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Green Articles

Ten Key Green Values

The Ten Key Values of the Greens

NRG in the News

Local residents will pay the taxes NRG Energy doesn't pay

First 21st Century Green's Meeting

The Greens had a kickoff meeting at the public library in Jamestown

Local Globalism Means Extortion

A company called NRG Energy bought two local power plants

Earth Day Lobby Day 2000

There is an Earth Day lobby day on Monday April 10th in Albany

The Turtles   

Northeastern turtles and how they are threatened.

Tonic for the Local Economy?

Alternatives to cold, hard cash which might stimulate local economies

The Ithaca Money System

Ithaca Hours, a long lived successful local currency

Skills Exchange

Students and teachers in Olympia, WA set up a time share system

Suburban Sprawl at the Millennium

Aesthetics of our surroundings have changed in the last century.

Avoiding Sprawl 

An initiative by the Arts Council for Chautaqua County

Economic Health vs Growth 

An article on the standard measure of economic health... growth!

Growth Followup 

An analysis of GNP as the measure of social and economic health

The Landfill Threat Again

Local politicians don't get it yet. It's a public service stupid!

Parking Downtown 

Bad planning practice in a small city in western New York.