INDEX - ID#0502-09
POSTED: 10 SEPTEMBER 2005 - 6:30pm HST
A huge number of new units planned for Kauai
Waikiki today: Is this the future of Poipu on the southside of Kauai?
Here's the link to a very important article that made the cover of the Sept. 2005 HawaiiBusiness Magazine titled: Kauai in Crisis by Jacy Youn.
It discusses Kauai's strained infrastructure, the excessive number of new visitor andresidential units approved for the next 20 years, how this happened and possible solutions.
Below is a portion of a list of the proposed development projects from the article. These projects are already approved for development; most are within the next 5 years. Please share this information -- it's about Kauai's future.
Order Years off Project Name Units1 1-5 Brookfield Timeshare 1022 1-5 MLB - Condo 683 1-5 Bali Hai Expansion Timeshare 2004 1-5 Starwood Timeshare 3675 1-5 Queen Emma II 1186 1-5 Meadows 1307 1-5 Greens 408 1-5 DHHL- Anahola 1869 1-5 Kealia Mauka 19210 1-5 Kulana 11011 1-5 Kulana Kai 55 5512 1-5 Waipouli Beach Timeshare 19013 1-5 Coco Palms Resort 25214 1-5 Former Blackfield 32515 1-5 Coconut Grove Timeshare 17016 1-5 Kauai Lagoons Affordable Housing 8217 1-5 Hanamaulu Triangle 40018 1-5 Lihue Infill 1,50019 1-5 Kauai Lagoons Affordable Housing 2420 1-5 Nawiliwili Hui 5021 1-5 Puali 10422 1-5 Pikake 18023 1-5 Kauai Lagoon 72324 1-5 Rice Camp 5625 1-5 Self Help 4126 1-5 Schuler 5627 1-5 Kalepa 8028 1-5 Regency 32029 1-5 Kukuiula 1,50030 1-5 Regency II 8031 1-5 Kiahuna 1,40032 1-5 Starwood (Sheraton Expansion) 15033 1-5 Kakela Makai - II & III 11534 1-5 Paanau 6035 1-5 Kukuiula Employee Housing 10036 1-5 Koloa Town N.C. 4037 1-5 Poipu Beach Hotel 12538 1-5 A&B Port Allen 13539 1-5 Habitat 123 Kapalawai 25040 1-5 DHHL - Kekaha 4941 1-5 DHHL - Hanapepe 500 5001-5 years
Subtotal 10,635Numb Years Project Name Units1 5-10 Princeville Affordable Housing 2502 5-10 Hanalei Plantation 3853 5-10 Kikiaola 250 2504 5-10 DHHL - Wailua 6005 10-20 Princeville Mauka 9506 10-20 Central/Eastern Plateau 1,2007 10-20 Kilauea Town Expansion 3508 10-20 Kealia Affordable 909 10-20 Hulemalu Plateau 80010 10-20 Knudsen 1,00011 10-20 Kikiaola-Mauka 6005-20 years Subtotal 6,47520 yrs out Grand Total 17,110Clearly, these number imply a great increase of population on the island in the next five years, as well as a huge increase in traffic. Remember who approved and encouraged these developments next election.
Bryan J. Baptiste
4444 Rice St, Suite 235
Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 241-6300
Fax: 808-241-6877
mayor@kauaigov.com2004-2006 KAUAI COUNTY COUNCIL
Kauai County Council Members:
Council Chair Bill “Kaipo” Asing
Council Vice Chair James Kunane Tokioka
Councilmember Jay Furfaro
Councilmember Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho
Councilmember Daryl W. Kaneshiro
Councilmember Mel Rapozo
Councilmember JoAnn A. Yukimura
Write to: County Council Services
4444 Rice St, Suite 235
Lihue, HI 96766
Email all Kauai County Council members at:|KAUAI COUNTY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE
JoAnn A. Yukimura, Committee Chair
Jay Furfaro, Committee Vice Chair
Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho
Daryl W. Kaneshiro
Planning Commissioner Chairman Steven Weinstein
5111 Alii Drive, Hanapepe Heights, HI 96716
(808) 335-3610
Planning Commissioner S. Kato-Klutke
PO Box 9623, Kapaa, HI 96746-9623
(808) 821-2154
Planning Commissioner Randy Nishimura
PO Box 0311, Lihue, HI 96766-0311
(808) 245-7453
Planning Commissioner Larry Chaffin
PO Box 1165, Lihue, HI 96756-1165
(808) 742-4787 - fax (808) 742-1788
Planning Commissioner Theo Daligdig III
Kapaa, HI 96746 (no address listed)
(808) 821-0431
Ian K. Costa: Planning Director
Bryan Mamaclay - Planner
Miles Shironaka - Planner
Kauai Planning Department
4444 Rice Street, Lihue, 96766 HI
(808) 241-6677