INDEX - ID# 0614-12
POSTED: 17 July 2006 - 5:30am HST
Wind Power siting on Kauai
a view from 'upwind' looking southwest to the 3.3 miles of windmills along Kahuamoa Ridge near Omoa
UPC mum on 10.5 MW windmill location
by Jonathan Jay 17 July 2006
Kahuamoa Ridge above Omao heading up toward Kahili is most likely siting.
lowest 7 dots in elevation (closest to Kaumuali'i Hwy) represents the most likely present scenario.In the map below each dot represents a 200'+ tall wind tower with turbine blades 240' in diameter spinning on top. Each wind turbine would produce 1.5 MW of electricity.
The hypothetical uphill extension adds another 19 turbines. Were these to be Enercon E70's (2MW), the total output would be ~52 MW about 2/3 the island's peak energy -- present max. demand is ~78MW.
plan view of most likely siting for windpower farm near Omao -Note: north is to the lowerleftThe GE 1.5's would produce less - just under 40MW. The full implementation would require 3.5 miles of road cut into the hillside up to an elevation near 2000', where it would link to the existing Kahili Ridge Radio Transmitter facility 4WD road, which would require extensive upgrading to accommodate the transport of 120' turbine blades, and heavy steel sections of the 200'+ towers.
Where would these Towering Turbines be visible from?
view northwest at 815 foot above Omao l towards first 7 windmills along Kahili Ridge
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see also:
Island Breath: Wind Power Alternative