POSTED: 12 JUNE 2004 - 4:00pm EST
Image of Starbucks in Escherland by Bernie Hou ©2005. Visit his site
I just found this website and it has one petition related to Kauai: Stop Starbucks from Opening a New Store on Kauai.
Looks like a good grassroots opportunity. Also allows you to view the current signatures, sign the petition and contact the creator. This petition was written by Melody Harwell at and says in part...STOP STARBUCKS FROM OPENING A NEW STORE ON KAUAI!!!
The community of Kapaa and surrounding areas want to keep our small town unique in character with small-individualized retail business, restaurants and many others. The people of Kauai play a large role in maintaining that character. The influx of formula strip malls, retail shops, restaurants and coffee shops are threatening the towns of Kauai.
POSTED: 19 JUNE 2004 - 7:00am HST
Keep Kauai Unique
Corporate logo of Starbucks looks new-agey and environmentally friendly
by Melody Harwell on 18 June 2004
When are we going to stand up to the corporate take-over of the world? When everything we see represents the same thing in the same shape. Don’t we as people enjoy the diversity of deferent cultures and environments. Starbucks has 45 stores islands wide they look and taste all the same. Some Starbucks stores are 2 per town. How much do they give back to the island? Stacy Mitchell, a research associate at the Institute for Local self-reliance, says that the only numbers about this effect are based on two small-scale studies in coastal Maine and Austin, Texas. Researchers found in both cases that for every $100 spent at a chain store, only $13 recalculated in the local economy. Independent stores, on the other hand, represent $45 locally, on things like local accountants and print shops.
Many People are beginning to see Starbucks as the new McDonald's the worlds becoming a fast food nation. Political scientist Benjamin Barber contends that this mega-expansion does more than just make communities aesthetically bland. Barber claims that what he calls "McWorld" is creating a "homogenous global theme park" that is slowly undermining democracy by using the free market to expand against society's best interests. But homogenization is, by definition, a signal of the loss of diversity, uniqueness and charm, the long-range effects of which could be quite damaging. Starbucks well effects are town and the local establishments. Recognizing that the town of Kapaa is unique in character, that the small-individualized retail businesses and restaurants in Kapaa Town will not be able to compete with rent prices of corporations such as Starbucks. The community is Collecting 2,000 + signatures in opposition to a Starbucks location in Kapaa Town. Sign NOW we need so 1,900 more support your community!
Check out the petition at:
or sign at Java Kai in Kapaa.
Howard Shults, CEO of Starbucks Coffee Company, claimed he was only interested in going into areas where people want a Starbucks. (Business Ethics Magazine, November/December 1995) Starbucks Hawaii said they will come in to Kappa no matter where it is. (Garden Island Friday, May 7,2004) There are 45 Starbucks in the State of Hawaii that enough. There are 5 independent coffee merchants in Kappa Town we don’t need a Starbucks. Starbucks has history of pushing out established independent merchants and more and more visitor’s make Kauai their destination for its uniqueness not just the same places they can go to at home. This are a few comments made by people who signed the petition. Please help by sighing the petition and supporting your local merchants. After signatures are collected we will be presenting them to the city council and have it placed on the ballet we well need your help and support to get it there. These are a few comments made by people that have sighed the petition.
"I am not a resident of Kauai but visit often and felt that I still wanted to express how against this I am. Keep Kappa local, do not allow Starbucks to take over. All you need to do is go downtown Seattle, Washington to see what your town will look like in a very short while, it is not a pretty sight."
"Keep Kauai Unique"
"Support local merchants, we already have great coffee in Kapaa and more on the way… " a local merchant
"Preserve our special Garden island for are keikis"What else can you do to help?
E-mail Kauai Village property Management: Wade.Lord@cbre.comWrite or Call:
Coffee Partners Hawaii
Honolulu Support Center (HSC)
210 Ward Avenue, Suite. 100
Honolulu, HI 96814 (T: 808-545-1149)