06 October 2004 12:30pm
Note: there are no dates on these images and can only be said to represent historic conditions
Bed a little lumpy...
Toss and turn any...
Wish the heat was higher...
Maybe the a/c wasn't on...
Had to go to the john...
Need a drink of water...
Well check out the sleeping conditions American troops have to live with in Iraq
Reuters News
Eric Feferberg / French Press Agency
Jean-Marc Bouju / Associated Press
unknown sourceYES... IT IS LIKE THAT!
to read what vets have to say themselves aboutduty in Iraq check out
Think of them the next time when...
the other car cuts you off and you must hit the brakes,
or you have to park a little further from Walmart than you want to be,
or you're served slightly warm food at the restaurant,
or the shower runs out of hot water.
Count your blessings - pray for them.