POSTED: 29 MAY 2004 - 3:00pm HST
Wonder Walks 2004: Summer Guided Hikes in Kokee
Kokee ridges looking to the south
Koke'e Natural History Museum
Wonder Walks 2004: Summer Guided Hikes
Space on all hikes is limited ~ Call 335-9975 or email early to reserve
Click here for the website for Kokee Natural History Museum
• Trail choice always depends on weather.
• Pihea Trail leaves at 8 am, bring lunch.
• Meet at Koke'e Museum at 12:15 pm. If you are registered, please call if you can’t make the hike.
• All hikes leave on time at 12:30 pm. Eat lunch first.
• Bring drinking water, sunscreen, protective clothing and hiking boots.
• Light rain gear suggested.
• Donations are appreciated.
Typical Ferns along trails
June 6, July 17, August 14 & September 12 ~ Kaluapuhi Trail
This easy family hike takes you along native vegetation, which mixes with introduced species, such as groves of plum and karaka nut trees. A native palm, the Pritchardia, can be seen close to this trail, which ends near the Kalalau Lookout. If you haven’t already viewed Kalalau Valley, now is your opportunity.June 13, July 4 & 18, August 15 & 29 ~ Pu`u ka Ohelo - Berry Flats Trail
This family hike along Berry Flats Trail offers sightings of forest birds and introduced California redwoods, Australian eucalyptus, and Japanese Sugi pines. The native koa and`ohi`a lehua trees offer a canopy as you stroll along this moderate forest loop.
July 24 & September 5 ~ Waininiua Trail
As you walk to the trail head of Waininiua Trail, an easy, family forest trail, you will have a view of man’s introduction of garden plants now naturalized. Native `ohi`a and koa trees mix with introduced, aggressive strawberry guava and black wattle. Also, keep your eyes open for native birds, such as the `apapane and `elepaio.
June 27, July 11, August 7 & 22 ~ Koke`e - Halemanu Loop
Halemanu or “House of Birds” was the home to many native species, which you may be fortunate to see, the `apapane, friendly `elepaio and perhaps even an `i`iwi. A canopy of Hawaiian koa and `ohi`a lehua trees will offer a welcome shade along this moderate forest hike.
June 20, July 3 & 25, August 21 ~ Cliff Trail & Canyon Trail
This strenuous hike, along the Cliff and Canyon Trails to the head of Waipo`o Falls, offers breath-taking views into Waimea Canyon. You will see native koa, `ohi`a, sandalwood, halapepe, and hahalua trees along the hike, as well as our state tree, he kukui, and the graceful, white tailed tropic birds in the Canyon.
July 10 & 31, August 28 ~ Pihea Trail
Pihea Trail is a strenuous rain forest hike along the back ridge of Kalalau Valley, this trail offers incredible views into the valley and across the canopy of the Alaka`i Swamp. Experienced birders will show you some of Kaua`i’s native and introduced birds found in the area. Bring your binoculars and lunch!
View from trail along Kalalau Ridge