POSTED: 5 APRIL 2006 - 12:00pm HSTA Musical Celebration of Beauty and a Call to Protect it
photo of Millicent Cummings with rose by Michael Jacobsen
Sunday, April 9th 2006 12pm to 10pm
Gaylord's Carriage House at Kilohana
by Millicent Cummings on 5 April 2006
Music, Hula, poetry and talk story will take the stage this Sunday, April 9th at Gaylord's Carriage House at Kilohana, from 12-10pm.
Many of Kauai's best musicians will be there like Cindy Combs, Manulele and Millicent Cummings with guest appearances by John Cruz, Eddy Free and Michael Barretto, plus notable speakers like JoAnn Yukimura, Mahelani Silva and Carol Yotsuda.
The Wahine Fest is first and foremost a music festival celebrating many of the island's most talented performers. But there are undertones of equal importance to address as we approach this very special opportunity.
Kaua'i is not only undergoing physical duress, but spiritual as well. The housing crisis, domestic discord and questionable land management, are among the main issues involved in the unraveling of this community.If we do not come together at this crucial time, the development of Kaua'i will be almost exclusively for the benefit of visiting property owners and investors who have little interest in the preservation of Hawaiian spiritual values or the people who are protecting them.
If all the folks who were not just living here temporarily en route to another destination like Costa Rica or Las Vegas, if the Kanaka Maoli and Malahini who understand this to be their home banded together in an organized fashion, one clear voice could emerge from the din of so many conflicting interests.
The Wahine Fest this Sunday at the Carriage House is a stage for that voice to be heard, through music and talk story. As a musician, I understand the power of music as a bridge from one heart to another. It is my prayer that Kaua'i be given a better chance than O'ahu or Maui. It is my prayer that the people of Kaua'i realize their role before it's too late.
Hope to see you there!
Wahine Fest 2006
A Musical Celebration of Beauty and a Call to Protect it
April 9th, 12 noon to 10pm
Gaylord's Carriage House at Kilohana12:00
Sabra Kauka (opening chant)
Hui O Kalama Ola (Hula)
Auntie Angeline (Kupuna)
Haunani Asing Marston
JoAnn Yukimura (County Council-Person)
Shannon Wiley (Director of Circles of Light)
Dawn Jewell and Ellen Caldwell
Alaya (Inspiration Speaker)
Shoshana B
Marylin Moehler (Hui O na Makua Ho'okaha O Kaua'i)
Sylvia Partridge
Barbara Bennett (Founder of Women in Business Roundtable)
Possum Lilly (Hope, Sonya, and Sun)
Carol Yotsuda (Executive Director of Garden Island Arts Council)
Russell the Rooster, Mark Jeffers
(Executive Director of Storybook Theatre)
Paul Clark (President of Save Our Seas)
Obo Martin
Mahelani Sylva (Na Leo Hawaiian Affairs, KKCR)
Storybook Raffle
Angela Rose
Irinka (Poetry)
Kimba Arem
Nancy Golden (Nana's House)
Janelle (Poetry)
Anne Punohu (Artist/activist)
Eddy Free
Blu Dux
Elaine Albertson (Director of Project Hope)
Michael Barretto
Diane Zachary (President and CEO of KPAA)
Keahi Felix (Poetry)
Cindy Combs
Goran (Biodiesel Kaua'i)
'The Pageant' (Collaborative dance)
January (Poetry)
Katie Fisher (Hawai'i Health Guide)
Mark Quincy (GMO Free Kaua'i)
John Cruz
Iapeche (Lakota)
Love Tribe
Closing Prayer
Participating Organizations:
GMO Free Kauai'i
Save Our Seas
Storybook Theatre
Children and Family Services
Circles of Light
Project Hope
Single Parent's Hui
Kaua'i Planning and Action Alliance
The Childrens Justice Center of Kauai
KAHEA (Environmental Alliance)
Peace Project (Kahuna Valley)
Kilauea Point Natural History Museum
Family Peace Group
Center for Addiction Recovery
Mokihana Club
The Kilauea Point Natural History Museum
Garden Island Arts CouncilTickets $15
Paradise Music, Bounty Music, Scotty's Music,
Aloha-N-Paradise and Night Owl T-Shirts
$20 at the door
For further information call (808) 651-1090
or go to
Produced By Millicent Cummings
Sound: Enlighten Sound by Dove
Food: Blossoming Lotus
Sponsors: Millicent Cummings
Enlighten Sound
Scotty's Music, Night Owl T-Shirts,
Computer Web, Blossoming LotusSee You There! Aloha Ke Akua