INDEX - PUBLIC ID# 0401-05
POSTED: 8 March 2004 - 8:00pm
Help Save a Beach!
Northshore beach as advertised on the web by vacation rental landlord
Lateral beach access along the shoreline at Wainiha is at risk if the Planning Commission approves of a building location permit application being heard at
9am March 9th at Lihue Civic Center
Moikkeha Bldg. Rm 2A-2B at 4444 Rice Street, Lihue.
The shoreline setback proposed for this house is so close to the beach that if built where planned, it would cut off lateral access along the beach.
The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) did a shoreline certification for the property in the summer time when the surge is at its lowest on the north shore. Despite the fact that the validity of the certification was legally questioned by a north shore resident, DLNR denied the challenge. DLNR determined that the setback starts from the naupaka that was planted and watered with irrigation lines installed in the sand of the public beach. If that artificial demarcation is used, the house would be so close to the waves during times of high surf that it would be impossible to walk along the beach in front of the house, effectively cutting off one end of the beach from the other. During a high surf this January photos revealed that the beach would be impassable if the house were to be placed in a location that would apparently meet with DLNR's approval.The Planning Commission cannot change the certified shoreline setback which is established by the DLNR. What the Planning Commission CAN do, however, is make adjustments for DLNR's inadequate shoreline certification by making sure that the setback for construction is adequate to protect the shoreline. I've been informed by the person who has researched this property very thoroughly, that the houses next it are set back 80 feet from the certified shoreline and that a similar setback would be appropriate for this parcel.
Now is the last chance for the beach in front of this parcel to be protected. Please attend this meeting or send testimony to the Planning Commission to ask that a substantial setback be established to preserve lateral beach access.
Send testimony to arrive by Friday to:
Kauai County Planning Commission
4444 Rice Street
Lihue, HI 96766Your testimony needs to reference this item as:
Lot 2, Wainiha Subdivision, S-84-58.
IF YOU CAN COME, THAT WOULD BE THE BEST INPUT OF ALL. It will be the very first item on the agenda at 9am, so you can come, give your testimony and leave within a short period of time.