KKCR: Kauai Community Radio
12 December 2005 - 8:30pm
KKCR membership party at Church of the Pacific on 3 Decmeber 2005
The voice of Kauai
by Linda Pascatore 12 December 2005
I recently attended a KKCR party celebrating their fundraiser. It was a lovely afternoon of music, socializing and fun, held at the Church of the Pacific in Princeville. Most of the eclectic group at the party were outside around the gazebo, relaxing on the lawn and enjoying the music. My favorite artist was Dawn, who sang some very spiritual songs and accompanied herself beautifully on the harmonium.
Inside the church hall, there was a silent auction of donated goods and services, and those donors who pledged money during the fund drive could pick up the gifts and special offers that came with their pledges. My prizes were an hour Permaculture Consultation with Ray Maki, which I am really looking forward to, and the Talk Story CD featuring Kauai Slack Key Artists.
KKCR is unique in that it is the only noncommercial, full powered radio station in the State. The station offers several talk and call in shows that guarantee a voice to our local community on Kauai. Their Community, Arts and Entertainment, and Hawaiian Entertainment Calendars are a great resource to keep up on what is happening in our community.
Radio listeners are treated to a wide variety of musical styles, including Hawaiian, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Reggae, Bluegrass, Classical New Age and World music. There is truly something for everyone here.
KKCR is the only station on Kauai that carries liberal news in the form of Democracy Now, Free Speech Radio News and Pacifica National News. They also do a good job of summarizing local news daily.
There are several weekly shows that feature local authorities on some specialized subjects. One is Pets in Paradise, with Veterinarian Dr. Basko, who fields questions about natural pet care. Another favorite is Back to the Garden, with Tracey, Dove, and Kamran, who teach us about organic gardening and give advice to listeners who call in.
KKCR is powered by volunteers and contributions. All the DJ’s work on a volunteer basis. Most also do a lot of service working on community events and fundraisers as well. You can tune in at 90.9 or 91.9 to enjoy our community radio.
PO Box 825
Hanalei, HI 96714
Toll Free: 866-275-1112
Local: 826-7774
Request: 826-7771