INDEX - LOCAL ID# 0815-04
POSTED: 8 JANUARY 2008 - 6:30am HST
Implementing Solutions for Diversity at KKCR
image above: Stage being setup for November 2005 KKCR fundraiser at Church of the Pacific on the
North Shore. Photo by Juan Wilson.
by Jonathan Jay on 9 January 2008
Aloha Ohana of the Many Communities of Kaua`i;
We are all human - we all make mistakes. Make no mistake about that!
Mistakes have certainly been made at KKCR... However, if we don't all stop digging in, we will sooner or later, lose sight of the above world. Let's avoid that, shall we?
At this point, of the many important issues raised (and there have been many, raised by many voices), perhaps the most outstanding issue is:WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?
I write now to ask for your help -- YOU -- YES YOU!
I am confident that many on Kaua`i broadly share the goal of a maximally diverse station that more deeply embodies the mission statement of KKCR and more accurately reflects the many faces of all the differing communities that live on Kaua`i.
Interestingly, I just found out at, that Kaua`i is one of the most ethnically diverse counties in the nation - we are #4.
Here is the top 20:
1 Hawaii County (HI) 0.77
2 Queens County (NY) 0.76
3 Maui County (HI) 0.75
4 Kauai County (HI) 0.74
5 Aleutians West Census Area (AK) 0.74
6 Aleutians East Borough (AK) 0.74
7 Alameda County (CA) 0.73
8 Kings County (NY) 0.71
9 Honolulu County (HI) 0.71
10 Hudson County (NJ) 0.70
11 Robeson County (NC) 0.70
12 Fort Bend County (TX) 0.69
13 New York County (NY) 0.69
14 San Francisco County (CA) 0.69
15 Los Angeles County (CA) 0.69
16 Solano County (CA) 0.69
17 Santa Clara County (CA) 0.68
18 Kalawao County (HI) 0.68
19 Harris County (TX) 0.68
20 Dallas County (TX) 0.67
From the Atlas of Hawai`i (3rd edition) 1998, here is the basic ethnic breakdown of Kaua`i from the 1990 census:
25.3% Hawai`ian/Part Hawai'ian
20.1% Other including non-Hawai`ian mixtures
18.4% Caucasian
18.4% Japanese
17.3% Filipino
I am also confident we each hold a vision of a station that provides excellence in radio, maximum community access and free flow of information, and music and culture and life. All that remains is to determine how to best implement this goal and these visions - how to make 'em all more real.
Much has recently 'passed beneath the bridge' but lets see if we can refrain from further flotsam and jetsam. From here out, lets' try to stay focused on specific steps we can take together to bring about solutions.
Some things to consider:
1) What do you see as viable concrete steps NOT YET TAKEN that
could be helpful to increase the diversity of 'access to' participation in, and and 'management of' KKCR? -- lets share these ideas, and develop a shared plan to implement them -- now.
2) Who are some level-headed, capable persons committed-to-diversity
who seem to trend toward solution finding? -- please stand up and share
your leadership -- now.
3) Who are some level-headed gentle-yet-effective persons committed
helpful cultural structural reform at KKCR? -- please share your wisdom
now, and articulate your plan of action so that others may join you -- now.
4) Who has clear lines of communication to the 'separated camps' able to calmly bring aggrieved parties TOGETHER? -- please use your influence now now to bring people together for solutions -- now.
5) How can we most swiftly repair the damage, and begin the HEALING? -- how can we move forward t a place of greater strength and deep commitment to broadly serving the communities of Kaua`i? Let's begin this -- now.
6) How can we accomplish the biggest and broadest buy-in throughout the
COMMUNITIES_ on Kaua`i ? Huki Lau Radio -- we are hungry for this -- now.
7) How we can honestly begin difficult-yet-critical work to help make KKCR a better radio station? -- let's apply ourselves here -- now.
8) Your Thoughts? Please share your insights to resolution of the
present conflicts and the building of a better, more healthy station. There is no time like the present.
A lot of people care greatly about this. You are probably one. We can do this - it is as 'simple' and 'easy' as agreeing to begin. Working 'smart' and 'hard' with a humble and open heart -- this is not always so easy to do -- But absolutely necessary -- especially now.
I think 2008 has the potential to be one of KKCR's biggest years yet.
You probably have some of the answers.
[Editor's Note: some longtime supporters of KKCR have suggested that two actionss could heal several of the stations problems.
1) Listerner elected board members
2) A more centralized main studio (Lihue or Kapaa)]
see also:
Island Breath: KKCR and Racism 1/6/08
Island Breath: KKCR Video 1/3/08
Island Breath: KKCR Controversy 1/3/08