready. The notice for testimony gives us 48-72 hours. Usually the testimony needs to be in the night before the hearing. Email is quite sufficient. Even better is physically showing up in Honolulu. I will send out an email as soon as I hear of a notice for a hearing, when each of these bills will be heard. At that time I will do my best to send out talking points for the bills.
For those of you who live in Puna or Kau, you have a chance to help by calling your Puna Senator Russell Kokubun (Chair of Agriculture in the Senate)and letting him know that you want him to hear these bills AND that you want him to vote for them. Let him know you are paying attention to what he is doing, he is up for election this year. If he hears from 50 of you and your friends, he has to listen. Pass this on to your friends.
For those of you living in Hilo, your representative Clift Tsuji ( Vice Chair of Ag in the House) will also respond similarly. Ask him to hear the bills AND ask him to vote for them. Bob Herkes ( South Kona and Kau) is also on the Ag committee in the House. Probably the most important person is Rep. Abinsay. He is chair of Agriculture in the House. He is from Kalihi on Oahu, but he needs to receive many calls so that he will hear the bills in the House. Please call Their receptionists will compile the list of names for them to see.
Sen. Kokubun's phone # - dial 974-4000 when prompted dial 66760# it will be a toll free call this way.
Rep. Tsuji's # - dial 974-4000 when prompted dial 68480# toll free
Rep. Herkes' # - dial 974-4000 when prompted dial 68400# toll free
Rep. Abinsay's # - dial 974-4000 when prompted dial 66010#974-4000 is the toll free # for Hawaii Island only
984-2400 is forMaui
274-3141 is for Kauai
1-800-468-4644 is for Molokai and Lanai
Below are brief descriptions of the bills
Genetic Engineering: Moratorium
HB 3219 Provides a 10-year moratorium on testing, propagating, cultivating, growing, and raising genetically engineered coffee and taro. Introducer(s): CARROLL, ARAKAKI, BERG, MORITA, SAIKI, TANAKA, Caldwell, Chong, Kahikina, Yamashita. Current Referral: AGR/EDB/EEP, HLT, CPC
SB 2751 Provides a 10-year moratorium on testing, propagating, cultivating, growing, and raising genetically engineered coffee and taro. Introducer(s): HOOSER, ENGLISH, Chun Oakland, Nishihara, Kim. Current Referral: EIA/WLA
SB 2749 Provides a 10-year moratorium on testing, propagating, cultivating, growing, and raising genetically engineered taro. Introducer(s): HOOSER, ENGLISH, Chun Oakland. Current Referral: EIA/WLA
SB 2750 Provides a 10-year moratorium on field testing, propagating, cultivating, growing, and raising genetically engineered coffee. Introducer(s): HOOSER, ENGLISH. Current Referral: EIA/WLA
Genetic Engineering: DOH Permit
HB 3218 Requires persons proposing to engage in testing, propagating, cultivating, and growing GMOs to notify DOH and obtain a certification from DOH. Introducer(s): CARROLL, MORITA, SAIKI, WATERS, Arakaki, Berg, Chong, Kahikina, Schatz, Tanaka, Tsuji, Yamashita. Current Referral: HLT/EEP, EDB/AGR, CPC
SB 2752 Requires persons proposing to engage in testing, propagating, cultivating, and growing GMOs to notify DOH and obtain a certification from DOH. Introducer(s): HOOSER, ENGLISH, Chun Oakland, Nishihara, Inouye, Kim. Current Referral: WLA, EIA
Genetic Engineering: Labeling
HB 2827 Prohibits sale of genetically modified fish or fish product in the State if not appropriately identified or labeled. Defines "genetically modified fish" and "genetically modified fish product". Introducer(s): CARROLL, BERG, MORITA, SHIMABUKURO, Arakaki, B. Oshiro, Takumi, Tanaka, Yamashita. Current Referral: WLO/AGR, EDB
HB 3046 Biological Diversity; Genetic Access; Commission.
Description:. Creates temporary commission on biological diversity to assist in creating a regulatory framework to implement policies and make relevant recommendations to the legislature regarding access to genetic resources and biological Introducer(s): MORITA, LEE, THIELEN, Carroll Current Referral: WLO/HAW,EDB/AGR, FIN
SB 2942 Biological Diversity; Genetic Access; Commission.
