Ohana Kauai meeting
11 July 2006 - 4:30am HST
Stephens Sands painting of "A New Day Dawning". Click on image for more
Aloha Ohana Kauai Members & Supporters:
A meeting of the Ohana Kauai group will be held at the Kapaa Neighborhood Center at Thursday 4:00pm on Thursday 20 July 2006.The agenda will include discussion of the campaign plans for the Ohana Kauai Committee for a Better Government and a presentation by Paul Smith, coordinator of the charter amendment proposed in Honolulu relating to property taxes.. All interested parties are invited to attend.
Glenn Mickens
Ohana Kauai, treasurer
Ohana Kauai next step
7 June 2006 - 11:30am
Book cover illustrating `Ohana the Hawaiian concept of family
Announcement of political committee
by Glenn Mickens on 7 June 2006 for Ohana Kauai
In 2004 the Ohana Kauai group solicited citizens signatures for petition to all Kauai voters to ballot that year on the adoption of a Charter amendment to limit property taxes on residents homes. The measure, although opposed by County officials, was adopted by nearly a two to one vote. After the election the County filed a legal challenge to the new law. It is the only instance known where a government had contested the validity of a law validly adopted by its citizens. The case is pending in the Hawaii Supreme Court. We believe the amendment adopted will ultimately be upheld.
We have watched with growing concern the inadequacies and ineptitude of our County government. We have noted the inability of County officials to serve the public interest by failure to deal effectively with solid waste disposal issues, failure to offer any meaningful action to improve the appalling traffic conditions that exist on some of our major roads, failure to limit growth of development for resorts and non-residents that is unwarranted with our overextended infrastructure, and numerous other failures. We have been disturbed by the failure of our officials to serve in accordance with the principles of the State Sunshine law calling for open government. Increasingly our Council has gone underground with an alarming amount of secret executive sessions in disregard of opinions from the State office established to monitor Sunshine Law compliance. We have been distressed by the highly questionable morality of our elected officials in pursuing a vendetta to harass and restructure a police commission so that top police department staff can be ousted on dubious charges.
We have concluded that the quality of governance of our County urgently needs to be improved. We are announcing the Ohana Kauai Committee for Better Government which has registered as a non-candidate committee with the State Election Law office. Our Committee will select from the candidates for election to County offices in this year’s election a slate that is responsive to the concerns we have about the deficiencies in the performance by those now elected , and will engage in the support of this slate. As of this date we plan to support the candidacy for Council of Ron Kouchi, K. C. Lum. Ming Fang and Monroe Richman. The Committee will also support selected measures proposed by the Charter Review Commission that improve the way we are governed. We will welcome the assistance of all County residents who are troubled by the way we are presently governed. Please contact any of our Executive Committee:
Chick Lanphier 826 5126
Walter Lewis 826 9452
Glenn Mickens 822 0998
In order to be able to take the various actions to provide our support such as media ads, campaign literature and contributions to the candidates your generous financial help will be needed. Individuals are allowed by law to contribute to our Committee up to $1000 each. A married couple could contribute $2000. For us to achieve our desired impact on the elections this year it will be necessary for us to be adequately financed. If you share our concern about our island please give us what you can to aid our efforts. Contributions should be addressed to Ohana Kauai Committee for Better Government and sent to Glenn Mickens at 5920 Kini Place, Kapaa, HI 96746. We thank you warmly for your assistance and pledge our efforts to seek a better Kauai.