INDEX - ID# 0403-06
POSTED: 2 June 2004 - 8:00am
Hoike to show public meeting on spraying roundup
Protection suggested for handling sprayed herbicide
Ron Kadey privately taped the County Council Public Hearing on May 6, 2004.
Weeks later, he learned that Hoike TV Channel 52 was interested in showing an edited version.
The NO SPRAY TESTIMONIES from the Public Hearing will air on June 2, 9:00pm and June 3, 8:00pm.If you know of anyone who would be interested in many opinions concerning spraying Commercial Roundup in public areas maintained by the County, please pass on this information
Another Voice against using RoundUP
4 May 2004 - 2:30pm
Here's the RoundUP website
After writing the County Council and the Garden Island News, I urge others to express their opinion as testimony or as a public a statement at the Council Meeting at 7:00pm on May 6th.
The Public Works Department has made a request to continue the poison spray program. I urged the County Council to deny $82,000 in funding for pesticide and herbicide at the May 6 meeting.
I ‘ve watched with distress as the county cuts (labor) costs by spraying herbicides like RoundUP along public highways. The County sprays along fences and around signs and other public features along the road. In most cases, fences are near where the roads cross surface water that is in culverts. Consequently, there are concentrations of herbicide deposited at the some of worst possible spots, near open running water.
It is known that dogs, and other pets, have been damaged or killed by products like RoundUP; especially when they are still “fresh”. It is true that RoundUP is water soluble, but it can take some time to be washed and diluted from the place it was deposited. For a while, it could be harmful to our children.
When I was a boy, I explored every culvert and bridge I could find along the roadside. It was where kids hung out. Chances are you could find a pond or waterfall if you started at a culvert.
Here’s another childhood memory... When I was a kid, DDT was considered safe enough (as a mosquito repellant) that it was sprayed on thousands of beach-goers on New York's Long Island beaches in the 1950's. Children my age, in bathing suits, would follow the tanktrunks in the sand, and play in the cloud of DDT spray that was so cooling on a hot sunny day.
Does Kauai County have certainty of the long term health impact of RoundUp sprayed along the public pedestrian way in into our freah water streams? Any more than the New York Public Works Department had in the 50's about the effect DDT on people?
One thing is not disputable: Spraying RoundUP for miles alongside our beautiful roads is very ugly landscaping. It probably has more affect on the tourist impressions of our island than most suspect. I find it depressing to see these swaths of death and destruction when I’m showing off Kauai to visitors.
Please work to bring about a poison free landscaping of our island.
Chemical-Free Maintenance Program or Spray Now Pay Later
4 May 2004 - 11:30am
Is this safe for the environment or the men spraying.
Spray Now Pay Later MAY 6, THURSDAY AT 6:30PM.
This Thursday, May 6, at 7:00pm
The Public Works Deptartment Meeting
Request of $82,000 for Herbicides and Fertilizers. We would like the Council to deny money for herbicides, pass a no spray policy, and allow the herbicide monies to be moved to a chemical-free maintenance program for weeds.
This is your last chance to speak out on this budget item.
Some facts:
1) The county uses RoundUP PRO This is a commercial grade which is the strongest grade of RoundUP possible.
2) RoundUp is a hormone distruptor and is associated with birth defects in humans.
3) Endocrine disrupters are making male fish female.
4) In the University of Southern California Children's Health Study, asthma risk linked with herbicides was greater than any other factor ( greater than cockroaches, insecticides, dust and animals) . Kauai has a large incidence of asthma. RoundUP has caused people of Kauai to experience burning respiratory pain, body numbness, burning skin, dizziness, migraines, and a feeling of being poisoned.
5. RoundUp killed a personís cat, and someone else's chickens.
6. the Commercial formula is up to 47 times more toxic to fish than the technical grade glyphosate tested!!!!
7. They have never tested the whole formula for its effect on humans or the environment. It is likely far more toxic than isolated ingredients that they tested.
Come and do your part to stop this from happening on our precious island.
This is your last chance to speak out on this budget item.
People should speak from their hearts. What is your passion on this issue? We feel the risk is too great to the health of people, animals and the land to continue using a hazardous chemical for weed control. Other counties who do not spray just mow, allow vegetation to grow, or use ground covers of various kinds including native plants. Over time it is a more beautiful, cost effective way to go. We have a person who will present that Jefferson County in Wa. has been a no spray county for about 25 years. It is working well. Island County in Wa passed a no spray policy in 2002. Many counties in Wa.,Oregon, and California have some kind of a no spray policy.
We need as many people as possible to take the following action steps by May 6, 2004, 7:00p.m concerning the Public Hearing for the County Budget.I would very much appreciate your help and the help of everyone to pass on the word through email or phone calls.
Action Steps:
1. Come to the Public Hearing May 6, 2004. Meeting begins 7:00 p.m.
2. Bring a written testimony, Re: Written Testimony to be submitted for the Public Hearing on May 6, regarding the County Budget, (should be on the heading.)
3. Each person may speak for 3 minutes at the beginning and after everyone has a turn ,each person may speak for 3 additional minutes or you may just come and turn in your testimony if you don't want to speak. We'd like many bodies to show up, but if you can not come, please send your testimony with the heading to Numbers of people gets the council's attention.
Mahalo & Aloha
POSTED: 4 February 2004 - 8:30am
Bill to Require Notification Before Spraying
Image courtesy of
Senator Gary Hooser has asked me to inform you about several Senate Bills coming up for hearing this Thursday, February 5, 2004 at the Hawaii State Capitol in conference room 224 at 2:45 pm. Please let your friends and colleagues know about these bills on HERBICIDE & PESTICIDE NOTIFICATION. We appreciate your support for SB 2127, SB 2263 and SB 2268. As you may
already know, these bills can be found and followed on our website: brief description of each bill and instructions on how to provide testimony follows.
Thank you very much.
Esther Solomon
Legislative Aide to Sen. Hooser
(808) 586-6883
SB 2127 RELATING TO HERBICIDE USE. Requires the department of transportation to post notification of dates, times, and locations of herbicide use on public trails and highways. ENE, TMG
SB 2263 RELATING TO PESTICIDES. Requires all state and county agencies applying pesticides to public places to post public notice at least 48 hours prior to, and after, application of pesticide. ENE, TMG
SB 2268 RELATING TO HERBICIDE USE. Requires the department of transportation to post notification of dates, times, and locations of herbicide use on public trails and highways.
Decision making to follow, if time permits. Persons wishing to testify ask Sargeant-At-Arms to make 25 copies of their testimony to give to, committee clerk, Room 205, State Capitol, Honolulu HI, 24 hours prior to the hearing.
Testimony may also be faxed if less than 5 pages in length, to the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms Office at 586-6659 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll free for neighbor islands), at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. When faxing, please indicate to whom the testimony is being submitted, the date and time of the hearing, and the required number of copies needed for submittal.