INDEX - ID#0517-12
POSTED: 18 DECEMBER 2005 - 6:15pm HST
Apollo Kauai fostering renewable energy
Kauapea Beach by Carl L. Wright
Apollo Kauai Meeting
Next Meeting Monday, December 19, 2005 - 5:00pm
War Memorial Auditorium
4191 Hardy Street, Lihue HI 96766The Organizing committee has drafted a set of recommendations for structuring Apollo Kauai.
Welcome to
Recommendations of the Organizing Committee
The Organizational Committee of Apollo Kauai (Susan Wilson, Carol Bain, Judie Lundborg, Rich Hoeppner, Craig Thoburn, Sandra Wright and Carl Wright ) met in Kilauea on Tuesday November 29, 2005 and makes the following recommendations for approval by the group as a whole:
1) Apollo Alliance - Apollo Kauai should be affiliated with the Apollo Alliance for the following reasons:
We support the goal of Energy Independence by 2015.
Apollo Alliance has a national presence and enjoys wide industry and political support.
Apollo Alliance offers financial and legislative support that can be invaluable.
Apollo Alliance has significant political and technological expertise and research capabilities.
2) Mission statement – the following is proposed as the mission statement for Apollo Kauai:
The mission of Apollo Kauai is to promote energy conservation and the use of appropriate renewable energy resources at the local and state levels through education, advocacy, demonstration and legislation to improve sustainability, livability and prosperity on Kauai.
3) Structure – the committee proposes that Apollo Kauai be organized as follows:
a. Officers:
Vice Chair
SecretaryOfficers will comprise the executive committee of Apollo Kauai.
Duties of the executive committee will include:
- Call and coordinate monthly meetings.
- Draft agendas.
- Perform Outreach.
- Collect membership contact information
- Maintain the records of the organization
- Track measured goals
- Create working committees as needed.
b. Standing Committees:
Liaison to Apollo Alliance
Publicity and Community Outreach
Legislative Action
c. Interest Groups
Interest groups will choose a chair by consensus within the group. That chair will report progress and activities of the group on a regular basis. Interest groups will propose goals, activities and projects for consideration of the body as a whole.
Interest groups include:
Renewable energy resources – includes both large and small scale renewables: PV, Wind, Solar Thermal, Hydro, Biomass, Ocean Thermal, fuels…
Multimodal Transportation
High performance buildings
4) Election of Officers - An election will be held December 19, 2005 for seats to be held from January 2006 through December 2006. The election will be conducted by The League of Women Voters of Kauai County. Carol Bain. President.
5) Nominations - the Organizational Committee acting as nominating committee nominates:
Carl Wright – Chairperson
Ben Sullivan – Vice Chairperson
Secretary – Open
Additional nominations will be accepted by email at prior to the meeting and from the floor on the night of the meeting.
Ecological & alternative energy usage
3 October 2005 - 1:30pm
windmills could work at certain locations on Kauai
Clean Energy Initiative Rep to Visit Kauai
A spirited week of discussions to achieve sustainable American energy independence began in Hawaii on September 30 with the arrival of Carla Din, the Western Regional Director for the Apollo Alliance and Environmental Liaison for the United Steelworkers.
Named after President Kennedy's visionary mission which launched America's space-exploration program, the Apollo Alliance is a coalition of labor, business, and environmental advocates seeking to use the same ingenuity and determination that put a man on the moon to get behind a 10-year, $300 billion program of investment in clean-energy technology. The Alliance estimates that this proposal would create more than 3 million new jobs, eliminate American dependence on Middle East oil imports, lead to 15 percent of U.S. electricity coming from renewable sources, and reduce national energy consumption by 16 percent.
"Most scientists will agree that global oil production has peaked and prices will continue to escalate. There is no question that energy independence must become a national priority. The Apollo Alliance represents an exciting opportunity for our nation to move forward toward energy independence," said Senator Gary Hooser.
On Kaua’i, Representative Mina Morita and Senator Gary Hooser, are hosting an open community forum with Carla Din on Monday, October 10, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the HGEA Meeting Room, 3213 Akahi Street, Lihue.
In August, Congress passed and President Bush signed into law an energy bill that provides billions of dollars in tax subsidies to oil companies with no coherent energy strategy. The Apollo Alliance criticized the energy bill for handing "billions in subsidies to oil companies" but doing "nothing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil."
Jeff Rickert, executive director of Apollo Alliance, said the bill "represents a failure of leadership by the administration and leadership in Congress." In a statement, Rickert said the nation "urgently" needs "a crash program to move America toward energy independence, while capturing the green markets of the future. In the absence of federal leadership, states and cities are taking on this issue, and for now our hopes for progress will rest there."
"I am thrilled that Carla Din has made the time to be on Kauai to meet with our community. It's going to take individual, county and State action in making the right policy choices and investments to move to a smart energy future," said State Representative Mina Morita, who is coordinating Ms. Din's visit to Kauai.
Apollo Alliance Campaign
by Rep. Hermina Morita 29 August 2005
Save the Date – Save the Time
WHEN: Monday, October 10, 2005
TIME: 5:00 – 7:00pm
WHERE: HGEA Meeting Room, 3213 Akahi Street, Lihue
WHY: Learn More About Starting a Local Apollo Alliance Campaign
WHAT: is the Apollo Alliance:
The Apollo Alliance’s goal is to achieve sustainable American energy independence within a decade. By broadening its partnership with labor, public interest groups and businesses, the Apollo Alliance seeks to increase political support of its goal, build stronger coalitions, and boost related industries.
With efforts based in energy efficiency and increased use of renewables, the program calls for a national investment of $300 billion over the course of ten years to build the basic production and distribution infrastructure needed for a cleaner energy economy. Less than the estimated costs of the Iraq war (after just two years), the investment would pay for itself many times over. Direct economic benefits would include annual energy savings and improvements in our trade balance of about $200 billion; the creation of some 3 million permanent new jobs; and an added $1 trillion in GDP over ten years.
MEET: Carla Din
Carla Din is the Western Regional Director for the Apollo Alliance and the Environmental Liaison for the United Steelworkers.
Ms. Din joined the Steelworkers in 2001 to help resolve conflicts between aluminum workers dependent on low-cost power, and environmentalists working to save salmon threatened by Bonneville Power Administration’s hydro system.
Successful alliance building led to Steelworker support of a comprehensive energy policy endorsing conservation, renewable energy, energy efficiency and salmon protection, and environmentalists’ unprecedented support for worker protection.