INDEX - PUBLIC ID# 0501-04
POSTED: 6 May 2005 - 7:30am HST
Lihue Meeting scheduled for May 11th
kapu sign (Hawaiian equivalent of "taboo") often used by non-Hawaiians with deeds
The next meeting of the Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission will be held on Wednesday, May 11th from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Lihue Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Room 2a & 2b, 4444 Rice Street, Lihue HI 96766
The agenda will include a staff report regarding comments received on the final draft of The Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resourses Preservation Fund Commission's 2005 Report to the Kauai County Council, Including Recommendations for Priority (2005 Rpeort to Council).
In addition, the agenda will review the final draft of the 2005 Report to Council and any new business.
for more information contact:
Leanora P.D. Kaiaokamalie
Public Access & Open Space Specialist
County of Kauai Planning Department
4444 Rice Street
Lihue HI 96766phone: 808 241-6677
Lihue Meeting scheduled for February 23rd
POSTED: 21 February 2005 - 7:45pm HST
Salt Pond Beach sunset Christmas Eve 2001
The next meeting of the Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission will be held on Wednesday, February 23 from 9:00am to 2:00pm at the Lihue Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Room 2a & 2b, 4444 Rice Street, Lihue HI 96766
The agenda will include communications from County Council Chair Kaipo Asing regarding relocation of beach access to Kaupea Beach ("Secret Beach" in Kilauea, Kauai.
There will also be a presentation by Rhoda Libre of the Kauai Westside Watershed Council to update the Commission on Hanapepe-Eleele Development Plan Projects.
After these communications there will be the discussion of new business.
for more information contact:
Leanora P.D. Kaiaokamalie
Public Access & Open Space Specialist
County of Kauai Planning Department
4444 Rice Street
Lihue HI 96766phone: 808 241-6677
POSTED: 27 January 2005 - 10:00am HST
Lihue Meeting invites public comment
PMRF airport on westside of Kauai on Mana Plain
by Juan Wilson published 27 January 2005
The Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund (PAOSNRFC) Commission met at the Lihue Civic Center and invited public comments and suggestions on priorities for 2005.
Scott Derickson, of the State Department of Planning spoke about federal funding of projects that would be applicable to the goals of the PAOSNRFC. He said Federal Funds are becoming available to protect shorelines through Coastal & Estuary Land Conservation Program (CELCP).
The CELCP is recent law. The final guidelines were developed by NOAA in June 2003. States must develop a planning process and must delevop plans. There will be competition at the federal level between states for the funds.
The Coastal Zone Management (CZM) office is the lead agency of the state for this. CZM sets the criteria and guidelines for identifying locations in the state. The
The money has been allocated in budget for 3 years (including contract services). CZM is working with the University of Hawaii (UH).It is not enough to just to buy land and obtain easements. The management over time of coastal land is the key issue that will be reviewed.
The coastal zone management process in other states is limited. Here in Hawaii CZM boundaries go from top of island out into the sea. People are beginning to see it is all connected.
Projects may not have to be right on coast. All lands and water involving the coast are coming into play. CZM is trying to get the state plan accepted by NOAA by the end of 2005. If it is then funds can be available in future.
Also speaking at the PAOSNRFC was Chipper Wichman, Director of the National Tropical Botanical Gardens in Lawaikai. Chipper made a presentation on preserving Lawaikai. He does not want an eastside dedicated public access into Lawaikai, even though this has been a priority by some planners. He asks that the NTBG be allowed to continue limited pubic access.
With the development of Kukuiula (see article) and thousands of new residents, a dedicated public access could overwhelm Lawaikai and the efforts of NTBG.
Lawaikai is one of few honu nesting sites left on island. Honu are sensitive to vegetation. The native plant species are critical to turtle nesting. Human beach activity damages fragile beach conditions. Even suntan oil left in the sand can be a problem.
Even Chipper expressed being torn between public access and preservation.
Chip says Lawaikai is the only valley in private hands dedicated to protecting and preserving the indigenous beach conditions. People fishing at night and thowing line not problem. Kids boogey boarding are not a problem. Parties at night are a problem.
Tour operators have asked to come into NTBG but have not been allowed, even though this would be a substantial income for the NTBG.Chipper added that it is his opinion that the coffee fields to the west on McBryde property will likely be developed and that west side access to Lawaikai will be an issue as well. He asked the PAOSNRFC to imagine a time in the future when there might be no natural beach settings left on the south shore of Kauai and honu would no longer breed on our island.
