Voting Comparison
6 September 2006 - 9:30pm HST
The scores for our Kauai delegation in Washington are shown in the table below.
For all the details click on the links in the table below or go to:
To explore a particular member's voting record, click on his or her score of an issue subcategory.
(House - D)Akaka, Daniel
(Sen - D)Inouye, Daniel
(Sen - D)All issues 74.80 91.14 81.74 Aid to Less Advantaged People (16 subcategories) 76.68 97.44 86.39 Corporate Subsidies (13 subcategories) 86.54 91.67 80.00 Education, Humanities, & the Arts (3 subcategories) 71.88 100.00 94.12 Environment (15 subcategories) 80.81 77.05 67.80 Fair Taxation (6 subcategories) 87.50 97.17 97.20 Family Planning (2 subcategories) 100.00 93.75 86.67 Government Checks on Corporate Power (28 subcategories) 74.69 95.40 84.15 Health Care (15 subcategories) 78.82 98.82 87.65 Housing (2 subcategories) 62.50 100.00 33.33 Human Rights & Civil Liberties (9 subcategories) 70.83 93.02 87.18 Justice for All: Civil and Criminal (7 subcategories) 61.19 95.71 82.81 Labor Rights (8 subcategories) 68.92 85.48 65.52 Making Government Work for Everyone (14 subcategories) 73.79 95.60 89.71 War & Peace (17 subcategories) 64.79 92.86 78.85
Ed Case is a pig
31 August 2006 - 4:00pm HST
Ed Case "Spash Image" for introduction to his Senate run
by Andy Parx on 31 August 2006
Ed Case is a genuine, dyed-in-the-wool, warmongering, baby-killing, storm-trooping, rights-toppling Republican.
Case’s professed “getting along” with a lying, corrupt Bush administration and their Congressional supporters- both Republican and Democratic- means more endless war, shredding of the Constitution, tax cuts for the rich and four-crappy-jobs-a-piece for the rest of us.
It’s a war against a phantom enemy- so the enemy must be us.
I don’t like Dan Akaka. I’ve never voted for him The Akaka Bill is an attempt to steal Hawai`i from the Hawaiians- one last time... fair and square... Not to mention his pro-Anwar, Alaska oil-drilling vote. Disgusting... and arguably corrupt as per the not-so-alleged-anymore “vote-trading” with his buddy’s buddy, Alaska Senator Stevens shows.
But credit belongs where credit is due. The man was smart enough to know not to swallow the fear merchants’ bait and vote to let Bush go crazy with the Army.
Akaka seems to have done everything he could to stop the war. Was that “ineffective”? Yes. He lost- we went to war.
The question is, if opposing the war is being “ineffective”, do we want an “effective” Ed Case voting with war and fearmongers?
Most of the country now hates what the President and Congress have done, especially in Iraq The ones who have been “effective” over the past five years are those who wouldn’t listen to people who were raising blazing red flags.
There were some who tried to stop it, seeing the truth even through the veneer of administration lies during the insane run-up to the Iraq invasion. Apparently Ed Case is not one of them... and Dan Akaka is.
Some voted to give Bush unlimited war powers. Ed Case would have been one of them. He also say he would have voted for the original Patriot Act and did vote for its renewal, promulgating the Bush administration’s multi-faceted lawless, snooping expeditions Ed Case puts himself out as the smart one- no stupid, senile, old fool here. But who was stupid? Wasn’t it those who, like Ed Case, weren’t smart enough to know when they were being jerked around?
It doesn’t really matter if one of us peons don’t know... but when you’re in congress you should know better... If you do one thing this election year please do not vote for Ed Case.I am voting for Dan Akaka- I hope you do too. The lesser of two evils has never been lesser.
Now means NOW!
22 August 2006 - 7:30am HST
Maize Hirono at the microphone in 2002
We’re shocked - but maybe we shouldn’t be
by Andy Parx on 19 August 2006 in response to article below
To the Editor of the Honolulu Advertiser,
Because it seems Maize Hirono’s stance on Iraq is not to withdraw immediately like Gary Hooser’s and Brian Schatz’s, although Schatz has been quoted in other publication as favoring an 18 month delay. It’s not even get out “soon” like the rest of those in the race. Rather it echoes Pres. Bush’s supporters and the warhawks of the Democratic Party like Joe Leiberman: later- whenever it’s safe to do it.
