Kauai IWD: Good weather - Fine company
SOURCE: LINDA PASCATORE 15 March 2005 - 8:45pm
Madame La Paz, the Peace Dove Puppetby Linda Pascatore
On Saturday, March 12, Kauai women and men gathered to celebrate International Women's Day. The weather cooperated, and the lawn of the Historic County Building in Lihue was a perfect venue for the event, which was sponsored by the Kauai Peace Ohana. The theme of the day was "Honoring Women as Peacemakers".
Joanne Yukimura presents Certificate to Blu Dux
A high point of the event was the presentation of a Certificate to Honor the International Women's Day Celebration on Kauai. The County Council Resolution was co-sponsored by Councilwoman Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho, and presented by Councilwoman Joanne Yukimura to Blu Dux of the Kauai Peace Ohana.
Blu Dux of the Kauai Peace Ohana
The certificate reads, "This year's theme 'Honoring Women as Peacemakers' recognizes the key role women have played throughout the century as peacemakers in their homes, communities, and society. As the givers of life, women have often felt called to be the protectors and sustainers of life. For their roles in sustaining life on a daily basis, the Council honors all women. As a sister, wife, mother, or grandmother, a woman often times is called on to mediate differences that may arise within her family to keep the family unit strong. The Council wholeheartedly supports this event and urges the people of Kauai to join in clebrating International Women's Day.
Dr. Ann West speaks on the empowerment of women
International Women's Day is celebrated throughout the world and in many countries is designated as a national holiday on March 8th. This special event is also commemorated at the United Nations to honor the contribution women have made in promoting equality, justice, peace and development for all.
Melissa Crabtree, singer/songwriter, entertains
There was a variety of musical entertainment, poetry, and speakers. There was an open microphone format, so that all women could have their voices heard. Several organizations dealing with peace and women's issues had displays and presentations.
Human Peace Sign around Peace Dove
The group joined hands to form a living peace sign, with the Peace Dove kite featured as the centerpiece. Women and men left the celebration full of inspiration and hope.
Kauai IWD Press Release
SOURCE: LINDA PASCATORE 9 March 2005 - 7:45pm
A dove of peace "kite" that is to decorate the celebration on Kauai
Press Release: Kauai International Women’s Day Celebration
There will be an International Women’s Day Celebration on Saturday, March 12th at the Historic County Building in Lihue from 12:00 to 3:30. The theme of the Kauai event is “Honoring Women as Peacekeepers”.
The Kauai event will feature a special musical guest, Melissa Crabtree, nationally known bluesy folk musician and environmentalist. Dr. Ann West and Carol Bain will speak on women’s issues. The poet Michaella will be featured. Other musical performers include local singer/songwriter Blu Dux and Donna Whitaker.
All attendees will be invited to participate in forming a Living Peace Sign, and a large handmade Dove Kite will preside over the festivities. The public is invited to speak in three minute open microphone sessions. All are welcome--men as well as women and children--all who believe that women’s voices should be heard.
Although the Kauai Celebration will be held on Saturday, March 12th, the actual date of International Women's Day is March 8th. It is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.
International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. Today a central organizing principle of the work of the United Nations is that no enduring solution to society's most threatening social, economic and political problems can be found without the full participation, and the full empowerment, of the world's women.
The event is sponsored by the Kauai Peace Ohana. For more information you cantelephone Blu Dux at (808) 332-0952
or e-mail Linda Pascatore at
The International Women's Day Celebration
SOURCE: FAITH HARDING 18 February 2005 - 8:30am
World March for Women - IWD 8 March 2000 - Geneva, Switzerland
Kauai Peace O'hana invites you all to come and joinThe International Women's Day Celebration
Saturday, March 12th, 12:00-3:30pm
in front of the Historical County Buiding on Rice Street in Lihue
Women are the peacekeepers and the peacemakers
Dr. Ann West
Claire Mortimer
Love Tribe
The Daily Grind
Keahi Felix
Michaella Mintchiff
If you would like to speak, sing/play music, recite or for more information:
Please contact...
Blu Dux by phone at 332-0952
Faith Harding by email at
The Kauai Peace O'hana is active in the counter-recruitment movement for our youth. We will be at Waimea High School's Career Day on Feb. 23rd and hopefully Career Days at other schools on the island.
For more info about IWD