I, Juan Wilson, made a short presentation on gaining access to the shoreline now restricted by the Pecific Missile Range Facility (PMRF). I submitted the following letter as a suggestion on priorities for the PAOSNRFC.
Leanora P.D. Kaiaokamalie 26 January 2005
Public Access & Open Space Specialist
County of Kauai Planning Department
4444 Rice Street
Lihue HI 96766
Aloha Leanora,
This year, 2005, is the year of base realignment and closure evaluations (BRAC) by the Department of Defense (DOD). These evaluations are infrequent. I believe the last was 1990. The DOD almost closed the PMRF in that last BRAC round. It was the doggedness of Senator Inouye that brought Starwars research dollars to Kauai that saved the PMRF and kept it in business.
With the events following 9-11, the DLNR recently granted a lease expansion and easement rights to the PMRF that effectively gives it control over an additional 5,000 acres of the Mana Plain for a period of 30 years. Thus, since 9-11 the entire shoreline between Kekole Point and Queen’s Pond has been removed from free public access. With the Directed Laser Energy (death ray) research about to get started at the PMRF further restrictions on public access are scheduled.
In an age when we can’t seem to equip HumVees in Iraq with enough armor to stop a bullet, the DOD apparently has hundred’s of millions of dollars for ITT, Raytheon, and Verizon to shoot down mock enemy rockets with laser beams from Kauai.
During the time of the public hearings concerning the lease and easement negotiations between DLNR and PMRF I recommended a land use plan that included phased relocation of elements of the base away from the Barking Sands shoreline. I called it the Nohili Park Initiative (NPI). The NPI included goals of restoring of barrier dunes and reclaiming wetland as well as increasing public access.
The NPI was presented to the County, the DLNR, PMRF and all elected Kauai representatives. Congressman Steve Case said publicly that if we had had the foresight to start it a long time ago that the plan would have merit. It is not too late to start. The NPI does address a continuing problem for the residents of Kauai. The longest beach in Hawaii has been removed from the public domain by the military. I ask the the Public Access & Open Space Commission consider setting a priority of working with the PMRF to make increased public access a reality on the westside.
I urge that the Commission suggest that the County make a clear recommendation to the DOD that the people of Kauai welcome the continued presence of the PMRF... but only if the PMRF participates in a Mana Plain Master Plan with a goal of restoring public access to the beaches of the westside. The deadline for Secretary of Defense recommendations on BRAC to Congress is May 16th, 2005. If the Commission wishes to affect public access rights on the westside in our generation, this spring is a good time to do it.
Enclosed is a copy of the Nohili Park Initiative (see article) as presented May 24, 2004 to the public agencies mentioned above.
Sincerely, Juan
The next meeting of the Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission will be held on Wednesday, 9 February 2005 from 8:00am to12:00pm at the Lihue Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Room 2a & 2b, 4444 Rice Street, Lihue HI 96766
for more information contact:
Leanora P.D. Kaiaokamalie
Public Access & Open Space Specialist
County of Kauai Planning Department
4444 Rice Street
Lihue HI 96766phone: 808 241-6677
POSTED: 20 January 2005 - 12:30pm HST
Lihue Meeting scheduled for January 26
Sunset over Salt Pond Beach Park by Juan Wilson
The next meeting of the Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission will be held on Wednesday, January 26 from 8:00am to12:00pm at the Lihue Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Room 2a & 2b, 4444 Rice Street, Lihue HI 96766
The agenda will include information presented by Scott Derrickson, of the State Office of Planning, about the Coastal & Estuarine Land Conservation Program.
There will also be a discussion of the results of staff research and further narrowing of priority list for 2005 projects.
for more information contact:
Leanora P.D. Kaiaokamalie
Public Access & Open Space Specialist
County of Kauai Planning Department
4444 Rice Street
Lihue HI 96766phone: 808 241-6677
A presentation by Josh Stanbro, of the Trust for Public Land, regarding Hawaii initiatives and opportunities for partnership will be made at the regularly scheduled Commission Meeting on 9 February 2005
For an article about the last Public Access meeting click here
Island Breath: OpenSpaceCommission1