POSTED: 22 DECEMBER 2007 - 8:00am HSTThe New Russell da Rooster Show
image above: "The Storybook Theatre" painting by Anna Raimondi.
by Mark Jeffers on 19 December for The Storybook Theatre
In recognition of a decade of producing the acclaimed Children's’ Television show ‘Russell da Rooster’, the Cast and Crew of Storybook Theatre of Hawai’i will host open auditions for new talent on the show. On set are needed singers, dancers, puppeteers, musicians, comedians, magicians, & circus artists of all ages, while off stage videographers, video editors, set designers, costumers can contribute to the show. Additionally, babies & infants older than 8 months are sought to portray menehunes in an upcoming segment of the show.
Auditions will be held in Storybook Theatre at 3814 Hanapepe Road on Saturday January 12th at 10AM. Participants are asked to have a photograph of themselves and a short biography of personal experiences and interests with your name and contact information on it.
The Russell The Rooster has been seen on Kaua`i for over ten years on the commercial channel, Oceanic channel 6. Storybook has a studio with a full 3 TV camera production core with live switching and audio to produce great media for children of all ages everywhere.Contact: Mark Jeffers - Executive Director
Storybook Theatre of Hawaii
phone: 808-335-0712
fax: 808-335-0702
write:P.O. Box 820, Hanapepe, HI, 96716