INDEX - 0503-17
Empty seat on Planning CommissionPOSTED: 21 NOVEMBER 2005 - 8:30pm HST
Conference Room #2 at 4444 Rice Street where public hearings of the Planning Commission take place
Environmental Seat to be selected
by Linda Pascatore on 21 November 2005Bruce Pleas has put in an application to the Mayor’s office for the Environmental position on the Kauai Planning Commission. Bruce is a long time environmental activist, who tirelessly works for the good of our aina. He is our favorite speaker at public hearings. He does his homework, and is extremely well informed about the issues. Bruce is well versed in county law, and helped to update the General Plan for Kauai County. Bruce has a highly intelligent and comprehensive problem solving approach, and he often offers unique and realistic solutions. He has the respect of all, since he always takes a wise and reasonable position backed up by hard facts.
We have been disappointed countless times as the Planning Commission ignores the Kauai General Plan and routinely rubber stamps developers applications for zoning variances and other exceptions. If you have been frustrated as you watch our Commissioners giving away the island to developers, then here is your chance to do something that could really make a difference.
To obtain the planning commission position, Bruce needs letters of support from individuals or organizations. If you support this strong environmental candidate for Planning Commission, please send a letter of support to the Mayor, with a copy to the County Council. Two sample letters follow, the first from me, and the second from the Sierra Club:
Dear Mayor Baptiste:
I strongly support the appointment of Bruce Pleas to the environmental position on the Planning Commission.
Bruce Pleas has been a dedicated advocate for the environment here on Kauai. As a participant in the Update of the Kauai General Plan, he is very familiar with the intent of the Plan. Bruce has attended many commission meetings. He is well informed, reasonable, responsible, and often offers comprehensive views of the issues and creative solutions to problems addressed by the commission. He is also very well versed in County Law, and is highly qualified for this position.
There has been criticism of the Planning Commission in the past, and some public feeling that they are “rubber stamping” unbridled development on this island. An appointment of a commissioner of the caliber of Pleas will begin to restore the faith of the people in our Planning Commission.
Bruce Pleas has proven to be a true stewart of our aina, with the best interests of the island and it’s people in his heart. Please submit his name to the County Council as a candidate for the Planning Commission.
Sincerely Yours,
Honorable Mayor Baptiste,
The Kaua`i Group of the Hawai`i Chapter Sierra Club, the largest environmental organization on the island, believes it is imperative that a strong advocate for the environment be selected for the environmental position on the Planning Commission. It is vital that the person appointed, strongly embraces the direction-setting policies in the General Plan in order to assist the County in implementing planning decisions.Bruce Pleas has unquestionably demonstrated dedication to environmental protection over the years. Because Bruce is familiar with county law, he would be a valuable asset to the Planning Commission. He is well-versed with the General Plan, having been an active participant during the Update.
The County has an opportunity to avail itself of a person who is
knowledgeable, diligent and responsible.
Kaua`i needs and deserves an environmental Planning Commissioner who is committed to being a steward of our land and who will make decisions that are in the best interests of the island. It is our hope that Bruce Pleas will be submitted to the County Council as a candidate for the Planning Commission.
The Kaua`i Group of the Hawai`i Chapter Sierra Club
Cc: Kaua`i County Council
Kauai County Government:
Kauai County Mayor:
Mayor Bryan J. Baptiste
4444 Rice Street, Suite 235
Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 241-6300
Fax: 808-241-6877
mayor@kauai.govKauai County Council Members:
Council Chair Bill Asing
Council Vice Chair James Kunane Tokioka
Councilmember Jay Furfaro
Councilmember Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho
Councilmember Daryl W. Kaneshiro
Councilmember Mel Rapozo
Councilmember JoAnn A. Yukimura
Email all Kauai County Council members at:
mail all Kauai County Council members at:
Council Services
4396 Rice Street, Suite 206
Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: 808-241-6371
Fax : 808-241-6349
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