And this from the someone who tells us she will carry Patsy Mink’s mantle. The reality seems to be that the flaming torch she seeks to raise is all smoke and none of the fire and heart that Hawaii’s Second Congressional District was used to.
Although both are Asian women that is where the resemblance between Patsy and Maize ends. Maize will give us the kind of “shut up and go along with King George ” representation that has embarrassed the district and county since Patsy passed away.
Maize is apparently trying to re-claim the same “cache” lost her the last election.
What?.. does she come around every four years to claim the progressive banner and sell it to the big-money thumb-twiddlers and who threaten to or even have taken over the Democratic Party?
The shock is that she is so out of touch with the rest of her desired constituents when it comes to the war. But what do you expect from someone who doesn’t even live in the district. If Maize is elected she’ll be representing those she hears from and sees daily - the Republicans and Democrat-lite malahini in the Honolulu high-rises and various urban dwellings Maize will be an embarrassment to the rural O`ahu and the neighbor islands. She is not and never could carry Patsy’s briefcase much less legacy.Can you imagine Maize in Congress?.. or for that matter any of the others who were characterized by the Advertiser as “favoring putting plans in place” which also is not “now” but “later”. We’ll be in Iraq until half-past forever. Out here on the neighbor islands - where only one candidate, Hooser, actually lives- we’re fed up with those procrastinators who have been idle Democratic bystanders to the drive to disgrace the county through lies, perpetual war and slow deliberate erosions of our constitutional; civil and human rights.
In our hearts we can still see Patsy fighting against not only the Bush partisans but against the right wing of her own party. But Maize? Excuse me while I have a good belly-laugh..... or, as Bob Dylan said, “find me a hole I can get sick in”.
Maize Hirono may be the only female Asian candidate in the race but that is where the comparisons to Party Mink begin and end.
She’s the invisible candidate . She poked her head up to lose to Linda Lingle four years ago, mostly by failing to excite anybody and sliding to the right as the campaign evolved. She was willing to compromise any progressive ideals she might have and move to the right to try pick up votes from Lingle rather than saving her rapidly disappearing progressive base, failing to get them out to the polls because they couldn’t see a reason to... which apparently there isn’t.
Does all this give you a clue what she will do when the pressure is on in the US House of Representatives?
I don’t know if anyone could ever represent us like Patsy did. Her heart, conscience and brilliance might never be duplicated. But at least we can do better than Maize Hirono.
Even if she does have all the mainland and Honolulu money. that doesn’t don’t buy rural O`ahu and Neighbor Island votes. Gary Hooser walks the walk as his record shows. He lives on a neighbor island and is the only one who will pick up where Patsy left off.Andy Parx
Congress hopefuls split on Iraq war
by Treena Shapiro on 15 August in The Honolulu Advertiser
Asked about one of the most divisive issues facing the U.S. Congress, most of the candidates for the U.S. House seat in the 2nd Congressional District reflected their parties' stances on the Iraq war.
Six of the eight prominent Democratic primary candidates queried called for withdrawal plans and time lines, the other two called for withdrawal as soon as it is "safe" or "practicable," while the two Republicans defended the United States' continued presence in the war-torn nation.
The most clearly stated positions from Democratic candidates fell in line with the stance taken by top congressional Democrats who last week called on President Bush to begin pulling troops out of Iraq by the end of the year.
State Rep. Brian Schatz and state Rep. Gary Hooser both called for withdrawal to begin immediately.
"The war hurts America and costs $250 million per day," Schatz said, adding his argument that reducing the number of troops would help stabilize the area.
Hooser also called for an end to U.S. occupation. "Stabilization must be led by the Iraqis with international support," he said.
State Sen. Colleen Hanabusa said "the safety of our troops is paramount" and the United States should withdraw by the end of 2007.
The other Democrats called for putting plans in place, establishing time lines for withdrawal or giving the Iraqis the responsibility for self-governance, except for former Lt. Gov. Mazie Hirono, who said, "We should bring our troops home as soon as it can be done safely."
On the other hand, the two Republicans — state Sen. Bob Hogue and former state Rep. Quentin Kawananakoa — both said the United States should continue in its efforts to put a stable government in place in Iraq.
