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Fiction & Essays

Wrap It Up

From the streets of Paradise in Waikiki Beach, an interview with Ra, hair wrapping artist and philosopher extraoridinaire.

The Untold Story

An article on why we need to tell stories to one another, by Juan Wilson.

The Moon Shot

The summer of 1969 included mankind's first trip to the moon and the Woodstock Music Festival. This story is by Juan Wilson

The Family Downstairs

A short account of discovering furry creatures beneath the floorboards of an old house, written by Chris Wood.

Imagining Chautauqua

This fictional account is the result of several community members envisioning a possible sustainable "Green" future for the Chautauqua Lake region a generation from now. This originally appeared in three installments beginning in Spring Bud 1995. Written by Juan Wilson with assistance from Linda Pascatore, Rebecca Albaugh, and Mark Fitzsimmons.

A Slow Walk

A short fictional story about a young girl from this area discovering herself in California, written by Stephen C. Peters.

Earth Mover & Earth Tender

A children's story about a married couple who happen to be giants. It was originally published exclusively in the 1993 Summer Growth issue of the Gobbler. It was written by Juan Wilson.

The Furniture

A true story that was inspired by the visit of an old man to the home of a middle aged man. The two didn't realize that they had first met when the old man was young and the middle aged man a boy. This story, by Juan Wilson, was published exclusively in the 1994 Spring Flower issue of the Gobbler.

The Relief Pitcher

A short story about the subtleties of baseball written by Stephen C. Peters. He is a novelist and screen writer living in California. His article was published first in the 1994 Spring Bud issue of the Gobbler.

The Skaters

A romantic short story about teenagers written by Stephen C. Peters. He is a novelist and screen writer living in California. His article was published first in the 1994 Winter Crystal issue of the Gobbler.

My First Eagle Sighting

A non fictional personal account of a first eagle sighting by Gary Cuckler.