INDEX - ID# 0517-01
POSTED: 20 April 2005 - 5:00pm
Response from Mayor Baptiste on energy
Kauai Mayor Bryan J Baptiste
Future of Kauai?
by Ken & Jane TaylorWe recently emailed Mayor Baptiste about the energy crisis that we all face and he responded quite positively.
Mayor Bryan J. Baptiste
and Kauai County Council
April 5, 2005
The articles here (and here) raise some very important thoughts about the coming end of the Oil Economy. As the articles state, life as we know it today is going to change forever. Now is the time to start talking and planning for what is coming. It's time to revisit the twenty (20) year plan, for as it stands, it is based on the continuation of guzzling cheap gas.
With your leadership the citizens of Kauai can be as prepared as one can be for this most profound change in our lives. Maybe the most profound change since the beginning of time.
Water will be one of the most important issues of the coming times, and we must start planning for a complete gravity feed system.
If we don't work together to make our future, who is going to do it for us ?
Thank you
Ken and Jane Taylor
Aloha, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
Mahalo for taking the time to write. I share your concerns about our dependence on oil. It is my vision that Kauai will one day be energy self sufficient – with minimal or no use of oil as a fuel on our island home.
This is an ambitious vision, and will need to be addressed in smaller steps leading to the larger goal. The County is currently drafting a “request for proposals” that would result in the Lihue Civic Center being partially powered by a photovoltaic system. Successful demonstration projects like these will lead to greater use of these technologies.
We are also in the midst of a study that will tell us how useful the methane that is being emitted from the Kekaha Landfill could be as a renewable fuel source.
As the need for a new landfill site gets ever closer, I am committed to converting our landfill-dependent solid waste disposal program to one that puts at its center recycling, reuse, and a waste-to-energy technology. Such a reliable renewable energy source will help us move a long way toward our ultimate goal.
My administration is also actively supporting the establishment of an ethanol plant on Gay and Robinson land, and the development of a biomass conversion facility. Biomass is particularly attractive as it not only provides for renewable energy, but could also insure that a large portion of agricultural acreage remains in ag use – growing biomass crops.
Hydro has always been a controversial topic on Kauai. I believe with the release of a renewable energy study by KIUC (available now on their website), and hydro being identified as having the greatest potential for KIUC, that we will see more discussion on this in the near future.
Mahalo for writing.
Mayor Baptiste
SUBJECT: SUSTAINABILTY & GROWTHKIUC Integrated Resource Planning Advisory Panel
SOURCE: KEN & JANE TAYLOR 20 April 2005 - 5:15pm
Kauai Island Utility Cooperative is looking for representatives from the community to participate in its process to identify solutions to Kauai's future energy needs. If you have the time and energy to be part of a 13-member advisory panel and have an interest in Kauai's energy future, you may express your interest in being one of the 13 members of the KIUC Integrated Resource Planning Advisory Panel by submitting an application to the Panel's Nominating Committee. An application form is available for download below or can be obtained by visiting KIUC's Hana Kukui Building office in Kukui Grove West. Deadline for applications is Friday May 6, 2005.
Nominating Committee Responsibility:
The nominating committee will identify 13 KIUC members to comprise an advisory panel. To the extent possible, the nominating committee will attempt to include a broad cross-section of KIUC member interests. The only criterion for nomination established by the KIUC Integrated Resource Planning Principles is a willingness to devote the time and energy expected of Advisory Panel members. The nominating committee will present its slate of 13 candidates to the Board of Directors, which will approve or reject the slate as a whole.Click here to go to the KIUC website for IRP Application forms.