Republicans in Washington have similarly resisted setting a timetable for withdrawal.
Case plays "Hillary" to Akaka
21 August 2006 - 8:00am HST
Hawaii US Senator Daniel Akaka
by Juan Wilson on 21 August 2006
I have been against the Akaka Bill from the start and I have agreed with Ed Case on several issues, but am supporting Daniel Akaka for the United States Senate against Ed Case. The reason is the ad I saw Case run on TV last night. The Case spot came on late Sunday evening and had all the elements of Joe Lieberman's position on the War in Iraq. Essencially it repeated the Bushco Line. "We are living in different times, and need to act accordingly".
Case is making a run at Akaka's US senate seat on the issue of supporting the Bush Iraq policy and his own vote for it.
The following is an email I wrote Ed Case this morning.
Representative Case,
Until last night I was a supporter of your bid for Senator Akaka's seat. Not any more. I was stunned by the TV spot you recently ran talking about defending America in a "different kind of world". This ad was an example of Bushco Politics at its worst.
The ad panders to fear and patriotism (a formula for fascism).
It supports the war in Iraq and your vote for it.
It supports George Bush.
It supports torture and war crimes.
It supports unconstitutional policies against the American public.
It is a lousy ad.
Our present posture on "The War on Terrorism" is ridiculous. Our actions and words are merely a giant mechanism for creating more terrorism. The US policy on Iraq is the stupidest thing the US has done since putting 500,000 men in Vietnam and letting them be ground to hamburger.
And you voted for it. Many spoke of the dangers. You ignored them. Your hands are dirty. You should be apologizing for your naivety (or gullibility).
You should realize you can't have it both ways. Be a Republican and a Democratic. As well as Joe Lieberman is doing without Democratic endorsement, you should not take the Hillary Clinton position to appear strong on defense. It's pathetic. Better, be a Russ Feingold kind of Democrat. Go after Bush and his policies with a hammer.
As good as some of your thoughts and actions have been,on other issues in the past, you have stepped over the line. Any support of Bush or our continued presence in Iraq is political suicide.
I supported going after the Taliban. All that has followed has been self mutilation for America.
You should be supporting Lt Erhan Watada and his brave stance against our idiotic and illegal war policies.
Until I see a statement by you against the Bush Administration War on Terrorism and a call to immediately begin the withdrawal of our troops from, Iraq you are not welcome on my ballot.
Juan Wilson
Iraq may be pivotal for Akaka and Case
by Derrick DePledge on 6 March 2006 in The Honolulu Advertiser
Nearly three years after the United States invaded Iraq, U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, who opposed the war, and U.S. Rep. Ed Case, a cautious supporter, still see the conflict through different lenses.
With Iraq in turmoil and the success of the war and the occupation uncertain, Akaka wants the Bush administration to evaluate its foreign policy with the idea of withdrawing American troops as soon as possible.
"I think a reassessment would be really needed at this point in time," the senator said.
Case does not want to change course and believes troops can be withdrawn only after the new Iraqi government and security forces have contained the violence that threatens the country's stability.
"I think we are collectively doing what we must be doing at this point given the reality of Iraq today," the congressman said. "Not what has been. Not what we wish might have been, but what is. That's what it's always been about for me, is reality. Not some fanciful wish list."
But what might otherwise be an interesting policy disagreement between two friendly Democrats could turn into something more now that Akaka and Case are facing each other in the September primary for the U.S. Senate. The liberal Akaka and the more moderate Case mostly agree on Hawai'i issues, so voters likely will have to look to national or foreign policy to find differences, and Iraq could be the most substantial.
Democratic activists and political analysts interviewed the past few weeks believe Iraq will be an issue in the Senate primary, since it shows a contrast between the candidates on what remains an emotional subject for many in the Islands. Although analysts believe the campaign will most likely be influenced by whether voters stay loyal to Akaka or agree with Case that it is time for a leadership transition, the war could be a factor in defining the two men.
"People are anxious to hear what they have to say," said John Buckstead, the party's county chairman on the Big Island. "I think that the feeling here is pretty much the way I sense it is on O'ahu and on the Mainland: They are not happy with the way we got into it and most people aren't happy with the way things are going.
"They are very uncomfortable with it."
National opinion polls have shown eroding support for the war over the past three years but a consistent division over when to bring the troops home.
A CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll in February found that 55 percent believe the war was a mistake, up from 23 percent after the invasion in March 2003. A survey last month by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press showed that 50 percent believe that troops should remain in Iraq until the country is stabilized, about the same percentage as in July 2003, a few months after the heaviest fighting in Iraq was over.
"That's an issue that almost every politician that runs this time is going to have to face," Don Clegg, a political consultant, said of the war.
Iraq could be a cutting issue in the Akaka and Case primary because so many people in Hawai'i have connections to the military, from the thousands of active-duty soldiers and veterans to those who have friends or family who have served. People who are critical of the U.S. military's history and presence in the Islands may also view the war in personal terms.
Democrats are also more likely than Republicans to have opposed the war or think it was a mistake, which may elevate Iraq's importance in the primary.
The crucial vote on the war was in October 2002, and Akaka, along with U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye and U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie, was in the minority as the Senate and House gave President Bush the authorization to use military force if necessary in Iraq. Case was not in Congress at the time but he has said, given what was known, that he would have voted to give the president a military option.
Congress has taken several other benchmark votes on Iraq but comparing Akaka's and Case's voting records is problematic because the Senate and House heard different measures at different moments of the debate.
In November, Akaka voted with the majority on a Republican amendment to a defense bill that requires the Bush administration to submit quarterly reports on the progress of the war to help determine when troops might be removed. Many saw the vote as a check on the president since it came when debate on troop withdrawal seemed to be at a peak nationally.
In July, Case voted for a Republican amendment to a foreign operations bill to block troop withdrawal until U.S. national security and foreign policy goals have been achieved. In May, Case voted against a Democratic amendment to a defense bill that would have called on the president to draft a troop withdrawal plan. The May amendment, which failed, was notable because it was the first in the House to press the administration on when troops might be coming home.
Akaka had opposed the war because he did not believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and did not want the United States to act unilaterally or with only Britain and a few other allies. The senator also argued the United States did not have a coherent post-invasion strategy or enough troops to accomplish the mission without being vulnerable.
The senator said many of the people he has spoken with in Hawai'i agreed with his concerns and do not want the occupation to linger.
"People are feeling that this was not done correctly. It was not based on correct facts," Akaka said in an interview last week. "Some people at home feel that the war is over in Iraq and we're just sitting there and our troops are getting killed."
Akaka does not favor the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops but said any reasonable reassessment of the occupation should include a timetable for bringing soldiers home. "I think that should be one of the priorities of the reassessment," he said.
Case told The Advertiser in May 2003 that he was having doubts about the war when it first appeared that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. He has since said he would likely not have backed intervention solely because former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein "was a bad guy."
But his decision to otherwise stick with Bush administration policy has been influenced by several visits to Iraq and talks with Hawai'i soldiers and his constituents in the 2nd Congressional District, which covers Central, Leeward and Windward O'ahu and the Neighbor Islands.
Case said he thinks most people in Hawai'i share his belief that the United States cannot simply leave Iraq now regardless of the intelligence failures or other mistakes that have clouded the war. According to the congressman's staff, a majority of constituents who have responded to Case's newsletter surveys or have written to him over the past few years believe the war was a mistake but want the United States to see it through to the end.
"Are people happy about Iraq? Absolutely not. Do they believe that it's going well? No, they don't. Do they believe we should get out now? No," Case said in an interview in late February.
Case said the United States has to take potential security threats seriously, whether it be from Iraq or countries like Iran or North Korea.
"Our country, post-9/11, cannot tolerate the risk presented by any country in this world with the combination of a government that is sworn to do us harm and weapons of mass destruction in their possession or under their control," the congressman said. "That combination is intolerable for our country and our world."
Clegg, the political consultant, said Case may be more vulnerable than Akaka to criticism over Iraq but would likely be able to explain his position in terms that make voters comfortable.
But some liberal Democrats who support Akaka have been saying that Case's record is more Republican than independent, knowing that any link to Bush could be toxic in the primary. SurveyUSA, a New Jersey polling firm that does state-by-state tracking polls, had Bush's approval rating in Hawai'i at 38 percent in February.
"It may hurt him with primary voters if his independent votes look more like Republican votes," said Ian Chan Hodges, the party's county chairman on Maui.