INDEX - ID# 0510-19
18 August 2005 - 9:00am
Click on the Mokihana logo to visit the Website
Kauai Mokihana Festival
September 18-24, 2005, Island Wide
Varied Admission & Free Events
This is the 21st Anniversary year of this festival. There will be workshops, contests, music, folk crafts and Hawaiian language as Kaua`i celebrates its culture.The mission of the Kaua`i Mokihana Festival is to provide an event that educates, promotes, preserves and perpetuates the Hawaiian culture through its varied activities and for all people.
Named in honor of the highly treasured, light violet mokihana flower and green berry grown only in Kauai forests, the Kauai Mokihana Festival of contemporary Hawai`i art began with a single event-- the Kauai Composer's Contest and Concert in 1984-- and has carefully grown to a week of exciting of cultural events.The theme for 2005 is the "Year of the Hawaiian Endangered Species"
Festival Contact:
Nathan Kalama; PH: (808)- 822-2166 or email:
For updated information, visit KMF Website:
Kapaa First Hawaiian Church Service
begin at 10:00am. All Welcome. Join us for refreshments after service.SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18
Hawaiian Instrumental Competition
Hyatt Regency Kaua`i, Po`ipu Bay Grill & Bar- 6:00pm | $10.
Call (808)742-1234
Kaua`i Composer's Contest and Concert
KCC Performing Arts Center-7:00pm |$10 in advance/$15 door
"Eo, E Lili`u" Children's/Youth Music Competition,
KCC Performing Arts Center, 9:00am | $3TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20
Hula at Hanalei Night
Hanalei Bay Resort- 7:00pm | nominal fee
Hawaiian Cultural Workshop-Feathers
Aloha Beach Resort(9:00am-3:00pm) 822-2166
$40 pre-registration fee includes materialsWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21
Hawaiian Cultural Workshop - Hawai`i Endangered Species
Lihue Public Library, 7:00. -FREETHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22
Solo/Group Kahiko Nei Hula Competition
Sheraton Kaua`i Resort, Poipu - 6:00pm
Tickets: $10 in advance/$15 at door
/(Tickets available beginning Sept. 1st at locations listed at bottom of this page)FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23
Group `Auana Hula Competition
Special: Kaua`i's Aloha Festival's Royal Court will attend this event.
Sheraton Kaua`i Resort, Poipu - 6:00pm
Tickets: $10 in advance/$15 at doorSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24
Ho`olaulea -Family Activities
Entertainment, Craft & Food Booths
Kekaha Neighborhood Center
Noon - 5:00 | FREE
Solo `Auana Hula Competition & Festival Awards Finale
Kekaha Neighborhood Center – Begins at 5:00pm | FREE
(Optiona admissionl: Bring 1 canned good for Kaua`i Food Bank donation)
Events sponsored in part by Hawai`i Tourism Authority &
The County of Kaua`i Office of Economic Development
To visit our Mokihana Festival schedule for last year click
Island Breath: Mokihana 2004