Description:. Creates temporary commission on biological diversity to assist in creating a regulatory framework to implement policies and make relevant recommendations to the legislature regarding access to genetic resources and biological Introducer(s): HANABUSA. WLA/MAT/EIA, Current Referral: JHW/WAM
HB 3069 Requires DLNR to implement permitting system for collection of biological resources from Hawaii and provides for use of revenues. Appropriates $250,000. Introducer(s): KARAMATSU, ABINSAY, CHANG, CHONG, HERKES, MAGAOAY, TSUJI, YAMASHITA, Wakai, Waters. Current Referral: EDB, WLO/HAW, FIN
see also Island Breath: 2006 HI Legislature
If you have questions or comments, you can reach us at GMO Free Kaua`i at
phone 808 651 9603 or
email at
We will send out future action alerts when 36 -48 hour window for testimony comes up. Please help distribute these to your friends as well. Mahalo!
GMO Free Hawaii analysis of proposed bills
Hawaii GMO Legislative Bills for 2006
This is the first email notice regarding 2006 State Legislation. Yesterday was the closing day to submit new bills. This is a list of new bills. Note that 4 of the bills in the Senate (SB) have companion bills in the House (HB).
Our legislative reps. are feeling certain we will get a hearing this year. Next year, Senator Hooser may be elected to a position in Washington, DC. This is the year to respond in mass unison on the GMO situation in Hawai`i. In addition to these bills, there are about 20 more being reintroduced from last year.
Some bills are being introduced by the biotech companies themselves, giving them more power to self regulate their own test crops! The data below comes from go to legislation, bill status, then search Genetically Modified.
Much mahalo to House Representative Mina Morita and Senator Gary Hooser! You may keep track of bill progress by clicking on bill number below.SB 2749 Genetically Modified Taro Moratorium
Provides 10 year moratorium on field testing, propagation, cultivation, growing and raising genetically engineered taro
Introduced by Hooser and English
SB 2750 Genetically Modified Coffee Moratorium
Provides 10 year moratorium on field testing, propagation, cultivation, growing and raising genetically engineered coffee
Introduced by Hooser and English
SB 2751 Genetically Modified Coffee and Taro Moratorium
Provides 10 year moratorium on field testing, propagation, cultivation, growing and raising genetically engineered coffee and taro
Introduced by Hooser, English, Chun, Oakland, Nishihara, Kim
SB 2752 DOH Notification and Certificates
Requires persons proposing to engage in testing, propagating, cultivating and growing genetically modified organisms to notify DOH and obtain a certificate from the DOH
Introduced by Hooser, English, Chun, Oakland, Nishihara, Inouye, KimHB 2827 Genetically Modified Fish Labeling
Prohibits Sale of genetically modified fish or fish products in the state if not appropriately identified or labeled
Introduced by Carroll, Berg, Morita, Shimabukuro, Arakaki, B., Oshiro, Takumi,
Tanaka, Yamashita
HB 3218 DOH Notification and Certificates
Requires persons proposing to engage in testing, propagating, cultivating and growing genetically modified organisms to notify DOH and obtain a certificate from the DOH
HB 3219 Genetically Modified Coffee and Taro Moratorium
Provides 10 year moratorium on field testing, propagation, cultivation, growing and raising genetically engineered coffee and taro
Yet to be introduced.
HB #### Genetically Modified Taro Moratorium
Provides 10 year moratorium on field testing, propagation, cultivation, growing and raising genetically engineered taro
HB #### Genetically Modified Coffee Moratorium
Provides 10 year moratorium on field testing, propagation, cultivation, growing and raising genetically engineered coffee
As we compile more dates and data, we will boil it down and send it out via email. If you have friends that would like to be on this list.You can call us at
GMO Free Kaua`i
phone 808 651 9603
PO Box 343
Koloa, HI 96756
808 651 9603
see also:
Island Breath: 2006 Hawaii Legislation
Island Breath: GMO crops & superweeds
Island Breath: BioPharming Lawsuit
Island Breath: GMO Algae in Hawaii
Island Breath: China & Kraft GMO
Island Breath: GMO Free Kauai
Island Breath: GMO free Molokai
Island Breath: Mendocino GMO ban
Island Breath: GMO Experiments
Island Breath: GMO Rice
Island Breath: GMO in Hawaii
Island Breath: The Future of Food
Island Braeth: Percey Schmeizer